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Connor's POV
I was extremely concerned about (Y/n). I had to see her. I just had to. I headed to her house. I was fidgeting in my seat the entire taxi ride there. I thought about how angry she'd been at Gavin. I had been upset with him as well, but she looked more than angry. She looked furious. I hoped she would talk to me. I remembered some of the things that made her laugh and saw of the things that made her smile. Maybe I should make her a chocolate shake? I wondered. She likes it when we lay with Nova together. I thought.
Soon, I arrived. I got out of the taxi and hurried to the front door. I knocked on the door first. Nothing. I rang the doorbell. "Anybody home?" I called. The door opened.
"Oh. Hey Connor." It was Zane.
"Hello Zane. I have come to check on (Y/n) if that's alright." I said.
"Uh...sorry, but she's not here." He said.
"Where did she go?" I asked.
"We...we don't know. She got into a huge fight with Scarlett and then ran to her room. After that she left just saying that she was going out. Dad told her to be back by dawn, but...we have no idea if she'd going to be back by then." He said.
"Do you have any idea where she could've gone?" I asked. He thought about it with a sigh.
"She likes places where she can get great views, she likes musical places, and she likes vibrant colorful places. Right now though, great views is probably your best choice. I think she'd do everything in her power to be alone right now." Zane said.
"So like a tower?" I asked. He shrugged.
"It'd be a start." He said. I nodded.
"Thank you." I said.
"No problem, but hey Connor?"
"Please, watch over her. She won't talk to any of us. Maybe...maybe you'll be the lucky one. I really hope you can get through to her. Goodluck Connor." He said. I nodded. He closed the door and I hurried off.
I began my search at one of the tallest towers in Detroit. I fiddled with my coin as I rode the elevator to the top. I remembered the day went spent with her family at their pool. I frowned a little. I remember Ash and Kent. A nagging feeling in my system began to grow. It was an unpleasant feeling. It made me feel like just sitting down and doing nothing. Like I had no energy left it me. I pushed the memory aside. Then, the memories of the fire flashed through my mind.
(Y/n) ran into the building. I wanted to follow her, but the cops there stopped me. Hank and I waited worriedly for them to come out. Suddenly, an explosion was heard and we saw smoke leaking out of a few windows. More explosions were heard and the building quickly lit up with yellow orange and red flashing colors as the flames swiftly began to engulf it. I had to help (Y/n). I pushed past the cop there and ran inside. I looked around, my heat sensor going crazy. I ignored it. I heard voices. I quickly went toward them. I saw (Y/n) and two of her four brothers up ahead. I grabbed her hand.
"Connor!" She exclaimed.
"Follow me!" I yelled over the roaring of the fire. I pulled her along and her two brothers followed us. We made it out and the three of them were quickly examined by some medical emergency people that were on sight. (Y/n) was coughing. She looked at my, fear in her eyes.
"Connor! Ash and Kent! They're still in there!" She said.
"It's too dangerous. We cannot go back in." I said. She looked shocked. She turned toward the building. She looked back at me, her gaze fierce with determination.

How Do I Love You? (Connor x Reader Detroit: Become Human Fanfic)
Fanfiction"Miss (L/n), you and Anderson have been assigned with an android from Cyberlife for these cases." "Really? Well...alright. When will he or she arrive?" "I don't know, but I just hope that a stupid piece of plastic doesn't mess things up around here...