You woke up the next morning and found yourself alone in your bed. You sat up. You instantly regretted it. You couldn't feel everything from your abdomen down. You felt dizzy. S-something's...w-wrong.... You knew it. You could tell something wasn't right. You felt your stomach do a flip. You lurched forward, covering your mouth with your hand. S-shit! You thought. You forced your legs to work as you hurried to the bathroom. You just barely made it to the toilet in time to throw up. You felt dizzy as all hell. You fell back, leaning against the bathroom wall. I-I need...h-help.... You thought. N-no...I'm fine. You told yourself, being stubborn.
"I-I'll just...take a shower. Maybe refreshing myself will help." You thought. You closed the door and walked back over to the shower after flushing the toilet. You reached for the handle, but you felt even worse and ended up leaning against the wall to balance yourself. What's...happening to me? Your hands were shaking. You thought of every possibility. When you came to one of them, you realized that there was only one way to find out.
Ash's POV
I was sitting in the kitchen with the guys and Scarlett as Connor and Carl cooked breakfast together. (Y/n) was still asleep. I knew why. It was obvious. Not that I minded. At least they had made up, right? I was reading the latest news on my phone when,
"ASH!!" I heard my sister as she contacted me. Nobody else could hear her. Only me. I knew she did that for a reason. She didn't want Connor to know something was wrong.
"Sis? Sis are you okay?!"
"NO!! IT HURTS LIKE HELL!! GET YOUR ASS UP HERE!!" I got really damn worried really fast. I looked at my siblings. None of them even reacted. I was glad that nobody else had noticed my worry. I did my best to play it cool.
"I'm gonna go check on (Y/n). Better wake her up before breakfast is done." I said casually.
"I was actually going to bring it to her." Connor said.
"Well, still. I'll go see if she's awake." I said. He smiled and nodded. Thank god. I walked out of the kitchen and as soon as I was far enough away, I bolted for her room. I quickly opened the door and shut it again. I looked around. She must be in the bathroom. I realized. I ran to the bathroom and whipped the door open. I was shocked. Blood dripped out of her mouth as she leaned over the toilet on her knees. She clutched her stomach tightly.
"H-help me..." She whimpered, tears in her eyes.
"I-it's okay! It's okay! I'm here, alright?! Y-you're gonna be fine!" I promised.
"A-Ash....I-I don't understand...w-what's happening!?" She cried. I scanned her.
Stress levels: 99%
Shit! I had to think of something to calm her down. My fear definitely wasn't helping.
"(Y/n). (Y/n) look at me, okay? You have to calm down or it's gonna get worse-" She lurched over again, throwing up another half a bucket of blood and stomach acids. I know, that's gross, but hey, I'm telling the story right now and that's what it was, okay?
"A-Ash....I'm scared." I got a washcloth and wiped the blood off her face and chin.
"'s okay." I repeated. "I'm gonna go get Dad. Just calm down. Breathe, sis. You can't get worked up, okay?" I told her. She nodded through her terrified and pain filled tears. I scanned her again quick.
Stress levels: 78%
Thank the lord that worked. I thought. The last thing I needed was my sister having a giant breakdown and possibly shutting off her emotions or killing herself. I hurried to get Dad. I ran back down the stairs and into his room.
"Dad! Something's wrong with (Y/n)!" I said. He looked over at me. He nodded urgently.
"Get her and bring her to my workshop. Go! Quickly!" He said. I nodded and ran back up the stairs, again. She looked up at me, trying to take deep breaths.
"I'm gonna bring you to his workshop okay? You're gonna be fine, little sister." I said.
"O-okay." She cried softly. There was blood on her clothes now. She looked liked she'd just been stabbed and the somebody had choked her. It was scary for me to see, to say the least. I carried her down the stairs. I decided that I had to tell somebody so that way they could cover for me while I cleaned up my sister's bathroom.
"Yeah, Ash? What's up?"
"(Y/n)'s is severely sick. I don't know what's wrong with her, but there's blood all over the bathroom. I have to clean it up. She doesn't want Connor to know. Cover for us? Please?" I asked him, biting my lip while hoping he'd agree.
"Alright, but how bad is it?" He asked.
"I...I hope it looks worse than it actually is." I replied. I went to clean the bathroom. I cleaned everything up and swiped my hand across my forehead when I was done. Glad that everything looks normal again. Then, I spotted something on the counter. I looked at it and my heart stopped.
"Ash?" I turned in a panic as I heard Zane walk into her bedroom. Shit! I quickly hid it in my back pocket. "Is everything alright now?" He asked. I was still trying to process what I had found.
"Y-yeah. Yeah, it's fine bro." I said, my back still turned to him.
"Ash? Are you okay?" I knew my face had probably gone pal. I swallowed back my nerves and turned toward him with my signature side smile.
"Yeah man. I'm fine. I was just...worried about (Y/n), ya know?" I said. He smiled understandingly at me.
"Yeah. I know. I'm sure she'll be fine." Zane said and left. I sighed. Will she?

How Do I Love You? (Connor x Reader Detroit: Become Human Fanfic)
Fanfiction"Miss (L/n), you and Anderson have been assigned with an android from Cyberlife for these cases." "Really? Well...alright. When will he or she arrive?" "I don't know, but I just hope that a stupid piece of plastic doesn't mess things up around here...