You had been working with Dagger for a few days now. Each day you got more and more distant from her. She was being really sweet around Connor, but every time he wasn't looking shed pull something and either make you upset or make you upset and make it look like you were the bad guy. Connor and Hank never saw it. She was too good for that. Your gut had been right. This lady was up to something and you could feel it. Whenever you talked to Connor about it he said you were probably just uncomfortable with another person joining the three of you. You'd stop telling him about it afterward. Ash, on the other hand, he was with you 100%. The moment he met Dagger he was practically barking like a rabid dog at her. He didn't actually say anything to her, but you could tell he didn't like her. Carl and Kent thought he was crazy and Zane just thought it was his trust issues.
You were on another mission with her. You tried as hard as you could to keep your cool. You all were looking for a gang that had roughed up and animal android. The animal had been very badly damaged so they'd sent it to your father for fixing. You hadn't seen it yet, but you heard it was a female of something. You looked around the pet store that had been broken into. This store also sold more exotic animals. The model they got was said to be brand new. You went up to the owner of the store.
"So did you run through the security cameras?" You asked.
"Yes. It was a group of three men. One hacked into the alarms, but they didn't spot the cameras. We got two new models of the same animal. Smoke, the other male model, heard that Nala was in trouble so he set off the alarms. The men were gone before the first cars could arrive." He explained."
"Smoke, huh?" You said.
"Yes. He's a big black wolf with grey paws, a grey muzzle, grey ears, and a white tail tip along with one blue eye and one red eye." The man explained.
"May I see him? We can hopefully see what these men looked like. Maybe my wolf, Nova, can get something out of him." You said.
"Sure, sure. He's in the back. He went a little wild when we took Nala away. He's been pretty upset." You nodded and followed him into the back while Hank, Connor, and....Dagger...kept looking around for other clues.
You saw the wolf in a cage, his head resting on his paws. He was whining sadly, staring at the ground. You frowned.
"Can you go tell Connor to contact Nova? She'll be here soon I bet. I'll see what I can do with him in the meantime." You said.
"Of course. Thank you so much Miss (L/n)." He said. You nodded with a smile. You knelt down and Smoke look up at you.
"Hey Smoke. I'm (Y/n). My dad is taking care of Nala for you. She'll be back to her normal self in no time. I promise." You said. He lifted his head, hope shining in his multicolored eyes. You chuckled. "Listen buddy, we're trying to find the men that hurt her. Do you think you could help us?" You asked. He growled at the mention of the men, but he nodded. You smiled. "Okay. I'll let you out." You opened the door and he padded out. You felt him connect with you.
"Smoke grateful. Smoke help you." He said. You smiled.
"I have a wolf of my own Smoke. Her name is Nova. She should be here soon." You said. As you finished speaking, Connor walked in with Nova beside him and Hank and Dagger trailing behind. You smiled at three out of the four of them.
Nova padded up to Smoke. The two of them talked and then they both lead the way out of the store. You told the owner you'd bring Smoke back after you were all done for the day. He agreed and wished you all good luck.
As you all walked along, you fell in next to Dagger. You swallowed back a growl of annoyance.
"Hey (Y/n). You look a little upset. Is something wrong?" She asked.
"Nothing at all." You replied. She shrugged.
"Just asking. I guess it must be embarrassing that your father made that thing for you. Talk about over protect, am I right?" She said.
"No. It just means he actually cares and Nova is the best pet anyone could ever have! She's family." You said.
"Well, okay. I guess that's the nice way of putting it. Personally, I think she would've been a lot better if she was a bit more...obedient." She said. You looked at her in shock.
"What are you saying?" You asked.
"I saying wouldn't it be nice if she followed your every order and you didn't have to feed her or pay attention to her unless you wanted to afterward." She said. You were shocked.
"Are you saying you think she'd be better as a mindless slave?" You asked.
"Not a slave, more like a servant or a helper." Dagger replied. You felt rage spreading through your body. I know there's something wrong with you. They say I'm crazy, but I can see through your little act. I'll find out what you're planning, and I'll stop it. Just you watch.

How Do I Love You? (Connor x Reader Detroit: Become Human Fanfic)
Fanfiction"Miss (L/n), you and Anderson have been assigned with an android from Cyberlife for these cases." "Really? Well...alright. When will he or she arrive?" "I don't know, but I just hope that a stupid piece of plastic doesn't mess things up around here...