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I am annoyed no thought to send for me earlier. I arrive almost an hour after they've already begun to work on securing the engineers to build the surgical device that could save Julian's heart. It is jarring to me, just how little the Silvers know about any sort of actual medicine. Besides waving their witchy little fingers over a bruise and sending it away, they're basically children.

I survey the room as I enter, hot on Sara's heels. Mare is asleep in a chair next to the wall, snoring softly, Evangeline's hands are running through her hair as she paces across the floor, Cal and Davidson, along with a few Red Nortan Engineers who used to work the black market medicine business are drawing plans for the device. I am no engineer, no mechanic, barely familiar with technology at all, I feel rendered useless. So I stand, one shoulder leaned against the wall and watch for hours as the men and women work diligently at drawing plans and building prototypes. It is 4am when Davidson finally addresses the room.

"All of your efforts are greatly appreciated. But right now, what's important is rest. According to high healer Skonos, the Premier has at least three more days. We will get a jump start on this in the morning. I would like you all here again at noon. We have time yet. But now, you could all use a rest."

Cal is about to pipe up when the Premier puts a hand on his arm, "you need to rest son".

Cal's eyes fall, but he nods. Anyone can see he's exhausted, I can see it from his reformed, sunken eyes, and the way his shoulders are slumped forward. I feel a pang of pity for the poor boy. I know if I had had the chance to save Shade I wouldn't have been able to bring myself to sleep until I was able to work out every possible flaw in the plan. To make sure everything was right.

People begin filing out of the room, but I wait after, making my way towards Barrow to wake her from her slumber. But Cal is quicker, scooping her in his large arms and giving me a polite nod as he sidles by me into the hall. He carries her so gently, I don't bother to worry. I know he will put her to bed, and be gone before she even wakes if he can. Noble to a fault.

Who would've thought I'd ever think such a thing of Prince Tiberias.

I chuckle as I watch his form retreat into the hall. But my mind is somewhere else. It has been all evening. Sara told me that by Clara's second birthday she would be showing signs of whatever ability she would have.

'It could be any day now' she had said to me.

Those words ring in my ears.

Would I rather her be normal. What is normal, Diana? Or would I rather her be like her father.

I don't know.

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