It had been 3 days since you'd woken up. Connor had been taking care of you as best he could. You both stayed at the house and stayed together all throughout the past 3 days. Connor had refused to leave your side, not that you minded. You didn't want him to leave anyway. You were almost completely recovered.
You were watching a movie with Connor when your father came over. You smiled at him.
"Hey Dad!" You greeted.
"I think it's time we refresh your memory." You were surprised. Connor turned off the movie. You looked at him.
"What?" You asked.
"I can't tell you everything. Connor was the one that was there, not me." Your father said and left. You looked at Connor.
" happened?" You asked.
"Gavin shot you." He said.
"That's it?" You asked.
"(Y/n)....h-he....he killed you." You froze.
"W-what? H-how am I-?"
"There was nothing else (F/n) could do. It was the only way." Connor explained.
"What was the only way?" You asked. He took your hand and as his skin did yours. You were shocked to the bone.
"You're like your brothers." He finished for you. You pulled your hand away and the skin came back.
"What else was replaced?" You asked.
"Mostly things in your chest and abdomen areas. Your arm was the only other replacement. There were also some connections with your brain that had to be altered in order for the new replacements to work and function together. You're father looked at some of my abilities and added them into you. You can analyze things by scanning them, you can scan faces, you can preconstruct and reconstruct, you can modify your voice if you need to, and you can talk to us telepathically if you need to." He said. You processed all the information you had gathered.
"I'm part android?" You said.
"Yes." Connor replied. You sighed. You looked at your hand and removed the skin.
"How did I not notice? It feels so...natural." You said. He smiled.
"That's a good thing. It means your connecting with your robotic additions perfectly." He explained. "I know it's different, but...we couldn't lose you." You kissed him. When you pulled away, you smiled.
"I understand baby." You replied. "I didn't want to leave you either. Any of you." He smiled.
"It's a relief you're taking this so easily." He said.
"I mean...I think most of the cyborg shock came from when I found out my brothers were cyborgs. I guess since I knew that it had happened wasn't as shocking." You said. He nodded. "I..I'm okay with it. It's not like any of this is a bad thing. I'm still human just can I put it...oh! With special abilities!" You said happily. He chuckled.
"You were already special, (Y/n)." He said.
"Well, now I can be more like you." You said. He smiled.
"I love you."
"I love you too." You both kissed for a few moments before you broke away and said, "I want to try out some of it!" You said.
"I guess we should have you practice and we should make sure everything works." Connor said. You smiled happily. You both hurried off to try them out.
Nova's POV
I was looking for Snow. Snow my best friend. Snow a good kitty.
"Snow!" I called in wolf language.
"Here!" I heard her squeaky mew reply. I padded toward her. I smiled.
"Hi Snow!" I barked a greeting.
"Hi Nova!" She meowed.
"I'm bored." I said.
"Me too." Snow replied.
"Connor is training (Y/n) to be an android. I finished my milk and now I have nothing to do." She sighed, flopping onto her back. I thought about it. I got an idea.
"Hey! I have a friend we could play with! He's a bit of a walk away, but he's a nice dog!" I said, my tail wagging excitedly. She was on her paws in an instant.
"REALLY!? I WANNA MEET HIM!" She squealed eagerly.
"Let's go!" I said.
"Wait! What about (Y/n) and Connor? Won't they get worried if they can't find us?" Snow pointed out. I let out a thoughtful whine, thinking about a solution. My ears shot up along with my tail as I got an idea.
"I bet I can write them a note! There's paper and ink sticks in (F/n)'s building cave!" I barked. You both headed into his building cave and I grabbed and ink stick in my mouth of his desk. Snow hopped up and pushed the paper pad off the desk. I positioned the ink stick in my mouth and carefully wrote them a note. I spit out the ink stick.
"What does it say? I can't read human." Snow asked.
"It says 'Connor and (Y/n), Snow and I went for a walk. We'll be back soon'." I tore the note out of the paper pad and we both left it on the kitchen counter. "Hop on my back Snow! You're still too young to walk that far. I'll carry you!" I said. She meowed happily and hopped onto my shoulders. She carefully gripped my fur with her claws and settled down.
"Mush!" Snow yelled. I laughed.
"Onward!" I barked and we were off.

How Do I Love You? (Connor x Reader Detroit: Become Human Fanfic)
Fanfiction"Miss (L/n), you and Anderson have been assigned with an android from Cyberlife for these cases." "Really? Well...alright. When will he or she arrive?" "I don't know, but I just hope that a stupid piece of plastic doesn't mess things up around here...