Chapter 90 - Messy and Forgetful

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"My car," Nick sighed, placing his hand on his face. For a moment, he started to cry. "My only fucking car."

Nick told me the story of that car. That car meant a lot to him. He doesn't speak to his family anymore because of the fact that they hate his sister. So, having the car that his dad bought on the day he was born was important. Losing that is like losing a piece of them again. 

Nick stared off in the distance after crying for a couple of seconds, before wiping his tears. Besides being sensitive, the Nick Lance I know is also a bit of a badass. When he sees that something is going down and that people need help, he pulls himself together without a second thought, because he is Nick motherfucking Lance and he has big dick energy. 

"Alright, Connor, I'm going to call Christen. We'll go to Jericho and deal with little bitch baby's leg. Gavin, you stay here. Call me if the fire spreads, but otherwise, if you text me one god damn word about this I will start bawling on the phone, and then I will tell everyone in the whole precinct that you have a tiny dick, and it won't matter that it's not true, because everyone likes me more than they like you," Nick threatened.

Gavin looked a bit shocked before turning towards the house fire. Wait a second...

"Did you just call me a little bitch baby?" I asked confused.

"You're being a little bitch baby, aren't you?" Nick sassed back, picking up his phone.

Ah. That is also the Nick Lance I know. Joking in order to hide his emotions. Oh, Nick, how I will miss not hearing that sass 24/7 when I move out. Connor turned towards the CR400.

"And her, Nick?" He questioned. Nick was already on the phone with Christen.

"Oh...and we're bringing a plus one. Think you can bring her up to speed the same way you did Charlotte here?" Nick asked. "Yeah...she's in need of a little rewiring."

Connor kneeled down to be at eye level with me. 

"Can you move it?" Connor asked softly.

"No," I mumbled. "Whatever wires she hit are giving me nothing all the way up to my hip. I can move my ankle, but nothing up from there."

"They have got you wired weird, haven't they?" He asked, smirking. 

"I guess so," I chuckled. 

"Always managing to get yourself into can't keep getting shot like this," He replied.

"Trust me, I know. If anything, Christen's going to get tired of me, and she'll just stop fixing me up," I smiled.

"Well, if that ever happens I will search until we find someone that will."

"That's why I love you," I smiled. Connor smiled back and walked over to the CR400. He put his handcuffs on her. "I think it's best we don't take any chances with her."

"That bitch is crazy enough to just rip through the handcuffs," Gavin mumbled. "She's fucking insane."

"Yeah, don't mention it," I sighed. 

"Alright," Nick said walking to the center of the group. "Christen is on her way to Jericho. Let's go."

Connor called the taxi, and when it arrived, he put the CR400 in the trunk, rather roughly too, and helped walk me to the car. When we arrived at Jericho, we took the familiar route to the hospital and waited in the same room where I spent a month and some change in a coma. Connor and I sat to wait while Nick went off "exploring," which I personally think is short term for "My ADHD meds are wearing off." We sat there for a moment when Markus suddenly entered.

"Oh, look who it is!" Markus said excitedly. "I have to tell you, telling me to redo that painting was absolutely brilliant. Really gave me a new outlook on art."

" problem?" I answered quietly. Markus chuckled.

"I must say though, I feel a bit offended. I haven't gotten my wedding invite yet. When is it?" Markus asked. 

I chuckled. "No, not yet."

"I two were engaged?" Markus asked.

"Whatever gave you that impression?" I responded, confused. Connor quickly stood up, taking Markus, and pushing him into the hall. 

" haven't asked yet?" Markus loudly questioned. Connor shut the door. 

Well...that was...a bit messy, wasn't it?

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