Chapter 56 - Small Miracles

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"I love you, Charlotte," Nick said standing up. "You can't just die like that."

"I love you too, Nick. I'll try my best."

"Now we're really best friends," He said, calming himself down. " I tried to be a good little Deputy and give you a room..."

I nodded slowly.

"Unfortunately my entire house is filled up by Christen, Margot, and Fiona. Which...I'm handling. For the mean time can stay in my room!"

Not the messy hell.

"I cleaned it!" Nick continued.

Thank God.

Nick led me upstairs. "Listen, I wasn't expecting to be friends with an android, but I really care about you," Nick said opening up the door. "So...why don't you tell me something about you that I don't know?"

"'ve known me since I was powered on. There is nothing you don't know."

"Why did you try and kill yourself?" Nick asked confused. He sat down on the bed. He suddenly looked really scared. "Was it something I did? Or didn't do?"


"It's...not like that. Didn't Connor tell you?"

"He doesn't like he didn't tell me everything."

"Nick, I'm sure he likes you."

"He sighed every time he saw me at Jericho."

"Okay, maybe he doesnt," I answered. I sat down next to him. "Cyberlife was taking me over, they wanted me to shoot Connor, and I fired at myself. I took out the biocomponent, I mentioned to you."

"Oh...okay. I'm sorry to bug. I just worried about you, okay?"

"I know, Nick."

"Ugh," He groaned leaning back. "I need to take my medication."

I looked around Nick's room. It was, in fact, incredibly clean. All of his music was organized on shelves, he had his police memorabilia framed and on the walls, as well as his clothes in his hamper.

"What medication?" I asked

"I get migraines," he said leaning over the edge of his bed dramatically. He stood up and opened a drawer before opening a pill container.

Framed, he has a 1 year service certificate, 5 year service certificate, as well an article about Lieutenant Anderson and himself taking down a red ice network. "I really don't know why you don't just take the promotion," I explained.

"And I don't know why you want me to," he said. "You've never mentioned it before."

"Hmm. I wonder why that was," I replied sarcastically.

"Okay, Bolts. I see how little Miss  Deviant is going to be," Nick said wagging his finger. I looked to the right of his bed where in what remaining floor space, there was a small air mattress. In classic Nick Lance style, a small throw pillow and several blankets were thrown across it.

"I hope it's not uncomfortable..." Nick said noticing.

"Nick, I can't really feel uncomfortable. I just need to sleep."

"Oh good. Good. I was going to feel like an absolute dick otherwise."

"Big dick Nick?"

"Not the way I would prefer to hear that used..." Nick said sighing. "Who knew deviants were so ballsy?"

"We did launch a revolution...I think that's the most ballsy you can get."

"Man, do I really love this new personality. It's cheeky," Nick said smirking. I laughed.

"Thanks for doing this, Nick, but I think if I don't return to Jericho tonight, Connor will absolutely panic," I explained.

"Then...come over tomorrow," Nick said shrugging, and leaning up against the wall. "Sleepover!"

"I...okay," I said, accepting Nick's overwhelming emotions.

"Do you need a ride?" He asked.

"No, I think I'll be fine," I responded.

"I'm going to drive you anyway," he said, grabbing his jacket.

"Okay, Nick," I sighed.

In all truth, I do love Nick. He's can just be a bit silly sometimes. You never really know what you're going to get when you talk to him. Doesn't mean it's bad, in fact, it's good. It's just always a bit surprising. For someone who's not used to it, it can be overwhelming. Especially in this mood he's in right now. It seems like he is overwhelmed with himself right now, really.

As always, Nick had on jeans, a black shirt, and a leather jacket. I don't think he owns anything else, actually. I peeked in his closet, and sure enough...nothing but black shirts and jeans. I should really buy him some new clothes. Like a flannel...or something.

We walked down the stairs and I climbed into the car. Now that I'm deviant I can truly appreciate his car. It doesn't have a particular beauty to it, but to be owned by Nick Lance, it is particularly well maintained. The car is relatively spotless, and the interior is well maintained. No food crumbs, no random trash...not even a scuff mark.

"I'm sorry for being so...attatched? Is that the word?" He offered. "I just...I worried about you, yknow? You stay with one partner for years and he goes and...he might as well have killed himself. The idea of you doing the same? God, it just wrecks me."

"It's okay, I understand," I answered. "So...did Fiona take your last name too?"

"Oh God no. Fiona is...she's independent. I don't know if she'll even take a last name," Nick said thinking. "Wait. You reminded me. About can't tell him, but for Christmas the Lieutenant is surprising him with a room in his house."

"Why...are you telling me this? I'm probably the worst secret keeper."

"Well, because from what Hank has told me about Connor, he is pretty deadset on being a certain way. I think he'll probably end up taking Hank's last name, and Hank will let him. Hank loves that boy like a son."

"Still don't know what this has to do about me."

Nick shrugged violently. "What? You don't want to know everything about the boy who spent a month just waiting to see your eyes open again? He would kill for you. Take the least bit of interest, regardless of how important it may be."

"I guess you're right..."

"Of course I am. I've been doing this whole deviant thing for much longer than you."

I smirked. "Thank you, Nick."

"Okay, but I have a question...and I need you to answer honestly," Nick asked. "Do you think I have a good personality?"

"Of course," I answered without pause.

"Well...that's comforting. It's so much better you hear you say things when I know you're not being psychopathically mind controlled by some pricks."

"Totally understandable."

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