Connor's POV
I opened my eyes and I tried to figure out where I was. My vision cleared and I saw Kent and (F/n) leaning over me. I was confused and disoriented.
"He's okay." Kent sighed in relief.
"Connor, are you alright?" (F/n) asked.
"What..." They helped me sit up. My head was spinning. I'd never felt like this before. "What happened?" I asked.
"We came home and found you on the floor bleeding out. Connor...what happened here?" Zane asked. Everyone was there. I remembered everything.
"Gavin! He was here! He took (Y/n)!" I said.
"I knew that fucking bastard was behind this." Ash growled. He was leaning against with his arms crossed and a look of anger mixed with hate on his face.
"What happened?" Scarlett asked.
"He...he attacked me in the kitchen. I was able to hold him off, but he got past me and went for (Y/n). I tried to stop him, but...I failed." I said. I felt so much guilt. It was overwhelming me. I felt something wet on my face. I touched it. I was...crying? I didn't understand what was happening to me.
"Connor!" I snapped out of my trance. "Connor, your stress is rising. You have to calm down." Kent said.
"But...she's gone! She's gone and it's my fault!" I cried. I felt like a child. I was feeling so much. Too much. It was taring me apart. It hurt. I was scared. Suddenly I was pulled off the table and into a hug.
"She's gonna be okay, Connor. We're gonna find her. That's my promise." Scarlett said. I hugged back, seeking comfort from her.
"We already contacted Markus. He's seeing if anybody saw anything and organizing a search party as we speak." Zane said. I nodded. The doorbell rang.
"I'll get it!" Carl said. He hurried off. Moments later he came back in with Hank.
"Connor!" He hugged me. "Are you alright, son!? They told me what happened. Is everything working?! Do you have enough blue blood!? Is your memory damaged!?" He asked quickly. I was kind of stunned.
"I'm okay Lieutenant." I said. He sighed in relief.
"Jesus, Connor, you gotta stop scaring the shit outta me." He said.
"We were able to fix him before he shut down completely." Kent said. Hank nodded.
"I'm glad you're alright, Connor." He said. I smiled a little.
"Now what? Do we just wait here until somebody turns up something?" Carl asked. I stood up.
"No. I am going to help find her." I said.
"Connor, that's dangerous for you. You were almost killed and (Y/n) would never be the same if we let that happen." Scarlett said. Nia had been staying with Sam for a few days to get to know him better, so Scarlett had plenty of time to help us instead.
"It's dangerous for anyone. You think he wouldn't shoot you all as well?" I said.
"Connor," I turned to Hank. "you're right." I was surprised. "We can't just sit here. Whether you all like it or not, Connoris still the best chance we got of finding her." It was true. I was the one most likely to find her.
"Connor, I've got your back man." Ash said.
"I'm in." Kent said.
"You aren't leaving me behind bros!" Carl joined in. Zane sighed.
"Well, I still don't think that's a good idea." He said. We all frowned. "You guys are gonna need a leader." He said with a grin.
"That's more like it!" Ash said.
"I'm in." Zane said.
"I must warn you all, I have a feeling Reed is not the same person any longer. We don't know what he's planning or what he's capable of." (F/n) said.
"It's just Reed, Dad." Ash said.
"He kidnapped our sister and almost killed Connor, Ash. This isn't a joke. He's right." Zane said. Ash nodded.
"Be careful guys. I have to stay here. Take Nova with you. You should have a better chance of finding her trail if there's nothing Connor can follow." Scarlett said. We all nodded and Nova barked.
"We should split up in teams of two or three. It'll take forever if we all stick together, plus a larger group is easy to spot from far away." Zane said.
"I have to agree with him on that." Hank said.
"Ash and Carl, you two are a team. Kent, you'll stay with me. Hank, you and Nova go with Connor. Dad and Scarlett can wait here if, against all odds, she makes it back. Everybody got it?" Zane asked. We all nodded.
"Let's go." Hank said. I followed him out and I had never been more determined in my life. I will find you, my love. I promise.
Your POV
You woke up with a groan. You were chained up and in a rickety old house. You struggled to break free, but it was no use.
"You aren't getting out of this one so easily." You looked up.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" You yelled at Gavin who was fiddling with his gun.
"Calm down, hon. I'm not gonna hurt you...if you cooperate, that is." Gavin said. You felt fear.
"What the hell do you want from me?" You asked.
"You don't need that piece of shit! I might not be a trained plastic pet, but I can give you so much more than he ever could! Haven't you ever thought about that? About getting married? About having kids? You can't do that with a stupid lifeless machine! I can give you that life." Gavin said.
"So can a lot of other humans and I can still marry Connor! I'm just...not ready for it yet." You said.
"So, it's true. You've thought about marrying that fucking robot!?" Gavin yelled.
"Yes! I love him!" You shouted.
"Bullshit. You can't love something that's not alive like that." He said.
"Technically I can, but that's not the point. He is alive! He has more heart than you ever will!" You yelled. Gavin slapped you. You yelped.
"This doesn't have to end like this, (Y/n)." He said.
"You're insane." You hissed. He glared at you.
"Fine. You freed the you can suffer like they did."

How Do I Love You? (Connor x Reader Detroit: Become Human Fanfic)
Fanfiction"Miss (L/n), you and Anderson have been assigned with an android from Cyberlife for these cases." "Really? Well...alright. When will he or she arrive?" "I don't know, but I just hope that a stupid piece of plastic doesn't mess things up around here...