You and Connor arrived in the ship. The deviants were all watching the latest news. You looked around. You saw the android from the highway on a walkway above. So they made it this far. I'm glad they're safe. I'll have to find a moment to apologize later. Right now, we need to focus on Connor. You kept looking around. You spotted Jake! Connor hadn't seen him. He mouthed something to you. 'Markus is the the main control center of the ship! Hurry! Be careful!' he said. You nodded.
"Connor." You whispered. He looked at you. "I have a feeling I know where Markus is." You said. He nodded. You both walked around the androids. You avoided anybody you knew. Luckily, not a lot of people seemed to know you.
Suddenly, Lucy stopped you both. She looked at Connor.
"You're lost. You're looking for something." She said. "You're looking for yourself." You got extremely nervous. She looked at you. She seemed to know not to say anything to you. She just nodded and turned away. You kept going. You looked for Markus, but you couldn't help getting distracted. You couldn't help thinking of Connor. Memories with him. You wanted more time with him if this was it. You wanted nothing more than to be free with him. No matter what, it all either starts or ends tonight.
Connor's POV
I noticed that she was troubled, but she wouldn't tell me what was wrong. It was too late to ask her right now anyway. We had to complete our mission.
Objective: Follow (Y/n) to the deviant leader
I kept walking after her. She seemed to be taking a more out of the way route. I understood we didn't want to get caught, but it seemed a little too out of the way.
"(Y/n), there must be a faster way to reach him." I whispered.
"If they notice I'm human and you're working for Cyberlife it's over Connor. We need to be as safe as possible or everything is on the line." She replied quietly.
"I...hadn't thought of that. My apologies." I replied. She's right. We have enough time. It's better to be safe than sorry.
Ash's POV
I saw them walking around. They were getting closer to Markus. I was really worried for her. I didn't want Connor to choose Cyberlife. I knew there was a high chance he wouldn't, but that was my little sister. I trusted Connor. I didn't trust Cyberlife. His choice would change everything. It was up to (Y/n) to guide him toward the right one. I have to trust her.
Zane's POV
I made sure they made it around safely. I stayed out of sight and watched over the two of them. Jake was hiding for now, but he was closer than any of us could risk. I saw Connor's expression. It was determined. I frowned a little. (Y/n) looked nervous. I couldn't blame her. We were risking everything by leading Connor here. We were risking our freedom. We were risking our lives. Our only hope now is that her and Markus can convince him.
Kent's POV
I was closer than I'd like to be to Connor and (Y/n). I hadn't had time to get to a proper hide out spot. I was pretending to be just another one of the android doctors/scientists that was there. I stayed in my lab, hoping the curtain would give me enough cover. I prayed that she could do this. I remembered when she'd gotten into my stuff once and it blew up in her face. I had been upset, but now I could laugh about it. I smiled a little at the memory. Goodluck sis. We're counting on you.
Carl's POV
I was by myself. I watched as my sister and Connor made their way to Markus. I was worried about Markus and I was worried about (Y/n) too. What if he killed her to get to him? What then? All is lost? Game over? No more pizza time with my little sister? It was making my stomach do flips. I'd never been so nervous in my life. (Y/n) wasn't looking so hot with the nerves either. I had to breath. I had to stay calm. You can do it little sis! You're the greatest! I believe in you! I always have.

How Do I Love You? (Connor x Reader Detroit: Become Human Fanfic)
Fanfiction"Miss (L/n), you and Anderson have been assigned with an android from Cyberlife for these cases." "Really? Well...alright. When will he or she arrive?" "I don't know, but I just hope that a stupid piece of plastic doesn't mess things up around here...