Darkness. It was cold. Your eyes shot open. You looked around. There was a glimmer above you. Bubbles drifted upward around you. You could see the full moon through the surface. It was then you came to your senses. You kicked and pulled yourself upward. Your lungs were screaming. Your head burst through the surface and you gasped for breath. In an instant the calming silence from below was replaced with the fiery explosion of the ship. Heat gust out causing the water to form a wave that splashed you in the face. You watched as Jericho was lit up like a volcano. The fire illuminated the water and made it easier to see what was around you. You just stared at it.
"(Y/n)! Hurry!" A voice called you back to the present. You looked over and saw everyone swimming to shore. You saw Zane standing there. He was the one that had called out to you. You quickly swam after them. Your body was aching. You could feel your energy draining, but you kept going, forcing yourself through the dark water. You took Zane's hand and he helped haul you onto shore. You collapsed onto your back, breathing hard, drenched, and exhausted. He bent over, putting his hands on his knees, out of breath as well. Everyone was trying to calm down from what just happened. Jake started laughing. You all looked at him.
"WOW! That was something!" He said. "I need to hang out with you guys more often!" He said with a smile.
"Don't tell me you actually enjoyed risking our lives and blowing up a ship with soldiers shooting at us the entire time." Ash grumbled.
"Lighten up Ash! I thought you liked action." He said. Ash opened his mouth to shout a retort, but he stopped. He nodded.
"He's got a point." He agreed with a grin. Jake laughed.
"Dude, I'm so glad I helped you out of that fire." Jake said.
"Same. I wasn't exactly pleased with the thought of burning to a crisp." Ash said. They gave each other high fives and you rolled your eyes at them.
"If you two didn't notice we have no place to go to now!" You said.
"Actually, I do know a place we can go." Markus said.
"Let's move then!" Zane said. You tried to get up, but you felt a pain in your side. You yelped and fell back onto your hands and knees.
"(Y/n)!" Connor hurried over to you. You gripped your side. He gently removed your hand and you saw blood. "She's hurt!" You refused to let a grazed side slow you down.
"I'll be fine. Let's go." You said, standing up with a little bit of Connor's help. Connor stuck to your side and you all hurried away into the night.
You arrived at the Cathedral and many androids joined you all there. Kent had patched you up and your were perfectly fine. The injury had been near some nerves which is why it had hurt more than usual.
You were relieved that your family and friends were all there and all fine. Your father's leg would heal and your brothers and sister, other than a few scrapes, were all fine as well. Jake was being treated by Kent and Connor was alright along with Josh, North, and Markus. Nova was a bit torn up, but she was also being treated.
Markus said he had to go visit somebody and that he would be back within an hour. He had entrusted North to watch over everything while he was away. You went to meet the two android girls that had joined you in your escape. One was a woman and the other was a child. The woman had long orange hair with red highlights and blue eyes. The little girl had long pink hair with purple and blue highlights and two different colored eyes. One eye was gold and the other was green. They had stayed together for now while Scarlett and Kent were busy helping.
"Hello there." The woman greeted. You smiled.
"Hey. I just thought I should meet the both of you." You said.

How Do I Love You? (Connor x Reader Detroit: Become Human Fanfic)
Fanfiction"Miss (L/n), you and Anderson have been assigned with an android from Cyberlife for these cases." "Really? Well...alright. When will he or she arrive?" "I don't know, but I just hope that a stupid piece of plastic doesn't mess things up around here...