When you arrived at your location, you began looking around. You scanned. You found traces of blue blood. You kept looking. You saw recent heat signatures from a car. You identified it. It was a police car. You also found footprints. Four men all standing around another man. The android and the gang. You concluded. You followed the retreating footprints. You spotted a dagger on the ground. You scanned in for DNA traces. You found more blue blood and you found DNA from a man named Nathan Scott. You were shocked. Nate? You remembered your old school bully. You hadn't seen him since 5th grade. You began to piece together what happened.
You saw a man swiping at another man cowering in fear. Then the police showed up from the android contacting them and the man ran away.
"I found something." You said.
"What is it?" Connor asked. You picked up the dagger and showed it to them.
"I know the person the human DNA belongs to. I last saw him when I was a kid, but I know that he wasn't a nice person." You said.
"Great job (Y/n)!" Hank said. You smiled.
"I found traces of another person on a stick I found. His name was Drake Collins." Connor said.
"So that's two out of four." You said.
"They all must've scattered when the police car showed up." Hank said. You nodded.
"I'll handle Nathan if you guys go find Drake." You said. They nodded.
"Nate is closer than Drake. I'll walk and keep him occupied until you guys can come get me." You said.
"Sounds good to me." Hank said.
"Are we sure we should leave her alone?" Connor said.
"Standing right here, and I'll be fine. I promise, Connor." You said. He smiled and nodded. You split up and you walked to Nate's. You hid your gun and knocked on the door of the small building. He opened the door and looked shocked.
"(Y...Y/n)? Is that you?"
"Yeah. Hey Nate." You said.
"Whoa, I haven't seen you in years. You look...amazing." He said. You smiled.
"Thanks Nate." You said.
"Um, please, come in." He said. You walked in with a smile. Just distract him until Hank and Connor get here. You thought.
"So what have you been up to?" You asked.
"I work for an old friend of mine. He pays me decent money and I enjoy the jobs I'm given." Nate said.
"What jobs would those be?" You asked.
"Well, first I need to ask you something. What do you think of androids being free?" He asked. I'd better lie if I want him to talk. You thought.
"Stupid." You said. He grinned.
"Well then, I work for this guy and he orders me to rough up androids with some buddies of mine." He said.
"Buddies? Who are they?" You asked.
"Drake Collins, Jordan Sholes, and Allen Perish." He replied. Jordan Sholes and Allen Perish. Got it. You thought.
"Who's the guy you work for."
"Can't say. He doesn't like people talking about him." Nate said. Damn it. You cursed.
"Well, your life sounds...interesting." You said.
"It is. I think it's cool." He said. "And now, you're here, so it just got more interesting." He said. Your alarm bells went off.
"What?" You asked.
"Well, why else would you come here? I never thought it'd be you, but hey, as long as I get somebody hot as hell, why do I care?" He said. Shit shit shit. You thought.
"Nate, I was just passing by." You said.
"So why stop here then?" He asked with a smirk. You backed away.
"Just to visit." You said.
"What kind of visit?" He asked. No other options.
"I have a boyfriend." You said.
"Just boyfriend?" He asked. Fuck. You cursed.
"We've been together for awhile now." You said.
"You aren't getting bored of him, are you?" He asked.
"No." You replied. He rolled his eyes. He grabbed you and pulled you close to him.
"I bet I can change that." That's it! You thought. You whipped out your gun.
"Hands behind your back now." You hissed. He looked shocked.
"What the fuck!?" He exclaimed.
"I'm a cop, dumbass. You're coming with me." You said. He looked stunned and afraid.
"Wait! (Y/n) come on! We've known each other since we were kids!" He said.
"Don't give a shit. This is my job and besides you bullied me asshole." You growled. He dropped to his knees.
"Please don't turn me in! I'll tell you everything I know!" He begged. You thought about it. I could trick him. You concluded.
"I'm listening." You said. He sighed in relief.
"There's gangs all over the city. The guy I work for runs them all. I've never met him in person. I was hired by one of his bodyguards, Erick Sanders. I know his name though. The man running the operation is named Maverick Dougless. He calls himself The Master as if he controls all the androids. I do know another man that works for him. He's one of his twisted creation masters. His name is Zlako. Now him...he's sick." Nate said. You nodded.
"Anything else?"
"Nobody has heard from Zlako in about a month now. The last we heard from him was before androids were freed. That's all I know I swear!" He said. You sighed.
"Fine, but I have to wait here until my friends come to get me." You said. He nodded and stood back up.
"Thanks." Oh you ain't out of this that easy Nate. You're still coming with me. At least now we got a solid lead.

How Do I Love You? (Connor x Reader Detroit: Become Human Fanfic)
Fanfiction"Miss (L/n), you and Anderson have been assigned with an android from Cyberlife for these cases." "Really? Well...alright. When will he or she arrive?" "I don't know, but I just hope that a stupid piece of plastic doesn't mess things up around here...