Chapter 88 - Ikea

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Hey everyone,

I'm so sorry for taking so long to update. To put my past few weeks in perspective:


-Car accident

-My friend thought she might be pregnant

-Wi-Fi out due to storms

So, I literally didn't even know when I would be able to write again. Now that I can, I've tried to pour my heart and soul into this chapter, and this book should be closing out soon, as in the next 10 chapters. 

Thank you,



"So, do you think Ikea or like...a few random stores then Ikea?" I asked Nick. Nick had his head pressed firmly into the steering wheel as we overlooked the Detroit River from inside the car. The lack of calls is quite blissful, but considering it's 8 in the morning, it's no surprise. 

" want me to help with interior decorating after I'm about to pass out? I mean seriously..." Nick begged. 

"Okay...why don't you take a nap?"

"That's what I've been trying to do but I have this torturous migraine," Nick complained. 

"Don't you have your meds?"

"No. Somehow, I forgot them," Nick groaned. "Please...please, God. Just let me sleep."

"Nick, why don't you just go home? There's not a chance that there will be a case I can't handle," I explained.

"Oh, I'm not taking that risk," Nick answered. "I should stay and protect you, y'know?" 

"Alright, Mr. Big Dick Nick. Your testosterone does not dictate protecting everyone who has secondary sex characteristics," I responded, rolling my eyes.

"Okay, fuck you," Nick said, rubbing his head aggressively. He thought for just a moment. "Fine. Damn it."

He put the car into drive. "No! You are not driving in that condition," I responded.

"Ugh, fine," Nick complained. Nick put the car in park and jumped out furiously. I smirked and switched places. 

Okay, so maybe I've never really done this whole driving thing before, but I'm an android. How hard can it be? I put the car in drive and left out the lot, as Nick moaned in pain from the passenger seat. I just have to get him home. I just have to get home...from a place, I don't know, alright, fine. I'm a human GPS. Well, less human and more android. I made a left, which was much harder than I expected. Nick gripped tightly onto his door. 

"Oh, fuck. You've never driven before!" Nick yelled.

"How hard can it be? I have seen you do it a million times," I answered, as I sped up a little bit. 

"Apparently very. Jesus Christ, Charlotte. Just turn easier, please, or you'll make my headache worse."

I skid to a hard stop at the stop sign.  Nick flew forward but his seatbelt stopped him. 

"Okay, okay. Sorry," I mumbled. 

"Holy shit, Charlotte," Nick said, rubbing his temples. 

"I said sorry!" I yelled.

"Don't fucking yell!" Nick yelled. I sighed and made my turn and taking Nick home. He stumbled in through the door, closing it behind him. I suppose he really has had a rough day so far. I love Nick, as he is the one who's taken care of me and shown me who and how to be who I am. That's wonderful, and more I could've asked for out of a friend. Sometimes, I wonder if he really cares about me, and then I remember Amanda. How fake she was. How fake her care was...and suddenly, I'm entering a universe of Amanda. I remember her control, and her grasp on me and...then I'm there again.

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