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I do not attend dinner.

I don't think I can bear the thought of looking anyone in the face. Not the people I'd be letting down if I left, and certainly not the people I'd be pissing off if I stayed.

So I remain locked in my apartments, hold up, pacing back and forth for hours as Tolly tries unsuccessfully to come up with plans. He has already sent for Elane who promised over the radio to be here as soon as she could. It was the smart thing to do. I need her to help clear my head. I run my hand through my hair for the hundredth time. I can feel it. becoming slick at the roots from all the oils on my palms. I am disgusted momentarily, until I realize how inconsequential it is right now. I sigh, and resume my pacing, hands once again fiddling with my long silver locks.

"You can say no Evie" Tolly reminds me for the hundredth time.

I let out a sigh of exasperation, "and where would that leave the assembly, Ptolemus?"

He stiffens at the use of his full name but I'm too upset to even react.

"What then, huh? Every ex-noble trying to fill the power vacuum Julian is slowly turning on with his final breathes?" I shake my head. "Can't happen."

How likely is it Davidson finds a cure? Some piece of Red technology, something, there has to be something.

I place all my hope in that, for hope is the only thing I can do right now. Until Elane gets here. Until I can think straight. Hours pass slowly, dragging on as Tolly offers the same solutions in slightly altered phrasing, as I pace, feeling a blister form on the side of my foot. I do not stop. Neither does he. 

You used to want the crown more than anything! I accuse myself, your wish left you cursed years later. 

I chastise myself for my foolishness in the past. 

As Tolly begins to drive me a whole new level of insane with his rambling, and the blister grows, I know I have to do something. I need to talk to someone good at advice. I need Elane, but she isn't due for another nine hours and I can't wait that long. And so I bid Tolly goodbye, and head down the hallway to where Barrow's chambers are. 

I enter through the door without a thought. The lights are all off in the entry hallway of the apartment, however a little bit of light shines under her bedroom door. I take it as a sign she's still awake. For a moment I consider turning back. I don't look put together, in fact I look more worn out than ever before. But Mare is my friend, and as much as I hate to admit it, she gives good advice.

"I need your advice, Barrow-" I cut off sharply at the sight that awaits me when I open the door.

I should have expected this. 

There, sitting straight up in bed is Mare Barrow, looking flushed and embarrassed as I see she is not alone.

"Good evening Prince Charming" I say, greeting Cal.

He flushes and flops back onto the pillows. I can see by the look of the bed and their clothes they actually haven't been up to much. Cal's shirt is still on, and the bedspread is still tucked under the mattress the way it was when we arrived. 

Must have been catching up. I muse with a wry smile. I remember a time when all I wanted was to throw Mare into Cal's bed. Now the only thing I want in this moment is for him to be out of hers.

I open my mouth to tease them when the door to the apartments opens. In dashes Sara Skonos, with Davidson hot on her heels.

"I think we found something" Sara says, not bothering to make any assumptions about what may have been happening or not happening when she walked in. 

Suddenly all is forgotten. I all but sprint to his side, staring down at the information in his book. I don't understand it, but if it will get me out of here, and save Julian, then I am all for it. 

"What do you need?"

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