Chapter 32

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(WARNING! Mature content ahead!)

Connor's POV

(Y/n) had stayed home trying to work out what happened with her father. I was concerned for him and Nova. They didn't deserve to be locked up. They had done nothing wrong. I was sure of it.

I was at Hank's. I had been thinking about everything that had happened recently. I paused at something Hank said back at the Eden Club. I wondered what it meant. He was sitting on the couch in more casual clothes. Sumo was laying on his back on the floor, sleeping. I walked over to Hank.

"Lieutenant, may I ask you something?" I asked.

"What is it this time Connor?" He asked.

"I was recapping all of the cases we have been on and I realized I never found out the answer to something." I said.

"Yeah, so what is it?" He asked.

"Back at the Eden Club you said that you understood why I wanted to go there and then you said I had (Y/n) and she got upset at you. What did you mean by that?" I asked. He almost spit out his drink.

"Jesus Connor! You ask too many damn questions!" He said. He sighed. "I was making a joke about you two getting together." 

"Then why did (Y/n) get so upset?" I asked. He groaned.

"I mean more than just dating her Connor!" He said. I was confused.

"More how?" I asked.

"Oh Jesus Christ! I can't believe I have to explain this to you!" Hank said, clearly frustrated and a bit embarrassed. "I made a joke about you both having sex!" He said. I was surprised.

"Sex?" I asked. "But..(Y/n) is a girl." I said. He slapped his hand over his eyes.

"Oh dear God I am seriously about to have the talk with a fucking android." Hank said.

"The talk?" I questioned.

"For fucks sake, people have sex! It's also called intimacy!" Hank yelled.

"I understand that it's for creating life, but I don't understand why (Y/n) and I would do that." I said. This was beyond confusing to me.

"Why the hell am I talking to you about this?" He groaned mostly to himself. "People have sex for more than just that Connor!" He said.

"I don't understand. Isn't that the whole point of it?" I asked.

"People have sex because it feels nice!" He blurted out. "Now can you stop fucking asking me what is it!" He yelled.

"Okay. How does one initiate it?"


Your POV

You were still ticked off at Perkins. How dare he take my wolf and my father? You thought angrily. Scarlett had gone to try and work things out and your brothers had to work late that night. You were on your own and throwing a semi silent tantrum. 

Then, the doorbell rang. You walked over too it. You opened the door and you were stunned. Connor was there. He looked a little nervous. He was wearing a nicer suit. He also had a small bouquet of flowers with him. They were your favorite. You were stunned, but it instantly made you calm down and it put a smile on your face.

"Connor! What are you doing here?" You asked.

"I...I wanted to see you again. I asked Hank about a few things and we got to the topic of dating. I asked him about how I would be able to ask you out on a date." He said, looking away shyly, his face flushed a light shade of blue. You were stunned. "W-will you...go out with me?" He asked, shyly offering you the flowers. You smiled wider.

How Do I Love You? (Connor x Reader Detroit: Become Human Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now