Chapter 65

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(WARNING! Mature content ahead!)

You both had a great time for the second half of the party. It was a little past nine when it was over. Your sister said that her and the guys would stay and clean up for a bit. Kent and Zane had went back on gotten your car so you and Connor didn't have to stay for the cleanup. You thanked her and said goodbye to them.

As you drove home, you couldn't help but grin a little. You both made it home and you took Connor's hand. He smiled. You both hurried to your room. He shut and locked the door. He pushed you against the wall and you chuckled. You knew you had been driving him crazy all night. After three weeks, you understood him being a little eager, but you had wondered how bothered you could get him. The short dress easily let him see your thighs at certain points and with only one strap your neck and shoulders had been exposed the entire night. You knew he loved this dress, but you also knew you wouldn't need it much longer.

His eyes hungrily scanned your body. Shivers of excitement ran down your body as his fingers playfully brushed your collar bone. His hand drifted over to your strap and he pulled it off your shoulder. 

"You wanted to tease me, didn't you?" He asked. You blushed.

"Maybe a little." You admitted. "What are you gonna do about it~?" He grinned.

"You'll find out~" His lips met yours and you gladly went along with what he wanted. You did want to make up for making him wait. You knew he'd missed you. You knew he needed you. So that's what you were going to give him.

"Connor," He looked at you. "I'm sorry for teasing. I know how hard it must've been waiting for me to wake up. I understand. I wanna make it up to you." You said. He smiled at you. 

"Then stop talking and let me make love to you~" He said. You smiled and nodded obediently. He kissed your neck and you moaned in delight. You let him do what he wished as you pushed off his jacket and began unbuttoning his shirt for him. The clothing items were cast away. His hands went to either side of your waist. He kept leaving hot and hungry kisses on your neck. His hands slithered up your body until they reached the top of your dress. He tugged it down until it fell to the floor, leaving you nearly naked. The dress was kicked away. Connor moved onto your breasts. You moaned.

"Mph~ Connor~"

"No should do that more often." You chuckled. He licked the valley there and you gasped, biting your lip at the pleasureful feeling. You wrapped your arms around his neck. He looked up at you. You pulled him in and kissed him hungrily. He kissed back, his knee going in between your legs. He spread them apart that way and you got an idea. You began to grind on his knee. He smirked into the kiss and you moaned. Your hands slid down onto his shoulders gripping them gently. You rubbed small circles on his shoulders and he moaned a bit. 

Your hands drifted down his body to his pants. You kept kissing him as you began to unbutton them slowly. It was painfully slow for Connor. His patience was running out fast. He couldn't take it. He pulled away from the kiss and ripped off his pants and underwear. He shoved you up against the wall a bit harder. He quickly pulled off your panties and you smiled.

His hands slipped under your thighs as he lifted you up into his arms. Your arms wrapped around his neck and you ran your fingers through his hair, effectively messing it up. He kissed your chest causing you to moan.

"Mph~" He pulled away and smiled at you.

"I love you," He whispered, "I love you so much more than anything else in this world, (Y/n)." He said.

"I love you too, Connor." You replied. He smiled and his lips met your again, his tongue meeting with yours. You gladly kissed back, enjoying the passion and love that was working between both of you. Connor pressed his hips against yours. The feel of your soaking wet entrance made him groan in anticipation.

"I-I can't wait any longer. I need you, (Y/n)~" He panted. You kissed his neck.

"Then take me~" You whispered. He pushed into you with one swift and hard thrust. You arched your back. "Ah~! Connor~!!" You moaned out. You wrapped your legs around his waist to give him more access. He began to rock his hips against your own. You moaned, loving the feel of him inside of you. He began going faster and faster. You moaned louder. He wanted to hear you keep moaning his name. Only his. "Ah! C-Connor...fuck!" You moved your hips along with him. He groaned louder, going faster and harder.

"Ah! (Y/n)~!! F-fuck! FUCK~!" His composure was failing as he came closer to his own climax.

"Connor~!!" You yelled. Your bodies pressed against each other as you both neared your highs. His hands gripped onto your legs. He lifted your legs up onto his shoulders, sending him as deep as he could go and hitting your sensitive spot. He held you up in his arms, his hands squeezing your ass. There'd be bruises there he'd make up for later. You screamed and he moaned loudly, eyes alight with lust and love. "C-Connor~!! CONNOR~!!!!" You tightened around him, releasing all over his member. Your juices spilled out of you and dripped down your thighs and onto the floor. 

Connor wasn't done yet. He went as fast and as hard as he could without breaking you. As he shoved himself into one final time, he filled you completely, moaning your name as he came inside of you. You both took a moment to breath. He pulled out of you and smiled.

"That was perfect, sweetheart~" He breathed and kissed your forehead. You smiled at him tiredly. 

"Yeah..." You agreed. He picked you up bridal style and laid you down on your bed. He slid into the bed beside you. He kissed your forehead and pulled you in close to him.

"Goodnight, my love." 

"Night, baby." 

How Do I Love You? (Connor x Reader Detroit: Become Human Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now