You both walked into the Police Department together. You saw Hank at his desk. He smiled and waved to both of you. You both walked over and said good morning to him.
"You two are a little late."
"I needed to take a shower." You said. Connor blushed a little.
"Anyway, we got the two other guys last night. They tracked them down and brought them in. Come on. Let's go." Hank said. You all walked into the interrogation room and you saw a man sitting in there with an officer watching him. He was bald, had a little bit of a beard, and he did not look happy.
"Jordan Sholes. We found a bat in his house with blue blood on it." Hank said. "He has a record of theft and he's been known to hang out in alley's run by local gangs." You and Connor nodded.
"I'll try talking to him." Connor said. You and Hank nodded. Connor went in.
Connor's POV
I walked in and the other officer watching him left to go stand by Hank and (Y/n). I sat down. He ignored me. I knew this was going to be more difficult.
"A friend of yours said you were one of the men who attacked an android named Oliver along with him. Is that true?" I asked.
"Damn right, but why the hell do the cops care so much about you plastic shits?" He growled. I ignored his rude comment.
"There was a weapon with blue blood on it in your house. A bat. Is that the only thing you've used?" I asked.
"Listen up you robotic dumbass, you aren't getting me to say anything. I admit I've roughed up some androids and done some other things, but if you think I'm a coward like Nate, you're wrong." He growled, glaring at me.
"Why did you do it?" I asked.
"Because what the fuck do you think you were made for? You plastic shits never should've earned your god damn freedom." He hissed. "Piss off asshole." I knew I wasn't going to get him to talk. I sighed. I left and went back to them.
"He isn't going to say anything to me." I said.
"Let me try. I'm human." (Y/n) said. Mostly human, anyway. At least he won't be able to tell. I thought.
"Worth a shot." Hank said. (Y/n) walked into the room and we all watched.
Your POV
You sat down and he eyed you. He glared at you.
"You think I'll talk to you instead?" He growled. You rolled your eyes.
"Listen pal, this is my job so we can play this one of two ways." You said.
"Heh, will either way work?" He said. You were wearing heels that day, so you had an idea. You slammed your heal down on his foot. He shrieked. You pulled your foot away.
"We can do this all day, or you can just tell me what you know." You said.
"The hell is wrong with you?" He asked.
"I'm waiting." You said.
"Why you little-" You stomped his other foot. "JESUS CHRIST THOSE HURT!" He yelped.
"So?" You said. He looked nervous now.
"Okay! Okay! Jesus..." He said. "Look, I'm not anything special in this group, but word does spread. There's a party at The Master's mansion tonight. No androids are allowed. Only way you can get in is if you know the password. I don't know what it is. Only his top men and whoever they bring with them can get in."
"Where's the mansion?" You asked.
"I've told you enough. I'm not that nasty." He said.
"I will make this heal go through your fucking foot, pal." You threatened. He looked nervous again.
"It's on the outskirts of the city! There's a huge wall surrounding it. You'll never even get past the gate without voice recognition. You need the password and the voice to get in." He said. You thought about it.
"Do you know of anybody who's attending?" He thought about it.
"I....I know one guy." He said. You listened.
"Henry Fletch. He lives downtown not far from Nate's place. Ask around and you'll find him." You nodded.
"Thanks." You said with a smile.
"Little brat." He muttered. You kicked him in the shin and he yelped again. You got up and left. Hank and Connor stared at you as you came back in.
"What?" You asked.
"How did you do that?" Hank asked.
"Heals don't just kill the person wearing them, they kill everyone else too." You said. Connor pulled you into his arms and kissed your forehead.
"You're amazing." He said. You chuckled.
"Thanks!" You said.
"Now we have to hunt down this Henry guy. We gotta do it fast." Hank said.
"Actually, what if we don't hunt him down?" You said.
"What?" They both asked.
"We can look for his name in the phone records! If we call him, have Connor answer using Jordan's voice, and then trick him into giving us the password, we're in!" You said. They both smiled.
"Now that's some smart thinkin' kiddo!" Hank said. You smiled.
"Let's go see what we can find." Connor agreed.
"Wait a sec. We've got one problem." Hank said. "Three of us arriving will look suspicious first of all, and second Connor won't be let in. He's an android." Hank said. Connor frowned.
"He's right. They'll catch us before we even get inside the building." Connor said.
"Guys, there's a very simple answer to this." You said.
"What?" They both asked.
"It's not that hard to make an android look human. We just have to remove this." You said, pointing to his LED.
"Right! Take that off and wear a different suit and nobody can tell the difference!" Hank said.
"Remove my LED?" He said, looking unsure.
"Yeah. What's the problem?" You asked.
"Well...I...I don't know." He said. You frowned a little.
"Hank, you take care of Jordan. We'll be back soon." You said.
"Got it." He replied. You took Connor to the locker room.
"Why don't you want to remove it?" You asked.
"Well I...I like having it so I can better express what I feel around you. It does change with my emotions. Plus I've had it forever and...I don't know." He said. You understood. He was nervous about what others would think if he removed it. Some people still did want to be able to tell who was android and who was human. You cupped his cheek.
"Connor, you're no different than human. You don't need that stupid mark anymore. It's just a symbol of who you were before becoming deviant." You said. He thought about it.
"You're right. I don't need it." He said. You handed him a small pocket knife. He smiled at you. He carefully removed it and you smiled as his skin healed over.
"Now you're one of us Connor. You might not be a cyborg, but you're just like us." He smiled.
"I like the sound of that."

How Do I Love You? (Connor x Reader Detroit: Become Human Fanfic)
Fanfiction"Miss (L/n), you and Anderson have been assigned with an android from Cyberlife for these cases." "Really? Well...alright. When will he or she arrive?" "I don't know, but I just hope that a stupid piece of plastic doesn't mess things up around here...