Chapter 44

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You sped through the city. You had to get to them. Your father wasn't part of the protest because of his injured leg. Your brothers, Nova, and Scarlett, however, were some of the main participants. 

You made it there and quickly abandoned your brother's motorbike. You leaped over the barricade wall and Markus spotted you. 

"(Y/n)!" He exclaimed. Him and North hurried over to you.

"Are you alright?" North asked.

"I'm fine and Connor is on his way. We still have to hold out until they get here though." You said. 

"The army is going to launch any second. He won't be here in time-" Just then a bomb went off. You shrieked. You fell to the ground. Your ears were ringing from the explosion. You wobbled as you got back onto your feet. You saw androids scrambling to get away from the soldiers. There was no way out. You had to help as many people as you could. You quickly helped people to safety. Your brothers were doing the same thing. Scarlett was trying to keep the wounded out of the way. Nova suddenly charged a soldier, barking at him. She stood her ground, growling. He aimed his gun at her. You ran in to help her. You knocked the soldier over before he could shoot her. You grabbed his gun and aimed it at him. 

"Leave before I change my mind about sparing you!" You snapped. He raised his hands in surrender and hurried back over the wall. You and Nova protected the others and she went around snatching guns away from the soldiers. She was strong enough to break the guns in half. You were proud of her, but you couldn't focus on her at the moment. 

"AH!" You heard a scream. You turned.

"CARL!" You exclaimed. You ran over to help him. You punched the man in the face. He stumbled back. He took aim at you, but then he stopped.

"You.." He looked at Carl. "You two are human!" He exclaimed. You took your chance and snatched the gun.

"Yeah! Are you? Get a move on, heartless!" You growled. He quickly ran. You all did everything you could, but you were surrounded. You all stood together. This is it. You thought. It's either time to die, or time to win. You held someone hold your hand. You looked over and saw Ash. He smiled at you. You felt someone hold your other hand. You looked over and saw Scarlett. You could see the fear in her eyes. There were tears there, but she nodded to you with a smile.

"I promised Mom that I would be here for you." She said.

"I promised I would stay with you." Ash said.

"I promised to try to keep you happy." Carl said, holding onto Scarlett's hand.

"I promised to be the guardian brother you needed." Zane said, taking hold of Ash's hand.

"I promised to teach you as much as I could." Kent said, holding Carl's hand. You looked at all of them. You smiled.

"I promised all of you that I wouldn't let us fall." You said. "I guess if we have no choice, we fall together." You said.

"Together." They echoed. If this doesn't work Connor, I'm sorry. I love you. You breathed in and out. You began to sing, one last time.

"Oh, misty eye of the mountain below, keep careful watch of my brothers' souls. And should the sky be filled with fire and smoke, keep watching over (F/n)'s son. If this is to end in fire, then we should all burn together. Watch the flames climb high into the night. Calling out for the rope, sent by and we will watch the flames burn on and on the mountain side. And if we should die tonight. Then we should all die together. Raise a glass of wine for the last time. Calling out for the rope. Prepare as we will watch the flames burn on and on the mountain side. Desolation comes upon the sky. Now I see fire, inside the mountain. I see fire, burning the trees. And I see fire, hollowing souls. And I see fire, blood in the breeze. And I hope that you'll remember me. Oh, should my people fall, then surely I'll do the same. Confined in mountain halls, we got too close to the flame. Calling out father hold fast and we will watch the flames burn on and on the mountain side. Desolation comes upon the sky. Now I see fire, inside the mountain I see fire, burning the trees. And I see fire, hollowing souls. And I see fire, blood in the breeze. And I hope that you'll remember me. And if the night is burning I will cover my eyes. For if the dark returns then my brothers will die. And as the sky's falling down, it crashed into this lonely town. And with that shadow upon the ground I hear my people screaming out. Now I see fire, inside the mountain. I see fire, burning the trees. And I see fire, hollowing souls. And I see fire, blood in the breeze. I see fire. Fire~ I see fire. Fire~ I see fire. Fire~ I see fire burn on and on and mountains side." You sang. Your sister, your brothers, and even the other androids had all sang with you. Some of the soldiers had lowered their guns, but the other still looked ready to attack. 

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