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I did not want to be seen. I did not want to let her watch me die But Farley is right. I want to be with her and she deserves to be with me. 

I feel no pain as I speak with Eve, trying to memorize her face for whatever comes next. I don't know what it is, but I know it is a place she won't be, and one she shouldn't come to for a long time still. 

And so I stroke her hair gently as I struggle to keep my eyes open. 

I want my last words to be something sentimental, something she can treasure. But in the end, they end up being a reassurance, one as best as I can manage.

"I love you Eve. This isn't your fault. You couldn't have stopped it."

The last thing in the world that I want is for her to stop sleeping too. For her one escape from pain to be haunted by visions of me as I am right now.

"I love you."

I whisper it again as I feel myself falling, not into darkness, but light. Light all around me. I know the light. I feel the light. It is familiar. And so I am not afraid for myself as I fall. My only worry is for Eve, for the horrible things her mind will twist this into. 

I try to whisper my love again but suddenly my body is not my own. My lips are not my own and all I can feel is the warmth around me, a pleasant warmth. And my thoughts fade too, as does my vision. The last thing I see is her face, her beautiful face looking down on me.

Goodbye my sweet. You are the love of my life. 

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