Chapter 53

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Ash's POV

I was worried about my sister. I was worried about Connor too. His stress was still high. Connor usually never got stressed, but we all knew what was happening. He was a new deviant and he was starting to feel more and more emotion. It was hard on him. We had to be there for him, or else he could try something dangerous. What that might be, none of us knew. We had to get (Y/n) back as soon as possible.

Suddenly, there was a ring at our doorbell. It was late, so we hoped it was something to do with our sister. We hoped it was good news. Scarlett hurried over and opened the door. She yelped, staring in shock at whoever was there.

"N-no! Please. Don't be afraid of Ralph. Ralph came to help." I walked over and was shocked. Ralph was in rough shape. We let him in.

"Why did you come here, Ralph?" Zane asked.

"Ralph heard from Markus about a missing human. Ralph was hoping Ralph could get help for her. Ralph saw the missing human along with the bad man holding her captive. She helped Ralph escape so Ralph could get help." We were all on our feet.

"You saw her!? Where is she!?" I asked.

"Ralph was away from his home for awhile. When Ralph came back two humans were there. A girl and a man. She was chained and he was not nice." Ralph explained.

"You have to take us there. That's our sister. We need to help her." Kent said.

"The man had a gun. Ralph doesn't like guns. Still, Ralph doesn't want to go back unless it's safe." He said.

"Scarlett, get Connor!" Zane said. She hurried to get him. He hadn't left (Y/n)'s room even though Carl had talked to him earlier. They came back and Connor hurried over to Ralph.

"Can you show me where she is?" He asked. Ralph nodded. They both held hands and Connor's LED turned yellow. He nodded. "I've got it."

"Ralph, come with me. I would like to help you with your damaged parts. The rest of you must go. Find (Y/n) and bring her home. Scarlett and I will stay here. Kent, you must stay as well. I will need your help." (F/n) said. We all nodded.

"Let's go!" I said.

"Connor, lead the way." Zane told him. We all hurried off. We're coming (Y/n). Hold on.

Your POV

You were bleeding and Gavin grinned at your crippled body. He took pleasure in seeing you like this. You could hardly move.

"When they get here, you're gonna watch them all get shot in the head. Then I'll leave you here to rot." He chuckled. Tears rolled down your face and he left, heading up stairs. Your body was throbbing. You cried softly to yourself. You tried to think of something better. Something happier. You remembered a time with your mother.


"You can do it (Y/n)." You ran and jumped over three hurtles. Your mother cheered for you.

"I did it!" 

"That's my girl!" You both hugged happily. "You're gonna be an even better cop than me sweetie." She said. You smiled.

"No way Mom! You're invincible!" You said.

"I'm not that good, but I'm flattered you think so." She replied.

"Mom, do you ever think I'm gonna get to be as respected as you?" You asked.

"You're me and more my little super cop." She said. You giggled as she lifted you up and hugged you tightly. "You always will be." 

How Do I Love You? (Connor x Reader Detroit: Become Human Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now