You woke up the next day. Your hair was frizzy and tangled. You sighed. You got up and went to go get dressed. You brushed your knotted hair and then you went down stairs to have breakfast. Your father was the only one there. You were confused.
"Dad? Where are the guys and Scarlett?" You asked.
"The boys were called in early on a mission. Scarlett went out with her boyfriend for breakfast." He replied. You nodded. You grabbed an apple and bit into it. Nova sat down next to your feet. Your father took a sip of his coffee. "I want you to bring Nova with you today." He said suddenly. You were surprised.
"But...they'll never allow that-"
"I called. They said it was fine. Take her with you." He said and took another sip.
"Dad, why do you want me to take her? Is there something you're not telling me?" You asked.
"No. I just want you to take her with. She needs some excitement in her life anyway." He replied. You shrugged.
"Alright. If you insist." You said. After you ate the apple and had some milk you left to go brush your teeth. After that you headed to the station with Nova.
When you arrived she hopped out of the car after you opened the door for her. You both walked in together. Her head was held high, tongue was lolling out of her mouth, and her tail was held high as it wagged back and forth a bit. You smiled down at her. You both walked in and you saw Hank and Connor at their desks. You smiled. You walked over and Hank looked up.
"Hey! (Y/n)! You're back are ya?" He said with a side smile.
"Yep!" You said with a smile. Connor turned. He stared at you for a moment before waving. You chuckled. He could be pretty cute at times.
"You brought Nova?" Hank asked.
"Yeah. My Dad insisted for some odd reason. I just thought why the heck not, right?" You replied. Nova rubbed up against Connor's legs. You giggled.
"Guess you're an animal person, huh Connor?" Hank teased.
"I do not understand why this wolf likes me so much." He said.
"Maybe she sees something in you that you don't see." You teased with a cute side smile. He looked up at you, his eyes widening for a moment before quickly looking away.
"I-I don't understand what she could see." He said. You looked at him, slightly confused. Did he just stutter? You were interrupted when Connor's LED turned yellow. "I just got another report. We should go." He said. You all left and took Hank's car. You sat in front with Hank while Connor sat in back with Nova. She sat there panting happily while Connor just glanced over at her, unsure of what to do with the animal sitting beside him. You giggled at the two. You pulled out your phone and waited for Connor to glance over again. He did and you quickly snapped a picture. You showed Hank. He laughed.
"That's for sure a keeper kiddo!" He laughed. You smiled.
"I'm a great photographer." You said. Connor looked confused, not knowing what just happened.
Soon, you arrived at the location. It was an abandoned warehouse. You all went in, making sure to keep your guard up. You had an idea.
"Nova." You said commandingly. She looked at you, ears perked. "Search." You ordered. Her LED flashed yellow and then she began sniffing around. You followed her, but the boys looked in a different direction. She trotted over to a crate. Suddenly, the door burst open and gunshots fired. You shrieked and got down.
"(Y/N)!" Hank yelled. The boys both raced over and Nova barked viciously, fangs bared at your attacker. You saw a male android. He had icy blue eyes, tan skin, and thick black hair that looked kind of like Connor's, but not exactly. He was wearing a black hoodie with a dark blue t-shirt underneath. His pants were torn up and stained jeans. They were stained with blood. It was clear this android had encountered humans before. You whipped out your gun. He aimed at you, but you only heard a click come from his gun. Out of shots pal. You thought. He threw it in anger and ran.
"NOVA! CHASE!" You ordered. She took off. You were shocked as he did parkour off the crates and escaped through a whole in the window on the roof. Nova saw a hole in the wall only big enough for her. She bolted through, pelting after him. You knew if you went out the other way, you'd loose them. You ran toward the crates.
"(Y/N)! DON'T!" Hank yelled. You ignored him. You did the same moves the android did and you jumped. You hand barely grabbed onto the ledge under the window. You hauled yourself up and hurried after him. You ran across roofs, keeping him in sight. Somehow, Nova was on the roof and hot on his heels. You kept running after him. Suddenly, he found a fast way down and he hurried off the roofs. You followed him.
"HOLD IT!" You shouted. He glared back at you.
"Like hell I will!" He yelled back. Nova kept chasing him. Suddenly he ran out into a LOT of traffic. He made it to the other side. He grinned. He ran down the sidewalk. You slide to a stop next to Nova.
"DAMN IT!" You shouted. Nova growled in anger. Connor and Hank caught up to you.
"What happened?" Connor asked.
"He's there! On the sidewalk across the road! We'll never be able to get across that traffic!" You said. Nova growled in anger. She shot forward. You gasped.
"NOVA! NO!" You shouted. She bolted into the traffic. She slid under a truck, leaped over a car, pushed off of the roof of it, and landed safely on the other side. She took off after the android. You were staring, your jaw hanging open wide.
"How the fuck!?" Hank exclaimed.
"Doesn't matter. Come on!" Connor said. You all kept running down your side. Nova was gaining on him. You had to get across. You saw a lamp post up ahead that went over the middle of the street. The boys kept running, but you climbed up it. Connor stopped and looked back to see if you were still behind him. He looked shocked when he saw you climbing across the pole over oncoming traffic.
"(Y/N)! NO! IT'S TOO DANGEROUS!" He yelled. You didn't listen. You swung your body hard and you landed on the other side with a sloppy role. You took off after Nova and the deviant. She leaped and him and pinned him to the ground. They struggled and Nova bit his leg hard. Blue blood sprayed on her muzzle and he cried out in pain and anger. You ran over. You held out your gun.
"Another move and you'll have another place leaking blood!" You growled. He stopped and Nova backed off, still growling. He smirked at you.
"You really think I believe you're gonna shoot me?" He sneered. "Ha! You're cute honey." He said. You glared at him.
"Don't call me that!" You shouted. He walked toward you, clearly unafraid.
"Listen up honey, I know what kind of person you are. You aren't gonna shoot me." He said. "Oh, and your little pup there? I'd keep an eye on her. Every android has its secrets." Nova growled louder. He grinned nastily at her. "Well, later babe. I gotta bus to catch." He said. "By the way, name's Jake. I'll be keepin' my eye on ya babe." He reached out his hand and a bus zipped by. He grabbed onto it and saluted you goodbye as he got away.
"HEY!" You shouted. You groaned in frustration. Connor and Hank got over to you.
"What the hell happened?" Hank asked.
"Captain smooth talker caught me off guard and got away." You grumbled.
"Smooth talker?" Connor asked.
"Yeah. He kept calling me 'honey' and 'babe'." You said. Once Connor heard that, his LED went red. You wondered why that made his light go red.
"Come on you two. Let's go." Hank said. Connor stared at the ground as you all walked away. You could see the anger burning in his eyes and his hands were balled up into fists. Why is he so upset? Is it because Jake got away? You wondered. No...something is different. What's wrong though? I've never seen THIS.

How Do I Love You? (Connor x Reader Detroit: Become Human Fanfic)
Fanfic"Miss (L/n), you and Anderson have been assigned with an android from Cyberlife for these cases." "Really? Well...alright. When will he or she arrive?" "I don't know, but I just hope that a stupid piece of plastic doesn't mess things up around here...