"Miss (L/n), you and Anderson have been assigned with an android from Cyberlife for these cases."
"Really? Well...alright. When will he or she arrive?"
"I don't know, but I just hope that a stupid piece of plastic doesn't mess things up around here...
It was finally time. Today was the day. After 3 month, you were getting married. Your sister had made you a beautiful dress.
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You looked beautiful in it. You sister was helping you get ready. Carl and Zane were getting everything organized. Ash was helping Connor get ready. Kent was doing check in for everybody, crossing off who was arriving. Markus was with Zane and Carl, helping with the androids arriving and making sure everything was ready. North was with you and Scarlett. She was one of the bride's maids.
You knew that this wedding had been heard about all throughout the city, so you'd called in Jake, his old friends, Smoke, and his friends to be the body guards. You wouldn't have been worried if it hadn't been for people like Gavin and Maverick. Nobody was going to ruin this day for you. If they tried, they'd be met with fire. Connor had wished it didn't have to be that way. You had too, but there was nothing either of you could do.
As tradition, your father would be walking you down the aisle. To your delight and surprise, Connor had asked Hank to be his best man. Hank had been completely shocked, but he'd gladly accepted. Nia, Snow, Olive, and Tanner were going to be the flower girls and boy. Nova and Sumo would handle the rings.
You were ready soon enough. You turned to your sister and friend. North was smiling happily at you.
"You look amazing (Y/n)!" She said. You smiled at her.
"Thanks North." You turned to Scarlett.
"Scarlett? What do you think?" North asked. She smiled at you.
"You look beautiful, (Y/n)." She said, nearly in tears already.
"Scarlett." You chuckled hugging your sister. She smiled at you.
"I'm so proud of you little sister. You've done so much. You were right. You always believed you were going to make a difference....and you did. You changed the world, and you made it better." You smiled, nearly crying yourself now.
"Ugh. I'm not good with all this sappy crap." North said. You all laughed. "I'm going to go see how things are coming along. I'll see you both later." She said and left. You looked at your sister.
"Did you tell him yet?"
"What? No." You said.
"When are you going to tell him?"
"Soon Scarlett. Today...I'd rather not worry about that." You said.
"Connor is gonna be so surprised." She said. You laughed.
"Yeah. No kidding." You said. She smiled at you.
"You'll do fine out there. If I can do it, so can you. You've always been braver than me." She said. You chuckled.
"Get out of here before you make me cry. I can't afford to have makeup running down my face." You said. She chuckled.
"See you soon little sister." With that, you were left alone. You looked at yourself in the mirror one last time. You had to admit, you were slightly nervous. You remembered your sister's wedding. You knew how this went, but you were still slightly afraid of stepping out there. This was it. A moment that wouldn't just change your life, but a day that would be marked down in history. This was a big deal, and the scared you. You breathed in and out. I can do this. You told yourself.