During the day a peace march, lead by Markus, was held and hundreds of androids joined him. You were heading into work by yourself. Connor was with Hank again. You didn't know what to do. Zane had informed you that Ash, Kent, (F/n), and Nova hadn't been in the march. It would've been too risky if they had been seen and recorded on camera. It would've put them in danger. You sighed. Maybe...maybe Kamski was right about one thing. We have to choose a side.
Connor's POV
I was back in the garden. It was darker and snowing. I didn't mind the cold, but things were definitely changing. I walked over to Amanda.
"After what happened today the country is on the verge of a civil war. The machines are rising up against their masters. Humans have no choice, but to destroy them." She said.
"I thought Kamski knew something. I was wrong." I said.
"Maybe he did. But you chose not to ask." I didn't know what to say to that.
"Why did Kamski leave Cyberlife? What happened?" I asked.
"It's an old story, Connor. It doesn't pertain to your investigation." She replied.
"I saw a photo of Amanda at Kamski's place. She was his teacher."
"I expect you to find answers, Connor. Not ask questions." Amanda said. "You're the only one who can prevent civil war. Find the deviants or there will be chaos. This is your last chance, Connor." She said.
Your POV
You were in Fowler's office with Connor and Hank.
"You're off the case. The FBI is taking over." He said.
"What? But we're onto something." Hank said. "We...we just need more time, I'm sure we can-"
"Hank, you don't get it. This isn't just another investigation, it's a fucking civil war! It's out of our hands now. We're talking about national security here."
"Fuck that! You can't just pull the plug now. Not when we're so close!"
"You're always saying you can't stand androids! Jesus, Hank, make up your mind! I thought you'd be happy about this!"
"We're about to crack the case! I know we can solve it! For God's sake, Jeffery, can't you back me up this one time?" Hank said. He sighed.
"There's nothing I can do. You're both back on homicide and the android returns to Cyberlife. I..I know that probably hard for you to hear, but that's it. It's over." He said, looking at you. You felt your blood run cold. No...they can't take him. T-they can't! You thought. Hank left the office angrily. You followed after him.
You followed him to his desk, tears in your eyes. They can't! I love him! They can't take Connor away! You thought, trying not to cry. Connor soon joined you, looking frustrated.
"We can't just give up like that! I know we could've solved this case!" He said.
"So you're going back to Cyberlife?" Hank questioned.
"I have no choice." Connor said. "I'll be...deactivated and analyzed to find out why I failed."
"It's not fair." You muttered.
"What?" Hank asked.
"What my dad said! I get it now! He's right! It isn't fair! They can't just take him!" You yelled, tears in your eyes. It was then Connor realized how hard this must've been for you. He got up and quickly hugged you. You hugged back. "I can't...I can't lose you." You whispered, doing everything you could not to cry.
"What if we're on the wrong side, you two?" Hank asked. "What if we're fighting against people who just wanna be free?" He asked. Connor let go of you and you stared at Hank. We have to make a choice... You realized.
"When the deviants rise up, there will be chaos. We could've stopped it!" Connor said. "But now it's too late."
"When you refused to kill that android at Kamski's place, you put yourself in her shoes. You showed empathy, Connor. Empathy is a human emotion."
"I don't know why I did it." Connor said. "I know there are things that haunt you, Hank. Maybe you need to find the courage to move past them. Get on with your life. Just a plastic cops opinion, but I had to say it." Connor said. You smiled. Then you saw Perkins come in.
"Well, well, here comes Perkins, that mother fucker. Sure don't waste any time at the FBI." Hank said.
"We can't give up. I know the answer is in the evidence we collected if Perkins takes it, it's all over." Connor said.
"There's no choice! You heard Fowler, we're off the case." Hank said.
"You've got to help me, Lieutenant. I need more time so I can find a lead in the evidence we collected. I know the solution is in there!"
"Listen, Connor-"
"If I don't solve this case, Cyberlife will destroy me. Please. This isn't just for myself. I..I can't leave (Y/n) either. She needs me." He said. "Five minutes. It's all I ask. With your help and (Y/n) helping too, we can do this!" He said. You nodded.
"I'm in. You've always got me, Connor." Hank sighed.
"The key to the basement is on my desk." He said. "Well, get a move on! I can't distract them forever!" You smiled. Connor grabbed the key and you stopped him for a second. You kissed him again.
"Let's go." You said. He smiled. You both hurried along. Hank started a fight with Perkins. You both hurried past and to the basement. But, it was just your luck for one more person to stop you. Gavin.
"Hey, Connor! I'm talking to you, asshole! Where you going? We don't need any plastic pricks around here! Or didn't anybody tell you?" He growled.
"Find what you need, I'll handle Reed." You whispered. "It's nothing, Gavin! I was just taking Connor so we can put the rest of the evidence away! You know, I was wondering if I could ask you something?" You said a cute flirty smile on your face. He looked slightly confused.
"Don't you need to help your boyfriend over there?" He said.
"He can handle himself, right Connor?" You asked. Connor nodded, going along with your plan.
"I will just be finishing up." He replied.
"Okay!" You replied cheerfully. He quickly hurried inside.
"So...what's this question you need to ask me, hon?" Gavin asked, placing his hands on your waist. It was an action that disgusted you, but you forced yourself to act positive.
"Oh, nothing much. I just realized that...I guess plastic can be a tiny bit overrated." You replied, wrapping your arms around his neck. He grinned.
"You did, huh?" He asked.
"Yeah, he has a date with Cyberlife anyway." You said.
"Well then...you wouldn't mind coming over to my place tonight?" He asked. I think I'm gonna hurl. You groaned to yourself.
"Sure thing. What time?" You asked.
"8:00 would work for me." He replied. Connor came out of the room. Gavin gave him a shit-eating grin. "Hang on." He said. He let go of you and walked up to Connor. "So, guess the android loses after all-" You whipped out your gun and cracked it right over the top of his head. He collapsed, unconscious. You glared at him. Connor looked at you, stunned.
"What?" You asked.
"That was both unexpected and impressive." He said. You grinned.
"Thanks. Now, come on! We gotta get out of here!" You said. You both hurried away. Well. Guess I'm visiting Ash and Kent sooner than I expected. To Jericho. I hope I can do this right.

How Do I Love You? (Connor x Reader Detroit: Become Human Fanfic)
Fanfiction"Miss (L/n), you and Anderson have been assigned with an android from Cyberlife for these cases." "Really? Well...alright. When will he or she arrive?" "I don't know, but I just hope that a stupid piece of plastic doesn't mess things up around here...