Chapter 46 - Polaris

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Hey guys!

So it looks like I'm at that point where it's difficult to recognize everyone who comments, and votes. It would just take too much time, and I'm so sorry! But just know that if you have been commenting, and voting, even adding the story to lists or anything, I've noticed, and thank you so much! I'll try and reply to those who comment now just so they know I am at least noticing them, but no promises. I'm so sorry, but thank you so much.

Probably what I'll end up doing is just releasing a whole chapter with everyone who has voted and commented, thanking them. That won't be for a while out...

Thank you!

Andrea Elk


The next day came and went...but now I knew I had a body. I'm really here. I can feel my thyrium regulator pulse, I can feel my hair against my face, and I can feel it when someone or something holds my hand. They tend to do it a lot, and I just have to presume that it's the man from yesterday.

Later this night, after the December 13th late night news, I heard the sound of footsteps get further away, quickly. They were running whoever.

"Doctor!" The voice called. "Her skin is turning on!" Was it off? It was the male voice from before. I heard the distinct light and quick walk of the doctor.

The Doctor entered the room. "I...I wonder if that means she's close to coming back," the Doctor answered.

"It has to!" The male voice answered excitedly.

"I won't make any promises. I've never dealt with this before, but I can hope," the Doctor explained.

I could hear the male footsteps as they approached me.

Suddenly, I heard a third, much heavier set of footsteps, but the pacing was strange. It was irregular but fast. The steps got closer, and then I heard a third voice.

"I came to see if Charlotte's got off her ass yet," The particularly high pitched male voice said.

"Inappropriate," the female voice answered.

"We've been through this. I deal with complex emotions through jokes and deflection," the higher pitched man stated proudly.

"Well, not with him here. He's going through a lot," the Doctor said quietly.

"I'm not deaf," the deeper male voice said clearly. "He's fine. We all have our own way of dealing with things."

"That's very sweet, but I still don't want to be a bother. We'll continue this conversation outside, Nick," the female voice sighed, before I heard her light footsteps leave, and the very heavy steps of the high pitched man leave as well. I heard the noise of a door close.

The night passed again, and sometimes, I would feel someone fix my hair, and then gently touch my cheek. Not hearing any foot steps, I have to presume it's the deep voiced man. In all honesty, it's not that his voice is very deep at all, it's just deeper than the other man's. Another day passed, with no improvement in my condition.

"Today is Wesnesday, December 15th, and CBN presents midweek evening news with Emmanuel Polaris."

I heard the distinctly male voice with a Boston accent come over the news. "Hello, America, I am Emmanuel Polaris. It is 5:30pm, and today, we have a very special report. Given permission by the android leader himself, we will enter Jericho, the headquarters for the Android revolution."

Jericho...still exists? Where am I?

"Located in central Detroit, at a large ex-Cyberlife storage location, androids have set up a miniature city. Old storage containers act as shelters and shops, while security checkpoints now act as various offices. The entire thing is connected by an elaborate hallway system. You can enter Jericho from the outskirts, and exit it, all without going outside," the narrator stated.

"So tell me, Markus, is Jericho a sovereign nation?" Emmanuel Polaris asked.

"Not at all. Although at times, we must function as though we are, that was never the intention."

"And he's not kidding," the narrator spoke. "Androids are still awaiting civil protections and a majority of the rights they asked for during the revolution. Jericho offers those. They elected Markus to represent them as a delegate to the United States government at the beginning of December, and they maintain an android security force to handle not only human versus android issues, but also android versus android issues. In a month, Jericho has been able to create a stable pseudo-government of sorts."


"So, Markus, Jericho has been moved several times. How do you manage to maintain stability when the android homebase is constantly moved?"

Markus replied so confidently, I could hear it in his voice.

"First of all, Elliot, Jericho is a people, not a place..."

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