Chapter 25: ERRORS

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I looked at the Deputy, who I thought might be crying, and...left him. I don't know what to do except leave. I wasn't...programmed for this.

I obviously couldn't leave through the elevator so instead I found a set of stairs and walked the full 70 flights down. The headache is still there but less awful. It' me the feeling that something is going to down. That this won't be the last time.

It's on this long walk down that I wonder what it is that Deputy Lance is feeling now. It can't be anything good, but I wonder if he feels cold. As though...he's in need of someone. Part of me wants to be someone that Lance can feel okay about, while the other part of me doesn't want that at all.

Part of me wonders if 'want' is even appropriate. Is my 'want' why Cyberlife is going to replace me? Is that why? Or...maybe it's because I haven't been good to Connor. Like Christen said, maybe I'm supposed to be his partner, and like Amanda said, I'm supposed to replace the police force with him. Maybe I've been doing things wrong...maybe I've been an idiot this whole time.

I can't...I can't process this. I stumble out of the stairwell, overwhelmed by calculations. As I catch myself up, I grab onto the wall. A few of the remaining officers turn to me confused, while the rest frankly couldn't care. The snow is really beginning to pile up now, but it's...not enough. The calculations...the algorithms...they're piling up. They're not being solved, and I'm overwhelmed.

I don't know who to go to, so I call for a self driving taxi and head to Deputy Lance's house. Christen opens up the door.

"Charlotte? Where's Nick?"

"I don't...I don't...I...I last saw him at the...the...crime scene? At the tower," I force out.

"Shit! Your LED!" She yelled. She grabbed me by the arm and pulled me in. "It's going haywire! What happened?"


I can't talk. Christen took me by the arm and felt in the crease of my elbow until she found something. Where a vein would be in a human, there was an USB port, hidden by my skin. Christen rushed off, and returned with her laptop. She attached a USB cord to her laptop, and then to me.


It only took a minute of hearing her type and click around before I could speak again. It was only a little bit longer before all that remained was the headache. She looked at me calmly, before unplugging me.

"You're fine now, right?" She asked.

"Yes," I answered.

"Good. Now...let me tell you what happened," she said pulling her hair back into a ponytail.

"In non-deviants, calculations that can't be solved trigger forms of software instability. In all androids, that's what causes emotions, but in deviants especially, those emotions are strong, and at a human's perception," she began. "In non-deviants the calculations should be eventually nullified out, even though the software instability remains."

"Should?" I asked.

"In you...the calculations hadn't nullified out. I just had to nullify them. It's...a strange issue. It's almost as though...the calculations weren't supposed to be there in the first place," Christen answered, clearly confused.

"Am I a deviant, Christen?" I asked.

She laughed. "No...not by a long shot."

"Oh," I answered. Christen smiled.

"But don't be dissapointed," she said sarcastically.

"Thanks for your help," I answered.

"No problem. Now...c'mon. We need to check on Fiona."

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