Chapter 91 - Take a Break

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"You should be all good now," Christen remarked, soldering together the last few wires. "You need to be more careful."

"I know," I sighed.

"You are doing great, but one day, we'll run out of copper, and we'll find it all in you," She said chuckling. She leaned back on the stool she was sitting on, almost falling over but catching herself. 

"Let me go get Connor. I have something I want to tell you two," She said, leaving out the room. She came back, Connor in tow. She sat down on the stool. 

"I understand the two of you probably aren't ready for this, but I'm coming across as a scientist, not as a friend," she remarked. 

"Suddenly, I'm worried," I said, turning to Connor. 

"No, no. Don't be," Christen mumbled. "I've been working on a project with Fiona about something very important to me."

"What's that now?" Connor asked.

"Well, there are these android children. Lots of them. Many of them have their AI advancing, and with some help from Fiona, we were able to come up with a very complex process and set of chemicals that will allow them to grow and develop into adults, with bodies and voices that match. We gave it to a family up in Canada, and their android daughter. She's doing great. She was just a 10 year old stuck in an 8-year-old body like two weeks ago, and now she can be who she is," Christen said, incredibly excited. 

"Oh, that is great, Christen," I said smiling softly.

"Yeah...that's not it though. Lots of deviant children were abandoned by their families during the revolution. It's a crisis, really."

"Adoption," Connor caught on. 

"I figured it's a harder sell if its an 1800 year burden, not an 18 year one," Christen smiled. 

"Um...well-" I began. 

"We'll consider it," Connor interrupted. As he always knows how to do, Nick burst in through the door, eating a plate of donuts.

"Have you guys tried this donut place here?" He asked with powdered sugar falling out of his mouth. "It's amazing! Like...they're closed now, but so good!"

"Did you buy them out or something?" Christen sassed. 

"Practically," Nick answered, dragging his powdered sugar covered hand across his powdered sugar covered face. 

"You guys get him home. I'll start working on keeping the CR400 at bay," Christen said leaving the room. Connor sighed and helped me get off the medicine table. Nick quickly set down the plate and started washing off his face and hands.

"I'll be right back. I want to talk to Markus quickly," Connor answered, turning to us one last time.

Nick looked at me with a big smile. "See, you're going to hate not having me around," Nick beamed.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"I did, in fact, go out and buy donuts, but I stood outside of the door for a second. I heard Christen and Connor plotting to get you a kid, and burst in with my Oscar-winning performance. You know I'm not a messy eater, Bolts."

"How do I never catch on to your secret plots?" I questioned. 

"Keyword, secret," Nick smiled. 


Nick walked around the ashes. What was left of his car and garage was nothing more than a burnt hunk of metal, and smoked wood.

"Well, I suppose I'll buy a new car on a police officer's salary," Nick sighed, getting a good look at each part of what was left. 

"Hey, Charlotte. You think you two can watch the house?" Gavin asked. 

"Sure?" I questioned, turning to Connor.

"Yes. Why?" Connor answered.

"I think Nick here needs to get out for a little bit. C'mon, sweetie," Gavin said grabbing Nick's disappointed hand. Nick turned to me as he got into Gavin's car and gave me a thumbs up.

"I don't think Nick's coming back tonight," I said leading Connor inside. 


"You don't know Nick's 'I want to get dicked down' look by now?" I questioned.

"His what a look what now?" Connor said shocked.

"My language or the fact that it's a look? Which part blew you away?" 

"His a whata what now?" Connor asked, confused. His led flashed red, making me laugh.

"It's not important," I said, sitting down on the couch. The process of finally resting nearly brought tears to my eyes, as quickly the emotions flooded.  "I love you."

"I too. What's that for?" Connor asked, climbing onto the couch, and sitting directly next to me. 

"I'm...everything is washing over me suddenly. I don't know why Nick and I both have to put ourselves on pedestals to protect each other from emotions...but we do. And now, now I feel like breaking down," I said, feeling a sense of dread come over me. I felt tight and afraid. Connor took me by my shoulders and hugged me firmly into his chest. I took deep breaths, as I felt afraid, terrified, and sad all at the same time. 

"I'm sorry," I nearly cried.

"For what?" Connor whispered.

"Causing all of this," I mumbled, feeling an unexpected twinge of emotional pain.

"You didn't cause anything," Connor said, bringing me tighter.

"Yes, I did. She came after me and wanted to hurt you guys. She wanted to hurt my family. The loves of my life," I whispered.

"She came after you because of a protocol. This is not your fault. It's that stupid protocol's," Connor explained.

"I'm scared..." I explained.

"That's okay. You're allowed to be scared," Connor said into my ear softly. "Here. Just come closer. I'll keep you safe."

We readjusted so that Connor had his legs to the side of me, but his arms wrapped tightly around me, and his hands falling just below my chest. 

"Maybe, all you need is some sleep. Some sleep and a coffee when you wake up," Connor quietly said again.

"You're right. It's been a while," I answered.

"Then, sleep," Connor said, covering my eyes with one of his hands.

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