Chapter 38

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You made it to your house. You needed Scarlett to help Connor. You had to talk to Zane.

"Come with me Connor. I'll get you something for your mission." Connor followed her and you went to Zane and Carl.

"You've gotta get to Jericho before we do. Alert the guys, Dad, and Nova. If they blow our cover it's over. I need Connor to trust me fully. I can do this. Leave it to me, okay?" You said. They both nodded.

"We'll make sure Connor doesn't see us. Goodluck sis. I believe in you." Zane said. You smiled. You hugged and they hurried away to get to Jericho. You sighed. I've made my choice. We all have. I'll talk to Connor to give Scarlett a head start as well. She came back with Connor. He was dressed up and ready to go.

"I need to get ready myself. Come on Connor. Thanks Scarlett." You said. She smiled back.

"Of course. I have to run some errands. I'll be here when you all get back." She lied. You nodded to her and she nodded back. She left and you and Connor went to your room. You began to get ready.

"I know we can do this." Connor said. You frowned a little. 

"Yeah. I know we can." You agreed.

"You seem...troubled, (Y/n)." He said.

"I'm just...thinking over everything. I don't want you to worry about me, Connor. I'll be fine. We have to get to Jericho." You said. He nodded. You finished putting on the same outfit you wore to Jericho before.  Connor walked up to you. 

"(Y/n), no matter what happens, I will always love you." He said. You smiled.

"I'll always love you too, Connor. No matter what." Even if you shoot me tonight, it won't be your fault. I know I can convince you though. You aren't their toy. WE aren't their toy. You can be free with me. I promise. You thought. You both kissed for a few moments. He pulled away.

"We better get moving if we're going to get there in time." He said. You nodded.

"Let's move." 

Carl's POV

Scarlett caught up to us and we hurried to Jericho. I followed Zane's lead. 

"I can't believe we're gonna see everybody again! Why didn't you tell us they were alive Zane?" I asked.

"I had to keep it secret. I couldn't risk anything. I trust you all with my life, but you have to understand that a told secret to even one person is dangerous." He said as we ran across rooftops to get to Jericho. 

"We understand Zane. We just wanted to know this sooner. I wished you guys would've told me you knew the FBI was onto Dad and Nova." Scarlett said.

"Another secret sis. Android thing, ya know?" I said.

"More like cyborg son thing." She chuckled. 

"Come on you two. We're almost to Jericho. Now remember, Connor can't be found out and neither can we. This information needs to stay strictly among our family. Anybody else even gets the slightest bit suspicious it could be game over. Got it?" Zane said.

"Got it bro." I replied.

"Invisibility is key." Scarlett agreed. He nodded.

"Carl, you find Kent and tell him. Scarlett, you find Ash. I'll get Dad. Scarlett, to stay in the loop of things, take this. It's a device Dad made so you can still talk to us. It's like an ear piece. You can here us talking in our heads to each other and mutter things back to us. Make sure to keep them quiet though." Zane said. She took it and put it in.

"Does it work sis?" I asked. She nodded.

"Yeah, we're good to go." She replied.

"Let's do this." Zane said. We all hurried into Jericho. We got the guys little sis. You work your magic. You can do this. We all know you can do this. 

Ash's POV

I was hanging out with Jake. He was actually a pretty cool guy. He didn't like humans because his owner killed the android he loved. They were both servant for the same rich guy and when he abused his girlfriend and killed her he turned against him and murdered his owner. He ran away and hid out in the warehouse and that's when my sister found him. He forgave us and now he agreed that not all humans were bad. 

Suddenly, somebody called my name. 

"Ash!" I turned. I was shocked.

"Scarlett!?" I exclaimed.

"Isn't she your older sister?" Jake asked.

"Yeah, but I don't know what the hell she's doing here." I replied. She hurried over to us.

"Ash, we have to talk. Alone." She said.

"Scarlett, what's going on?" I asked. She glanced around, clearly nervous people would hear. 

"We don't have much time." She whispered.

"Time for what?" Jake asked.

"I'm sorry, this is private." Scarlett said.

"I'm staying. Listen, I don't know you, but I'll help you. I promise. Anything." He said. I smiled. He was a good guy. She nodded.

"(Y/n) and Connor are coming. If Connor finds out she knew about you all and Jericho all along he might not trust her and take out Markus. We have to make sure he doesn't spot us and nobody else gets suspicious of them." Scarlett whispered. I was stunned. I nodded.

"Got it. Where are the others?"

"Around the ship looking for Dad, Kent, and Nova." She replied.

"Got it. I'll patch you into our network Jake. Stay close to us Scarlett." I said. I patched Jake into our telepathic communication network (TCN) and we all got to a place we wouldn't be spotted by anyone when they got there. I talked to Zane.

"Zane, you're clear with Jake, Scarlett, and myself. Have you found Dad and Kent?" I asked.

"Carl is looking for Kent right now. I see Dad with Nova up ahead. Do you know where Kent is?"  He asked.

"He should be in his makeshift lab." Jake said.

"Who are you?" Zane asked.

"Name's Jake. I'm with you all. I promise. I'm here to help." He replied.

"He's on our said Zane. Trust me." I told him.

"Okay. (Y/n) and Connor should be here in two minutes. Where's the lab?"

"Bottom floor behind a torn curtain. It's next to some of the supply crates." Jake informed.

"Got it. Did you hear any of that Carl?" Zane asked.

"On my way there now bros. Nice to meet you Jake my dude!" Carl said.

"Introductions later. Let's move. I'm talking to Dad and Nova right now. We're set." Zane said.

"What if people see (Y/n) and recognize her?" I asked.

"Leave it to me. I got this." Jake said. 

"Be careful Jake."  Kent said, tuning in with us.

"No worries guys. I got this."

"'s time. We better be ready." Zane said.

"Ready." Kent said.

"Action is my middle name!" Jake agreed.

"Let's do this my dudes!" Carl said.

"*Excited bark*"

"Ready as I'll ever be." Scarlett said.

"I believe we will succeed." Dad said.

"I know we will. It's not up to us anymore. It's up to (Y/n). She can do this. I trust her."

"They're here." Kent said.

"It's time." Zane said. You got this (Y/n). No turning back.

How Do I Love You? (Connor x Reader Detroit: Become Human Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now