Chapter 15: Blackout

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Note from Andrea here

Does that say 500 reads? Oh my gosh, thank you guys so much. You guys have been absolutely awesome. Seeing everyone loving the story makes it so much easier to write chapters! I'm so motivated! Hopefully I can get up to 2 chapters a day soon.

Thank you guys so much!


I stared at Connor, for just a second. He doesn't want to be replaced either? Want...thats a bad word to use here. We don't 'want' anything. We analyze a situation, and come to a conclusion. Our analysis concludes that being replaced...would be a net negative for the world at large. Losing our respective relationships, losing our ability to work, and ending up in a junkyard where we could possibly spill trade secrets. Yes. That's why...we don't...want to be replaced.

"You're not feeling...deviant, are you?" Connor asked.

"No. Even if I did, what would you do besides report me to Cyberlife?"

"I wouldn't," Connor answered. "No...I couldn't. Not after seeing how well you do, and after everything I've done."

"Connor. You did one thing...and that was the right thing."

"Was it?" He asked.

"I think so, yes. You were programmed for it."

"I...I doubt my programming sometimes. I suppose that's only natural though," Connor answered.

"I agree," I answered.

Connor maintained eye contact with me for a moment. "I should go...but thank you for entertaining me," he answered.

"Of course."

He left, checking back once. I wonder where he's going? What he's off to do...

It wasn't too long before Deputy Lance returned. It wasn't much longer before we prepared to leave. This time, I simply had to turn off the graphics on my suit.

The plan was I would be a business woman simply getting a late night drink, while Deputy Lance would act as a friendly bar regular. Possibly even an alcoholic. We'll watch for where dealings are happening and break our cover to go after them. This mission is no longer about finding information, it's about taking down a fairly large drug ring. There will always be more, but hopefully this will give me progress on my main mission.

We left out for Blackout, and as agreed, I would enter the bar about 30 minutes before Deputy Lance. I walked inside, and sat down the counter. The bar matched it's name. The building was dark with neon lighting being the only way to lead you around. There was a dance floor which didn't have many people at it, since the bar just opened. In general, the place gave off a "party" vibe which seems to match up with the Red Ice dealings. I sat down at the bar, and watched as the bartender saddled up to me.

"What would you like?" She asked.

"Vodka. Double, please."

"Rough day?" She asked, as she poured the two shots.

"Yeah. Fucking insane," I answered.

"I'm a little surprised they let you in. Dressed up to the nines like that."

"Well, I didn't have time to change," I answered, shrugging. She nodded and set down the glass.

Time to down the first shot.


Vodka, 75% pure. 25% water.

So...they water down their alcohol. No smoking gun there. Well...time to down the second shot. Same components. I scanned the bar tender, looking for any criminal record on her.

Maria Calum

Age 24, with a day job of retail worker, and she moonlights here at the bar. No criminal record.

She's certainly got nothing to do with it. Even if she did, she wouldn't be important. This place is so advanced and well established, I find it likely that the best people to focus on will be those with criminal records, or pending and past legal issues.

I stand up from the bar, and approach the dance floor. There's only about 6 people on it, and I stick out like a sore thumb, but I just need to act like I'm heading off to the bathroom, and analyze them on the way. First, a young blonde girl.

Gina Fresco. Age 22. Public drunkenness, not charged.

So...she parties. Great. Next person.

Liam Knock. Age 29. Red ice possession. Under 15 grams. Ecstasy possession, under 15 grams

So...Liam here parties. I'll my eye on him. Of the other several people, only one other has a criminal record. She maintains a record similar to Liam's, so I'll keep her in mind too. I run off to the bathroom and stare in the mirror. I've covered my LED with my hair, and I look like...a human. I hear the door swing open.

I turned to the right, and saw the bartender.

"I know that you're a cop," she said, looking at me.

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