For about a week, things had been pretty calm. You and Connor were together, Scarlett had become like a mother to Nia, Kent and April were getting pretty close and the rest of your family was enjoying the time off they had.
It was only a matter of time before the humans came back to Detroit, but until then the androids were finding places all over Detroit to stay. The new Jericho location wasn't big enough for everyone.
You had woken up Saturday morning and Connor wasn't there. You were confused and a little worried. Connor usually refused to leave you without telling you where he was going. He'd visited Hank a few times, but he always told you when he was leaving. You got up and went downstairs. Once you got down there you could smell stuff cooking in the kitchen. You walked in and were shocked. Connor was there and Carl was with him. He was teaching Connor how to cook some different things. You smiled, delighted. Connor looked adorable. The combination of his curiosity and the his slight confusion made the picture even more adorable. Carl spotted you.
"Oh hey sis! I was just about to head out for the day, but Connor asked me to help him! I gotta get going! I'm meeting up with Jake to go skateboarding! See ya!" He said and hurried off. Connor smiled at you and hugged you.
"What's all this for?" You asked.
" know the first time I asked you to go out with me?"
"I...I wanted to take you on a real date. I wanted to start off the day with making you breakfast...but I...didn't really know how to cook. I know simple things, but nothing huge." He admitted, blushing the same old light blue color while looking very embarrassed. You thought it was the cutest and sweetest thing. You kissed his cheek.
"You're perfect, Connor. It's okay if you need help. Besides, I like to cook! We can do it together!" You said. He smiled happily.
"Really?" He asked.
"Of course! It'll be fun!" You said cheerfully. You both made breakfast together. You had fun with it. You had gotten pancake batter on his face on purpose and he'd then put some on your face. You'd laughed about it until he'd started kissing all over your face to clean it off, leaving you a huge blushing mess by the end of it.
You were working on the bacon when you heard him yelp. You turned around and saw him clutching one hand with the other. He'd removed his skin on the hand he was holding. You saw the expression of pain on his face and hurried over.
"What happened?" You asked.
"I-I...touched the stove." He said.
"Why would you do that?" You asked.
"I got...distracted." He admitted. You were confused.
"By what, we're the only ones...oh. Wait...were you staring at me?" You asked with a grin.
"N-no! I-I was just...*sigh*...yes." You smiled.
"It's okay baby." You said. "Now, let me see." He removed his other hand and you saw that he'd burned himself.
"I-I don't understand. I know I can sense when things are to hot, hurt when I touched it." You were confused.
"But...I thought androids didn't feel pain." You said.
"They shouldn't." Connor agreed. You hummed, thinking about it.
"We'll figure that out later. Right now, let's get you fixed up." You turned off the stove and put a glass cover over the food. "That'll keep it warm. Come on. Dad can fix it." You said. You both walked to his workshop room. Nova was sleeping in her dog bed in there. Your fater had given her a sleep mode. She was basically a real wolf. She could eat, she could sleep, she could drink, she couldn't get sick, but she could get injured.
(F/n) was working on something when you both walked in. He smiled.
"Hello you two. Do you need something?"
"Connor burned his hand. Can you help?" He nodded. Connor let him look at it and he chuckled.
"You act as if he lost his hand. That isn't as bad as it looks. Still, I can fix it." He said.
"It hurt more than it actually damaged me." Connor said.
"Wait, you felt pain?" (F/n) asked.
"We're still trying to figure that one out ourselves." You said. Your father hummed, thinking about it.
"Well, it's probably nothing huge. Maybe it irritated one of your sensors and that simulated the feeling of pain." He said. You shrugged.
"Make sense." You said. Connor nodded. (F/n) worked on fixing his hand. "I'll go finish up the food. Meet you in the kitchen when your done Connor!" You said.
"Okay." He said. You smiled at him and then you left.
Connor's POV
He fixed my hand and I thanked him. I was about to go back to (Y/n), but I spotted Nova. I wondered how she could do the things I couldn't. (Y/n) had told me she was able to sleep, eat, and drink. I frowned a little. She was...normal. I shook it off. It didn't matter.
I went back into the kitchen and I smiled as I saw her getting everything ready. I sat down next to her. We talked with each other as she had her breakfast. I was glad she always remember to include me. It made me feel better.
After she was done we talked about what we could do for the day. I had been thinking of what we could do tonight for the date. She thought that it was going to be during the day, but...I had a better idea.

How Do I Love You? (Connor x Reader Detroit: Become Human Fanfic)
Fanfic"Miss (L/n), you and Anderson have been assigned with an android from Cyberlife for these cases." "Really? Well...alright. When will he or she arrive?" "I don't know, but I just hope that a stupid piece of plastic doesn't mess things up around here...