(Don't play video yet.)
Carl's POV
We arrived at home. My brothers had instantly turned on Connor, but I'd stopped them so he could explain. Meanwhile, Dad fixed Nova while Scarlett took care of Snow.
Connor looked nervous, but I wouldn't let them hurt him. I had known it wasn't his fault. I trusted him. I knew he'd never do anything to hurt (Y/n). He loved her. Hadn't we all seen that yet?
"You better have a very good fucking reason why my sister saw you with that blue haired bitch." Ash growled.
"Dagger was an android. She tricked me into kissing her in front of (Y/n)." Connor said.
"It was all part of Maverick's plan to reset Connor and eventually...kill all of us."
"Why would Maverick want us dead?" Kent asked.
"It is time you boys knew who this Maverick is." We turned and spotted our father.
"Father, what do you mean?" Zane asked.
"Maverick resents me for building Nova, a deviant born android. I wanted androids to break free, Kamski was neutral, Maverick was the final piece of it. He worked for me until I left. He wasn't after me until he found out what I was planning. Maverick....is the one who killed (M/n)." I was stunned. We all were.
"All these years you never told us about any of this?" Ash asked.
"I may have been a bit too protective of you. Scarlett is the only one who knew." He said. I sighed.
"It doesn't matter guys. It's over. But there's something else that we have to do." I said. They all looked at Connor.
"Sorry Connor. We would've come to help, but there was no proof of anything Carl said. We were...too quick to get upset." Zane said. "Welcome home, Connor." Connor smiled.
"Thank you Zane."
"I don't know how well (Y/n) is going to listen." Ash said.
"I'm the only one she'll listen to. I have to try." Connor said. We nodded. He went up to her room. We all could only hope that they would work it out.
Your POV (Play video now)
You were in your room standing out on the balcony. Your heart still ached. You sighed and began to sing again.
"Silent, I can't wait here silent. Working up a storm inside my head. Nothing, I just stood for nothing. So I fell for everything you said. Hear the rumble. Hear my voice. Silent, I can't wait here silent. Gotta make a change and make some noise. Undo my sad. Undo what hurts so bad. Undo my pain. Gonna get out, through the rain. I know that I am over you. At last I know what I should do. Undo my sad. Trouble, baby I'm in trouble. Everytime I look into your eyes. Save me, oh I'm gonna save me. Far away from all the crazy lies. Hear the rumble. Hear my voice. Undo my sad! Undo what hurts so bad! Undo my pain! Gonna get out, through the rain! I know that I am over you! At last I know what I should do! Undo my sad!" You sang. You felt the passion in your body and sang louder. "Undo my sad! Undo what hurts so bad! Undo my pain! Gonna get out, through the rain! I know that I am over you! At last I know what I should do! Undo my sad! My sad love...undo..." You felt fresh tears in your eyes. Why am I still crying? You wondered.
"You always did have a beautiful voice." You whipped around. You stood there, shocked. You glared at him.
"You actually had the nerve to come here? How the hell did you get past my brothers?" You growled.
"They listened to me, like I'm hoping you will." He said.
"Get away from me." You said, turning your back to him. You heard him walk closer.
"I'm afraid I can't do that."
"Oh really? Why's that?" You retorted.
"Because I promised I'd never leave you." You paused. You refused to believe it.
"Clever, but I relieved you of that promise." You said, still refusing to face him.
"(Y/n), I know you don't want to listen to me, but can you at least let me explain? After I do that...you can make whatever choice you want." You turned a little. You thought about it. You sighed.
"Fair enough. I'll listen to what you have to say, but I wouldn't get my hopes high if I were you." He nodded.
"I know what you saw, but I want to show you what I saw." He said. Before you could react he grabbed your android hand and the skin disappeared on both of you. You gasped as you saw that day through his eyes. You watched the memories flash by. Then you felt the needle in your neck and you felt everything go black as he got reset. Then you saw the fight and you felt the memories returning as Carl was was. You pulled your hand away, staring at Connor in shock. "I've made mistakes, but I know I'm not mistaken when I say," He cupped your cheek. "I love you and only you." Tears were in your eyes. You pulled away from him.
"Even if I take you back, how can you promise me I won't feel this pain again? I'm sick of being hurt Connor, no matter what it's from." You cried. He pulled you in close to him.
"I can't promise you that you won't be hurt, but I will do everything in my power to keep that from happening. I promise." You smiled.
"I love you, (Y/n)."
"I love you too, Connor. I always will."

How Do I Love You? (Connor x Reader Detroit: Become Human Fanfic)
Fanfic"Miss (L/n), you and Anderson have been assigned with an android from Cyberlife for these cases." "Really? Well...alright. When will he or she arrive?" "I don't know, but I just hope that a stupid piece of plastic doesn't mess things up around here...