Chapter 8

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You  were all heading back to Hank's car when you noticed that Nova was limping slightly. You became concerned.

"Hold up guys." You said. They stopped. You knelt down. Nova tried to hide one of her front legs. "Nova, let me see." You ordered. She whined and turned. You were shocked. Her leg had been sliced open, blue blood was leaking out. Connor knelt down and looked at her wound too. 

"Odd...a cut like that would have made her malfunction by now." He said. You sighed.

"Maybe she just got lucky. Come on. We gotta get her back to my place. My dad has to repair her." You said. 

"Let's go." Hank said. You all made it to Hank's car and Connor helped Nova into the back. Nova licked his hand as a thank you. Hank drove you all to your house and Nova let you pick her up and set her down on the ground so she wouldn't fall out of the car.

You all walked inside and you called out for your father. He came from the dojo. Yes, you had a training dojo. He smiled, welcoming you all.

"Ah, Hank. It has been a long time my old friend." He said. Hank shook his hand with a smile.

"Hey (F/n). Good to see you too." He replied. Your father turned to Connor.

"And I trust our newest family friend has been doing a good job of keeping an eye on my reckless daughter." He said.

"Hey!" You snapped. He laughed.

"I'm just kidding (Y/n)." He replied. "Well, at least about the reckless part." You elbowed him with a playful glare. He laughed. 

"Anyway! We need some help Dad. Nova hurt her leg." You said. He frowned. Nova whimpered and waved her injured leg in the air. He looked at it. 

"Hmm. That's quite the cut I'd say. Ironic, how it was her bad leg that got hurt." He said, giving her a stare like you'd never seen before. Her ears went back and she whimpered. He sighed. "I'll take care of it. You all should relax and got something to drink or eat." 

"Don't mind if I do." Hank said.

"I'm afraid we have no alcohol in this establishment Hank." You said with a teasing grin. He looked embarrassed.

"Eheh...wasn't thinking of that anyway." He lied. You laughed and you thought you even heard Connor chuckle. You all headed to the kitchen and you made chocolate shakes with whip cream for you and Hank. Connor didn't really need anything since he was an android. You got an idea.

"Hey Connor, you said you can analyze things in real time right?" 

"Yes." He replied.

"Would that include food?" You asked.

"Yes. Why?" He asked. 

"Wanna try my shake?" You asked, holding it out to him. He looked surprised.

"I don't see the point in analyzing your shake." He said.

"I was thinking since you can analyze things, you can basically taste them right?" You asked.

"I suppose..." He said, unsure of himself. You chuckled.

"So? Wanna try it?" You asked, putting a second straw in it for him. He took it and looked unsure whether or not to take you up on your offer.

"Oh just try the damn shake Connor." Hank said. "You'll be making (Y/n) happy anyway." Connor turned back to the drink in hand. He took a sip and you waited expectantly. He pulled back and you saw his lips pull into a surprised smile.

"I...I like it." He said, looking at you. There was a certain type of warmth in his chocolate brown eyes. You were really happy he'd enjoyed it. He even took another sip. You did something daring and took a sip out of your own straw while him did so. Your noses barely touched together and his eyes widened in shock. You looked back, hoping you hadn't just made him uncomfortable. You both stayed like that for what seemed like hours, but really for what was only a few seconds. A few second was enough for Hank to snap a photo though. You both broke away quickly after that and Connor quickly set down the glass as Hank laughed.

How Do I Love You? (Connor x Reader Detroit: Become Human Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now