Chapter 92 - Dancing in the Rain

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When I woke up, Connor wasn't next to me like I expected. Instead, Nick was sitting by my feet eating a big bowl of cereal. Wait a second...that isn't a bowl. That's a pot. Nick is eating a pot of cereal. Is it...a laziness thing, or is it a power move?

"Are you eating...a pot of cereal?" I asked sitting up.

"Yeah," Nick answered simply. Definitely a power move. 

"Where did Connor go?"

"He took your boxes over to the new apartment. He might be coming back...or...I know he wanted to go to the precinct today to work on a case."

"He took all of my stuff over?"

"You move days from now. Why not?"

"I don't know," I sighed, sitting up. "I just wasn't expecting it."

Nick set his stew pot of Lucky Charms (it's only marshmallows), flipped off the morning cartoons, and looked directly into my eyes. 

"If it's moving too fast, you should tell him that," Nick said, in quite the brotherly way.

"Oh, Nick," I began, feeling touched by his remark. "It's not that. In fact, I think I'm ready for just about anything with Connor. It'll just be weird to not"

Nick looked surprised. He raised his eyebrows and curled up on the couch like me.

"I wasn't expecting that..." Nick answered. "We'll still be coworkers..."

"It's not the same, really. I mean, we've spent a good portion of the past few months constantly together. I don't know what I'll do without you constantly in my ear."

"You'll be a lot less annoyed, that's for sure."

"I suppose you have a point there," I sighed. Turning to Nick, his jaw was dropped in shock. "Kidding."

"Rude," Nick said, picking up his pot of cereal again. "And to think, I might've missed you a little bit."

"I might've missed you a little bit too," I responded, as Nick flipped back on the morning cartoons, and I adjusted myself to sit directly next to him. 

"I have an idea. We have work tomorrow, and then you're moving in. So...why don't we do some things today? Some things we won't really get to do otherwise?" Nick offered.

"That's a great idea," I said standing up. I opened the window to reveal the raining sky. The snow had melted away and it was now absolutely thundering outside."

"I don't see a problem," Nick said jumping up. "You have never learned how to have fun, have you?"

"Suppose not?"

Nick grabbed my hand and led me outside, where he proceeded to run and jump into the very first puddle he saw. "Whew!"

"It's like 5 in the morning! Should you be screaming outside?"

"Loosen up!" Nick announced, as his wavy blonde hair started to fall flat on top of his head, drenching wet already.

I hopped into another puddle, and couldn't help but smile. 

"Now scream!" Nick yelled, belting out an outrageously loud horror scream. I repeated after him,  and sure enough, it was quite freeing. I felt my own curly hair press to my face in its coldness.

"C'mon!" Nick yelled leaping to another puddle. I hopped to the very same puddle where we jumped up and down giggling in the rain. 

"You've never been cloud gazing!" Nick announced.


Nick laid down in the soaking wet grass immediately and looked directly into the gray sky, squinty-eyed and all.

"I'm going to cloud gaze...rain clouds?"

"Trust me!" Nick yelled, smiling, but much calmer this time. I followed along and laid down on top of the muddy ground. He was right. Surely, I don't think it's about the clouds, but looking at the rain as it falls onto you is different than watching as it falls in front of you. It makes you feel smaller and makes every drop feel significant. We must've stayed like that forever or at least until the rain slowed to down to a halt. At which point, Nick and I were covered in mud.

"So...what now? We're so muddy," I sighed. Nick stood up and silently disappeared. When he came back, he stood over me with a devious smile. 

"What?" I asked nervously. Nick proceeded to quickly spray me with a garden hose making me scream and roll away from him, getting even muddier. 

"Oh, stop! Stand up!" Nick chased after me, laughing. He offered me his hand to help me up. I took it and he proceeded to spray me off with the hose.

"Your turn," I giggled, grabbing the hose from him quickly, and spraying him violently.

"Hey! Hey! Calm it down, Bolts!" He flinched, laughing. Nick tried to steal the hose from me, chasing me around the backyard. We were having so much fun that we failed to notice an angry middle-aged woman come stomping into Nick's backyard.

"Excuse me!" She yelled, placing her foot firmly down on the concrete

I immediately dropped the hose, and froze, while Nick nearly cartoonishly slid to a halt in the mud.

"If you and your girlfriend wouldn't mind keeping it down. There are children around who are trying to go to school, and shouldn't be distracted by a white t-shirt contest!"

The pure thought of Nick and I...having a...Jesus Christ, I couldn't help but break down laughing so hard I almost collapsed. Nick stared at the woman calmly and with a completely straight face, he proceeded to answer.

"Trust me, ma'am. We're just friends. She does know how long my dick is but that was due to more of a misunderstanding than anything."

"Oh my God," The woman said stumbling off. Nick stayed completely straight-faced until the woman left, in which he himself collapsed into a pile of giggles. We couldn't help but lay in the very mud we had just washed off cackling.

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