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I collapsed into a restless sleep the second my head hit the pillow. I could have left, or fallen asleep like Barrow, I wasn't actually helping. But I couldn't bring myself to leave, the thought that I might be useful kept me rooted in place. Davidson walked me to my rooms, telling me how crucial my Magnetron abilities would be during the actual construction of the device. I could've guessed as much.

What I couldn't have guessed is that he wants me to power it and control it in Julian's surgery. He wants me, a twenty one year old, Silver born ex-princess to do the surgery. His claim was that they'll be able to do the actual surgery tomorrow if they only have to build the metal frame of the device not the complex electronic insides.

"I haven't told anyone else about it" he said to me. "It's up to you whether you want to or not."

But he knew I'd agree. He knows I don't really have a choice. The only real chance to save Julian is if I preform the surgery tomorrow night.

I was too exhausted to stay up and worry. I found Tolly passed out on my sofa when I entered, having clearly fallen asleep waiting for me to return. I curse myself for forgetting to send word to him that I'd be gone so late. I tuck a blanket around my big brother, and then turn off the lamp. I close the door to my room as softly as I can so as not to wake him.

I wake the next morning at 8am. I had only slept for 4 hours. It was certainly not enough, but I am too worried to fall back to sleep now. I pace in my rooms, forming and reforming gowns and shirts, armor and pants with metal, braiding thin strips, fashioning complex head pieces. It does nothing to soothe my nerves. Eventually I settle on black leather training pants and a chain mail blouse. I put a thick braid in my dark silver hair and intertwine long strips of metal so it shines in the sun.

I decide to see if Barrow is awake, and if she is, if she wants to spar. It usually wakes me up well enough back in Montfort, and we did call raincheck on our last match (for obvious reason). So I start down the hall, leaving Tolly still asleep on my couch. I do leave a note, telling him where I'm going so as not to just completely abandon him again. I am not the only one awake, servants, and other nobles move quietly through the halls of the apartments. When I make it to her door I resolve to knock this time, not wanting to walk in on something else.

"Who is it?" Her voice calls, sounding sleepy, as though I've woken her up.

"Eve" I call. "I was hoping I could interest you in that sparring we were meant to do yesterday?"

Only yesterday. The thought bounces through my head. So much has happened in only a day.

"Umm yea Eve sure sounds good." Her words float through the door, it sounds as if she's trying not to laugh. "Meet me in twenty minutes?"

I don't move. I don't know if I'm in a state to be alone right now, even just waiting for her. I'm worried I'll tear my hair out from stress alone.

"Can I come in?"

The question hangs oddly in the air, her taking a moment to respond. I swear I can hear whispering from behind the door. She wouldn't be foolish enough to have him back in bed already, would she?

She finally responds.

"Come in."

I enter, to see her in a silk nightshirt, wrapped up in her sheets as she sits up against the headboard. She offers me a small smile.

"How did you sleep?" She asks, genuinely concerned as to my well being.

"Fine" I say.

It is clearly a lie but she doesn't press it. She nods, and gets out of bed, stretching as she moves to the closer to get her training clothes. She pulls a brush through her dark hair before tying it into a ponytail on top of her head. She dons a pair of training pants, almost identical to my own and a dark red long sleeved top. She laces up her boots and then nods to me.

"Let's do this, Haven" she grins.

As we leave her rooms I see a small smile. She thinks she succeeded in hiding the fact that Cal had slept over. As I exit the bedroom I call over my shoulder.

"Good morning, Tiberias."

Mare stops short, her ears flushing.

"How did you-"

"Flame bracelets on the table" I shrug. "Don't worry, I'll keep it to myself."

She smiled gratefully and I put a hand on her arm, returning the smile. I have not seen her this happy in a long while.

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