Nova's POV
"Almost there, Snow!" I said. Human looked at us either with confusion or like we were adorable. I passed some of my android Jericho friends on the way there too. Some just waved and others asked where I was going. I told them I was going to visit my friend.
"Sweet! I can't wait to meet him! What's his name?" Snow asked.
"Sumo!" I yipped in reply.
"Sumo? What kind of dog is he?" Snow asked.
"Saint Bernard." I replied.
"WHAT!?" She shrieked. I looked back at her. "That's a HUGE dog!" She mewled, scared now.
"Oh he's gentle! Hank is his owner! He's kind of a lazy dog anyway. I doubt he chases cats." I said, reassuring her. "Besides, he's only as big as me, only a little fatter." I said. She calmed down.
"O-okay. If you say so." She said. Soon enough, we arrived at Hank's.
"I can't reach the 'let me in' buzzer. Climb up on my head and press it." I said. She hopped up onto my head and pressed the buzzer. It rang until Hank opened the door. I barked a greeting to him.
"Nova? Snow? What are you two doing here?" He asked.
"If you understood me, I'd tell you." I said. I walked past him and howled for Sumo. He came out of Hank's bedroom. I smiled.
"Nova? What are you doing here? Did you need Hank for another police adventure?" He asked.
"No. We wanted to see you! You wanna go play outside? There's a park nearby!" I said. He barked happily.
"I'd love to! Hey, who's that?" He asked. Snow hopped off my back and sat down.
"Hi there Sumo! I'm Snow!" She said.
"I swear I'm seeing things." Hank said behind us. We all ignored him.
"Nice to meet you Snow! Are you the newest family member of the (L/n)'s?" He asked.
"Yep! Connor and (Y/n) found me!" She replied.
"Well then, welcome to the pack!" He said. I smiled.
"I told you he'd like you!" I said. She meowed happily.
"Anyway, let's go to the park! Should we bring Hank with?" Sumo said.
"Nah. This is a pet day! Let's go!" I said. We all headed toward the door.
"Hey hey hey, where do you think you three are going?" Hank said.
"Out." We all said at the same time.
"I got this." I said. I grabbed a writing stick and a piece of paper. I wrote down another note.
"A note?" Hank questioned. "'Hank, we are going to the park for some fun. Be back soon'." He read. I barked happily.
"Let's go!" I said. We all walked out the door with Hank staring after us.
"What just happened?"
Your POV
You and Connor were testing out your interfacing abilities. You held hands and he thought of something. You connected with him and you saw a cat.
"Cat." You said.
"Speaking of which, we should check on the girls." You said.
"Agreed." Connor said. You looked around for them. You spotted a note on the kitchen counter.
"What the...? 'Connor and (Y/n), Snow and I went for a walk. Be back soon'." You read. Connor came in.

How Do I Love You? (Connor x Reader Detroit: Become Human Fanfic)
Fanfiction"Miss (L/n), you and Anderson have been assigned with an android from Cyberlife for these cases." "Really? Well...alright. When will he or she arrive?" "I don't know, but I just hope that a stupid piece of plastic doesn't mess things up around here...