??? POV
I was humming to myself as I drew another picture in my room. I began signing softly too myself. As I did, I heard someone calling my name. I hurried out of my room and I hurried to the kitchen.
"Yeah, Mom?"
"Have you seen your brothers and your sisters?" She asked. Dad was making lunch for all of us.
"No. I've been drawing." I said. She sighed.
"I swear that's all you do with your time Vixen." She said.
"What can I say? I have people who love looking at my stuff, Mom. The world won't wait up for me so I can't wait up for it either!" I said.
"You two are exactly alike." Dad said.
"EWWW! Don't compare me to her! I'm better at painting than she is!" I bragged playfully.
"I'll have you know I've done my fair share of art too young lady." Mom said. I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah, yeah, Mom. I gotta go. I'm almost done with this one and I wanna post it before lunch." I said and hurried off. It had been like this for 13 years now. Yeah. I was 13-year-old Vixen (L/n). The cyborg daughter of (Y/n) (L/n) and Connor (L/n). Although, I wasn't the only one. My little sisters, Peggy and Mazy, were both 10 while Max and Justin were 11 and a half. I was so happy to be the oldest. It was GREAT! I was always in charge when the adults were away! Mom and Dad were cops. Max and Peggy wanted to be just like them. I had to admit, being a cop was cool and all, but I wanted to be a writer! I had a book that was a HUGE hit actually! You see, my parents are famous. Now your parents might be famous as in singers or dancer, or even winner of America's Got Talent! My parents were in the history books! That was what my story was about actually. It was my parents' story. Well, my parents and the rest of my crazy family. My mother and father often told us stories of what happened before we were all born. I still can't believe it was just under 14 years ago.
I got more notifications for my book on my computer. I sighed. I needed to update it before anything else. I was almost finished actually. I was on the final chapter, number 100. I began to type the final chapter.
"VIXEN! FOOD'S READY!" Mom called.
"BE THERE IN A SEC!!" I called back. I sat in my chair at my desk and began writing.
'Now, you've heard the whole story. How a human and an android eventually freed all androids, got married, and had their kids, me being one of them. It was a wild ride. (Y/n) became a cyborg, my father became a deviant, they found out my uncles were cyborgs, and they even had the most amazing pets on earth that were also saving lives! I mean come on, Nova gave a speech for gosh sake. Now, usually, people write stories about themselves when it comes to stories like this. But this story wasn't about me. It was about a family that pulled through together and continues to grow to this day. You've heard my families story, so I know what you're asking now. What about my story? What about my sibling's story? WHAT ABOUT NOVA AND SUMO'S PUPS?! WHAT ABOUT SNOW AND TANNER'S KITTENS!? Yeah, I know there are people only interested in the animals, don't lie to me. Well, that's a story for another time, my friends. Some stories are major cliches, some stories are action-packed and heroic, some stories are dramatic and hopelessly romantic, this story...it was all of those things. I sure hope you enjoyed it. Many stories have been written about my family, but every single word written in this book is true. This isn't my brother's story. This isn't my sister's story. This isn't my story. This isn't even my parent's story. This was our story and I'm thrilled all of you joined me in it. This is Vixen, signing off! Later my reader peeps!'
(Be sure to look at the author note in the next part! There are major announcements going into it!
P.s. Edit: NO YOU DIRTY BIRDIES! SHE DIDN'T WRITE ABOUT THE LEMONS! Her version of the story is going to be slightly different because she wasn't actually there. It's like it was all one giant flashback told by multiple people. So when it's in Zane's POV he's telling to story from his own point of view. This is the first time we get the story from Vixen's POV. Get it?)

How Do I Love You? (Connor x Reader Detroit: Become Human Fanfic)
Fanfiction"Miss (L/n), you and Anderson have been assigned with an android from Cyberlife for these cases." "Really? Well...alright. When will he or she arrive?" "I don't know, but I just hope that a stupid piece of plastic doesn't mess things up around here...