Chapter 36: Evidence

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The Lieutenant looked confused for a moment, but we heard sudden footsteps. A younger guy in a suit entered the station.

"Well, well, here comes Perkins. That motherfucker," Hank said calmly. "Sure didn't waste any time at the FBI."

"We can't give up," Connor answered. "I know the answers and the evidence we got. If Perkins takes that, it's all over."

"There's no choice. You heard Fowler. We're off the case," Hank answered upset.

Connor jumped up off of the desk. "You've got to help me, Lieutenant! I need more time so I can find a lead in the evidence we collected. I know the solution is in there!"

"Listen, Connor-"

"If I don't solve this case, Cyberlife will destroy me. If I can solve it though, I can keep functioning, and try and convince them to keep Charlotte activated. I just need five minutes. That's all I ask," Connor pleaded. Hank thought for a moment before standing up and sighing.

"Key to the basement is on my desk," he explained. "Get a move on. I can't distract him forever!"

Connor grabbed the keys and from the distance, we heard Hank call out to the FBI agent. "Perkins, you fuckin cocksucker!"

Connor turned to me, and I understood what he meant without him even saying a word. He grabbed my hand and pulled me quickly with him to the archives room. As Connor was opening the door, we heard a loud male voice call.

"Hey, Connor!" He yelled. Connor closed the door and looked at him. "I'm talking to you, asshole."

Whoa. Aggressive much? This guy has got to be around Deputy Lance's age, maybe younger, and he looks very tired and angry. I don't know why he's so upset with Connor, but whatever it is, it seems unwarranted.

"Where are you going? We don't need any plastic pricks around here, or did anybody tell you?" The man asked. He looked at both of us, and I noticed his badge. He's an officer? Seriously?

"There's two of you fuckers? Fuck off," he said angrily. Connor turned around, and he looked very irritated.

"I'm registering the evidence in my possession, but don't worry...I'm going to leave," He said. I thought he would leave it there, but he continued. "Although I'm certainly going to miss our bromance."

I couldn't help but chuckle. "You bitch!" The officer yelled, pointing his gun at me. "You find that funny?"

Connor quickly took me, and pulled me behind him so that he was shielding me. The officer chuckled.

Connor flashed an uncomfortable smile. "Go on then. Get a fuckin move on," the officer said."Prick."

He walked away, and Connor sighed before opening up the door and pulling me along again.

"Who was that?" I asked as we raced down the stairs.

"You've never met him before? I would suppose not. He works homicide. His name is Gavin," Connor explained. "He hates androids."

"I can tell," I explained as we entered the evidence locker. Connor placed his hand on the palm scan and thought for a moment.

"Hank's password," he mumbled.

"Maybe...his favorite alcohol?" I offered.

"No...thats too complex for him. What would a hard boiled eccentric police lieutenant choose?" He asked aloud. He thought for just another moment.

"Fuckingpassword?" He asked as he typed it in. The computer said access granted. Connor looked up.

"Obviously," He said, not at all surprised by Hank's choice. The evidence locker began to open up. There were two deviant's bodies on the wall, as well as various other trinkets in the case. Connor looked across the set of evidence and picked up a small tablet. It played a video of an android telling him "The answer is inside."

"What does that mean?" Connor said, stepping back and looking at the evidence collection.

"What evidence is from his case?" I asked. Connor pointed to the statuette, before realizing something and picking it up. He shook it gently and a hollow sound was made.

"Smash it," I said. Connor hit it on the side of the shelf, and sure enough a small map was inside.

"Ferndale. Jericho is in Ferndale. I need to cross reference that with the deviants memories," he said, looking at the set of bodies in front of him. "We only have a few minutes left. You'll need to help me."

Connor walked over to the first body, which was a blonde PL600. "He needs the biocomponent #4717g. Check the other deviant."

I walked over to the other deviant, which was the one Connor shot at the broadcast tower. I looked at him.


Needs a #3983v


#2104y, #1604t, #1009d

"No. He doesn't have it," I explained.

"What does he need?" Connor asked.

"A #3983v."

Connor tore a biocomponent out of the PL600 and brought it over to the deviant. He attached it into the other deviant.

"It's dark...where-where am I?" he asked. Connor turned to me for a moment, looking for guidance.

"Trick him," I said, via the LED intercommunication.

"I'm a deviant. Just like you. I need your help," he said to him.

"I don't...recognize your voice. You're not one of us. I'll never tell you where Jericho is!" he announced.

"Probe him," I told Connor aloud.

"No," Connor answered, tearing out the biocomponent. He handed it to me. "There has to be another way."

He looked through the other shelves, and picked up the video of the android leader. "This. I can copy his voice," Connor explained. Slowly but surely, Connor did indeed copy the android's voice.

"See?" Connor responded, in the leader's voice. I took the biocomponent and placed it in the deviant.

"Hello?" the deviant called, as he was powered back on.

"I need your help," Connor said in the leader's voice. "I can't find my way back to Jericho. I'm lost."

"Markus? Is that really you?"

"Of course. All I know is that it's in Ferndale, but I have no way back. Give me the directions. Hurry. There's not much time left."

"Of course, Markus. Anything for you," The deviant responded, extending his arm, and turning off his skin. Connor turned to me, and winked, before connecting with the deviant. He quickly removed the biocomponent, and handed it back to me. I returned it to the other deviant, when we suddenly heard the door close behind us.

"I've been dreaming about this since the first second I saw you!"

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