The next morning you woke up your face only inches away from Connor's, who's eyes were closed at the time. Forgetting that it was safe for a moment, you yelped in surprised and tumbled backward off the bed. Connor's eyes opened quickly and he sat up. You were on the ground in an awkward position with the sheets tangled around you. He looked a little surprised.
"(Y/n)? Why did you scream? Did something happen?" He asked. You tried to get up, but your arm stung badly. You gasped.
"OW!" You yelped in pain. He hurried over to you.
"What's wrong?" He asked. He helped you sit up and untangled the sheets.
"M-my arm..." You whimpered. He frowned. He helped you stand up and he examined your arm again.
"It is slightly swollen. I think you have been using it too much." He said. Suddenly, your sister walked in.
"Hey sis. Just came to tell you that you need to wash up a bit." She said.
"Scarlett! In case you forgot I'm without the use of one of my arms right now!" You said.
"You'll manage." She replied and left. You groaned in frustration.
"If you want, I could help you." Connor said. You turned to him, shocked beyond belief.
"Only with what you're okay with. I don't have to help you clean yourself." He said. You sighed. He would be pretty helpful in this case.
"Alright." You said. You both walked toward the bathroom. "Wait out here. I'll call you in when I'm ready." You said.
"Of course." He replied, and waited. You walked in and carefully undressed yourself. It took a few minutes this time, but you managed. You grabbed a towel and wrapped it around yourself.
"Connor!" You called. He came in. He looked at you, his eyes widening for a few moments. You could've swore you saw him blush a little. He quickly looked away from you. "C-can you help me into the shower?" You asked shyly, embarrassed that you had to ask for him to do that for you. He walked over and picked you up. He then carefully set you down in the large, round, high wall bathtub/shower. He closed the curtains for you and you hung your towel over them.
"Is that all?" He asked.
"For now, yeah. Thank you." You said.
"You're welcome." He replied and left. You cleaned yourself up, which also took awhile, and then you dried off. You stayed in the shower and called for Connor again. He came back in.
"Can you get me some clothes?" You asked.
"Sure. Do you want anything specific?"
"Shorts and a tank top would be nice." You said.
"Of course. I will be back shortly." He said and left again.
Connor's POV
Objective: Find Clothes for (Y/n)
I looked around. I opened the top drawer in her dresser. It was strange to see it. Her undergarments were in that drawer. I felt awkward having to get her them. After that, I looked in the next drawer down. That was her nightwear drawer. I closed it and went another drawer down. I had found her skirts, shorts, and capris. I grabbed a pair of soft loose-ish shorts. I went another drawer down. Only pants. I then looked in her closet. I found her shirts hanging up neatly. I looked for a proper match to the shorts that fit her requirements. I found a white tank that had the words 'summer love' printed in (f/c) cursive on the front. The shorts were black. It was a match.
I went back to the bathroom and placed it all on the counter.
"I have retrieved an outfit for you." I said.
"Thanks Connor! You can leave now while I get dressed." I walked back out and closed the door.
Mission: Success
I waited outside until she came out, fully dressed and her hair down in (h/l) (h/c) curls. The water must have made it like that. I followed her down the stairs to the kitchen. They had a very large and fancy one. Her entire family was there, excluding her father. They all welcomed her.
"Hey sis!" Carl said with a huge smile. I could tell he was the overly positive type. He hugged her and she laughed.
"Hey little brother!" She replied. I was confused. Little brother? But he is older than her.
"Hey! I might act younger, but I'm still older than you!" He said. Oh. That's why.
"Yeah, whatever." She replied.
"Good morning (Y/n)." Zane greeted with a kind smile, his deep blue eyes shinning with kindness.
"Morning Zane!" (Y/n) replied.
"My little sister finally learn her lesson last night?" Ash asked with his arms crossed, one eye brow raised, and a side grin. His green eyes showed amusement and affection. It as clear he cared a lot about (Y/n).
"Nope! Never gonna happen big bro!" She replied, snatching a donut of the counter and shoving part of it in her mouth. It looked kind of...cute.
"You really should be more cautious (Y/n)." Kent said. Kent was the tallest and he had brown-ish red eyes. He also had a gap in his teeth that was very noticeable when his mouth was open.
"I'm fine Kent." (Y/n) mumbled through the bite she took of the donut.
"You say that now. You aren't invincible you know." Ash said.
"Ash, stop worrying about me for five minutes! I'm a grown woman!" (Y/n) said.
"And I'm still your older brother! Do you know what I'd do if we lost you? Cause I don't!" He said, looming over her.
"I'm not a child anymore!" (Y/n) said, facing him.
"Child or not I won't let you get yourself killed!" Ash yelled. The rest of her brothers and her sister looked nervous now.
"Ash-" Zane tried to say, but they weren't listening.
"I'M NOT GOING TO DIE!" (Y/n) shouted.
"THAT'S WHAT MOM SAID AND LOOK AT WHAT HAPPENED TO HER!" Ash yelled. Everyone froze. Her family looked bewildered by his statement. (Y/n) was shocked. It turned into her becoming upset. I saw tears forming in her eyes and she ran out of the room back to her own room. "SIS! WAIT!" Ash called. I heard the door slam shut upstairs and Ash looked guilty. Ash left the room without another word as well. I could only watch, not sure of how to react. The others all looked at each other with sorrowful and unsure faces. I gained the courage to ask them about their mother.
"What happened to your mother?" They all looked sad. Zane spoke up.
"She was a cop, but she died on a mission one day. Hank used to be her partner. None of us like talking about it." I thought about the information I'd been given.
Objective: Comfort (Y/n)
I left and walked up the stairs. I knocked on her door.
"(Y/n)? May I come in?" She didn't answer me. I cautiously walked in and I saw her on her bed. I closed the door behind me and walked over to her. She was laying down facing away from me with the sheet pulled up covering almost her entire body. I could hardly see her face. I sat down on the edge of the bed. "Are you alright?" She didn't say anything. I frowned a little, thinking of what else to say. "Was it harder for you than the others?" I asked. Still nothing. I thought about it. I got an idea. "You don't want me to use my interrogation voice on you, do you?" I asked with a tiny smile. I heard a very tiny chuckle. I smiled a little. "So, are you okay?" I asked again. She sat up and nodded. I could tell she was still upset. I hugged her. She hugged back.
"Thank you, Connor." She whispered.
*Software instability*
It felt...nice. I kept holding her. I didn't understand it. Why do I feel so....different around her?

How Do I Love You? (Connor x Reader Detroit: Become Human Fanfic)
Fanfiction"Miss (L/n), you and Anderson have been assigned with an android from Cyberlife for these cases." "Really? Well...alright. When will he or she arrive?" "I don't know, but I just hope that a stupid piece of plastic doesn't mess things up around here...