"How is her body responding to the Thirium?"
"Her normal heart rate speed is going to increase, but that's normal. The chemicals will mix with her blood and it'll become natural in a few days. She's going to be really sick until her heart has pumped it through her body enough times. I expect she'll probably vomit every few hours."
"How did you learn this stuff (F/n)?"
"I took a chance with my sons. I saw an opportunity and I used it."
"Well you're still taking a chance. You didn't have to replace any of your son's intestines."
"I'm fully aware of that, Elijah."
You heard two voices as you laid there. You started to regain feeling in your body. You felt a tingling sensation throughout your body from the numbness that had spread through it earlier. You groaned as you began to wake up. You heard a gasp.
"She's waking up!"
"(Y/n)? Can you hear us?" You opened your eyes. After they adjusted to the lighting you saw two men leaned over you.
"D-Dad....?" You questioned, still extremely disoriented. They both helped you sit up. Kamski took everything off your body. You were sore and you could see bruises where the needles had been. "W-why...why did they bruise me?" You asked, not really thinking about anything else at the moment. Your head was spinning to much to try and figure things out.
"When you thrashed around earlier you caused them to move and it cause your body to bruise." Kamski replied. You nodded.
"W-what.....what happened....?" You asked. They both looked at each other and then back to you.
"That's for another time, my daughter. You must rest. You're going to be very sick for the next few days. I'm afraid there's nothing we can do about it." (F/n) said. You frowned. You felt your stomach do flips. You groaned, holding it tightly.
"I-I...s-see what you mean...." You breathed, trying not to throw up.
"Let me help you get to the couch." Your father offered. He took your arm and held you up. Your legs almost gave out instantly. He caught you quickly. "Easy (Y/n). One step at a time, okay?" You nodded.
"M-my...head hurts Dad." You groaned, shutting your eyes tight at the piercing pain.
"I know. I know. It'll be okay. I promise." He said. "Elijah, tell the others. We can't have them nearly attacking her when we come out." Kamski nodded and left. Your father helped you walk out of the room. You walked out and your father helped you lay down on the couch. You opened your eyes again and looked around. Your entire family was there. You smiled at them.
"Hey guys." You greeted softly. They all looked relieved and overjoyed. Scarlett was nearly crying, Carl was already crying like a baby, Zane had a few tears starting to form in his eyes, Kent had a few tears rolling down his cheeks, and Ash was trying not to cry.
"Thank god you're okay sis." Kent said.
"YOU SCARED ME!!!" Carl cried loudly.
"We thought you weren't going to make it." Zane said.
"We were so worried about you." Scarlett agreed. You were confused.
"What?" You questioned. "I..I don't remember what happened..." You said.
"We'll tell ya later sis. Just....for the love of god s-stop doing this to us...." Ash said, choking up slightly. You were stunned.
"Ash?" You asked. He gave in. He hugged you, careful not to hurt you.
"If I can't break the promise neither can you." He whispered, crying softly. You hugged back.
"I'm okay. Calm down Ash. You're acting like I just came back from the dead." You joked. You felt him tense up at your words. He let go and so did you. He said nothing more.
"Wait, oh shoot, I forgot. I need to go get-"
"What's going on?" You knew that voice. You sat up slowly and looked around. You spotted him. You smiled. He looked shocked. He ran over to you and hugged you as tigthly as he could without hurting you.
"Somebody missed me." You teased. He pulled back and kissed you. You were stunned. You kissed back. Nobody said anything. They only watched with happy smiles. When it ended you saw he was crying. You were stunned. He held you close to him.
"Never do that to me again..." He said. You frowned. This...this is almost too much. What...what happened to me? You wondered, trying to remember.
"Connor, take her to bed. Someone must stay with her and care for her. She needs rest and that requires a less active room." (F/n) said. Connor nodded and picked you up. He carried you to your room and gently tucked you in. He laid down next to you.
"Connor...what happened?" You asked. He sighed.
"I'll tell you later. Just rest."
"Rest, (Y/n). I'll be right here, love. I promise." He said. You were still extremely tired. You cuddled up to him and yawned.
"Connor...I love you so much." You whispered. He smiled.
"I love you too, (Y/n)." He replied, gently stroking your hair. It was comforting. You soon fell asleep in his arms, finally safe and finally happy again. I don't remember much, but it doesn't matter. As long as I'm with Connor, I'm okay.

How Do I Love You? (Connor x Reader Detroit: Become Human Fanfic)
Fanfiction"Miss (L/n), you and Anderson have been assigned with an android from Cyberlife for these cases." "Really? Well...alright. When will he or she arrive?" "I don't know, but I just hope that a stupid piece of plastic doesn't mess things up around here...