Chapter 3: Undercover

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" we gonna do this, Charlotte?" Deputy Lance asked.

"I will search recent cases and crimes to find prime areas for purchasing, then create a triangle with locations, and after we do some undercover work, I will be able to pinpoint an exact location."

"So do I have to do anything?" Deputy Lance asked.

"If you could...when I tell you a location and case, come up with a cover to get the red ice."

"Alright. That's able."

I turned on the computer and began my search. First, Carlos Ortiz. He does have a drug offense that took place in the district. At East 101st and Main Street, he purchased red ice from a lower level drug dealer. By looking at crimes from that area, I can confidently say that it's a prime location to purchase drugs. I shouldn't find other locations and try to match them with this, I should triangulate from this location.

"Deputy Lance? East 101st street and Main seems to be a popular location for lower level drug dealers. We should start there," I told him. He sketched it down and began to quickly come up with a cover.

Next...I should look for the top point of the triangle...round the 2nd quadrant of the district. Recently, there have been 27 cases of drug offenses in that area. 7 of which are related only to dealing. To get the most diversity, I should find a drug user...or even a drug den.

A drug den. That would have a majority of the arrests made. I can identify that at 2nd and Broad Street, there have been 6 arrests at just this one building, and it's not a high rise. It's likely a den.

"Deputy Lance, I've found the 2nd location. 2nd and Broad Street seems to be a drug den. We should try and sample from a user."

"What makes you think they'll be willing to share their supply?" He asked concerned.

"I don't," I answered. Deputy Lance sighed but wrote it down anyway.

Finally, the 4th quadrant. In it's 8th subdivision, there are many nightclubs, all of which have drug offenses late at night. This seems to be higher level dealers, supplying drugs to partiers. If I go with an area that's too popular, the drugs are either of very high quality or very low quality. If I go to an area that's not very popular, I risk there not being a supplier there, but the drugs will be of a more consistent quality.


Equal chances of success.

"Deputy Lance, would you rather go to a very popular night club or a very unpopular one?"

"I don't care, Charlotte. Aren't you supposed to be able to calculate this kind of stuff?"

"Yes and-"

"Just choose."

Choose? But how can I choose when the options are equal? Neither can take priority...

Well...I imagine Detective Lance has a place he needs to get back to. I don't think he would want to risk us not even meeting a supplier. At least if it's low quality, we know a good location.

"Alright, then we'll head to a very popular one. The best place to go seems to be Eden Club at 199th and Superior," I explained.


"Just let me know when you're ready, Deputy," I responded.

"You know that we can't let them get too hot on our trail right? We can't do more than like two a day," he explained.


"We'll probably need to start with something colder. Something that won't attract the drug den. I can use one of the premade covers for that," Lance answered. Lance quickly took out if his black leather jacket a beanie, and put it on.

"See...and just like that I'm undercover," he announced. He was right. He had on a black leather jacket, a black crew neck shirt, and dark jeans. I couldn't otherwise recognize him as Detroit Police.

"Okay. Let's go," I said, standing up.

"Uh...are you glitching or something? You can't go out like that. Looking and shit."

Oh. I turned off the graphics on my suit.

"Now?" I asked.

"You still look like a stuck up bitch and you have that LED on the side of your head. You have to actually change. There should be clothes in the women's locker room."

I nodded and headed for the women's locker room. I checked the first locker and saw a brown sweater. In the next locker I saw a pair of jeans. I walked over to the mirror and adjusted my bangs so that they covered up my LED.

I changed and walked back to Deputy Lance. "It's incredible. You don't look like an android but you still have that tightass walk. C'mon, Charlotte," he said, grabbing his car keys.

As we left, Connor walked in.

"Look, Connor. Charlotte's a deviant," Deputy Lance said. Instantly, Connor pulled out his gun and aimed it at my head.

I froze. He didn't move. He just stared. His hand began to shake. He doesn't want to kill me...and I...I don't. I don't want to...I don't die. Or be reset. Or whatever it is they do...

I just powered on yesterday! I haven't done anything yet! I don't want to...go. I don't want...I don't like this...I think he'll really shoot.

"Connor...please," I begged softly. "I'm...I'm not a deviant..."

"Jesus Christ, Connor! I was fucking kidding!" Deputy yelled.

Connor stopped, and looked around. He instantly put away his gun.

"I'm sorry," he said, quietly before turning around.





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