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I let my hand take Cal's as we walk back to our bedchambers from the council meeting. It feels nice to be able to just be present in our relationship, to hold hands like any other twenty something couple, and not be worried about the weight of the world on our shoulders.  I squeeze his hand and offer him a small smile.

It has been tough. Dealing with the loss. Mostly because we had already processed it a year ago. But now it was like all we had known was a lie. At first I felt like a complete failure for not finishing the job when I had the chance. But now, it has settled to just a dull ache deep in my heart. One I only feel when I let my mind wander to the ghost boy I once loved. I am glad I no longer carry the burden of having ended his life myself. Even after everything, I am thankful someone else did that.

I lean into Cal's warmth, my head against his shoulder as we walk.

In a strange way, having Maven die by someone else's hand has actually helped Cal. True enough that he did lose his brother twice, but this way his memory of Maven is truly one beyond repair. One he can't blame himself for not saving. And he'll never look at me the way he used to. Never again will he look at me and see the girl who took his little brother away forever. That burden is now one borne by Ptolemus. And I am glad of it.

I let my feet carry my towards the normal route to our rooms, but Cal pulls me gently down another hallway.

"Cal?" I ask, letting him pull me from my thoughts. "Where are we going?"

He smiles and shoots me a crooked smile. "You'll see."

I don't protest. I assume we're going to take the long way around, it is offers the prettier view. But to my surprise he pulls me down the hall away from our rooms. Towards his old chambers.

But that is not there that we end up.

Instead, he pulls me through a set of doors I recognize, but cannot immediately place. As we enter I see a room bathed in pale moonlight, scented softly of flowers from the trellis on the balcony, it all comes back. I cannot fight back the smile that splits my face when I hear the music. The song we danced to. The song we stole our first kiss to.

"May I have this dance?" Cal asks, extending his hand out to me.

"Of course." I say, not able to stop smiling. I take his hand and let him lead me to the center of the room.

He feels a little warmer than usual as we dance, getting back easily into the rhythm he taught me so long ago. It feels like another lifetime. I smile at him, losing focus from my steps and stepping on his toes.

"You'll see my dance skills are not much improved" I say, grinning at him as I regain my balance.

"No." He says with a grin "they most certainly aren't."

We both laugh, and lean into each other. I can feel his heartbeat quicken slightly as I lean into him, slowing our dance to less of a waltz and more of a slow sway. I never want this song to end. But like any perfect moment, it fades all too quickly. I hear the music end, but I don't separate myself from him. I am should like to stay this way forever.

It is he who separates our embrace, gently removing himself from my arms. He walks outside to the balcony, the moonlight giving him a heavenly halo of white light as he moves out of my view. I am content to watch him walk. He looks more handsome than ever before.

"Mare come look at this!" He calls suddenly and I spring outside.

Oh god not another body, not another shooting, or bombing. Not another death.

My heart pounds as I dash outside, looking around for a threat, calling lightning to my fingertips. I am ready for anything.

Until I am not. Oh my god this cannot be happening. I turn to my left and see Cal on his knee. I run to him, please don't let him be hurt.

"Cal are you—" I stop dead in my tracks when I see what's in his hands.

"Cal" I say, my breath catching in my throat. "Cal, I—" I feel tears forming in my eyes. "Are you, proposing?"

"Obviously." He says with a mischievous smirk, his eyes twinkling in the moonlight.

I cannot hold in the tears that have begun to pour from my eyes.

"Mare Molly Barrow." I sniff loudly, unable to stop the smile so wide that it threatens to tear my face in two. "I love you more than anything. And I want to be with you always. Will you marry me?"

My knees buckle and before I realize what's happening I am kneeling next to him, tears streaming down my face as I take his hands in mine.

"Oh Cal." I say, taking his face in my hands and kissing him.

He kisses me back, but then pulls away.

"Is that a yes?" He asks, a slight tremor in his voice as I see his eyes shining.

"Yes. Yes a thousand times yes." I say as i lean into him. "Always. Cal I will always choose you."

We are both crying as he slips the ring onto my finger. It is a silver band with a princess cut Ruby in the center. Red and Silver. It matches my earring perfectly.

I do not know how long we stay on the balcony, holding each other, and crying. I never want this moment to end.

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