Chapter 67 - RK900

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Connor and I had (somehow) ended up on the couch. Connor moved about several times but for now, he was locked into the idea of straddling me as always. There's something particularly interesting about just spending an hour with someone. In our situation, we weren't even talking. We...couldn't...exactly. That hour though...well, it was comforting. Us. Just us...kissing. Nothing more, nothing less. Absolutely perfect.

"I quite enjoyed that," Connor said, gently touching my cheek.

"Mmm...I don't know. I don't really like chocolate," I said, smirking.

"Ugh...don't remind me," Connor said sarcastically. He slowly pulled out a piece of chocolate and bit into it. Oddly reminiscent of our first kiss with him straddling me over the couch like this.

"You're too much," I said, pushing his chest gently so that he fell to the right of me.

"Don't leave, Charlotte," Connor offered me. "We can both skip out on work today and just spend the day together."

"I can't skip out on my first day, Connor," I groaned.

"So...we're on for tomorrow then?" Connor joked.

"Wish that were true," I sighed. Connor sighed as well, and we both stood up. Connor kissed me one last time as I got in my taxi to Jericho.


I walked into Jericho, a bit unprepared for the day. I have no idea where to go. Suddenly, I saw a blonde android walking towards me.

"Hi...Charlotte?" He offered. I nodded. "Oh, I'm Simon..."

He's quite shy, isn't he?

"Nice to meet you, Simon. Are you...showing me the way?" I asked.

"Oh, yes. I am...North asked me to," Simon said. "This way."

To be so...shy and calm, he's incredibly friendly. "So I take it that you are leading the security team?" He asked softly.

"Yeah. I don't quite know my qualifications, but I'm here," I explained. I chuckled, and Simon nervously laughed at my joke. I suppose that wasn't really his speed. Simon led me to a small building near the factory. He simply gestured that I walk in. I nodded and entered the room. Inside was a small crew of people in similar uniforms, and talking to one of them was none other than North.

"Charlotte!" She said finally noticing me.

"Hello, North," I greeted.

"You ready?" She asked enthusiastically.

"For what?" I asked a bit nervous.

"For...your job?" She answered confused.

"Sorry...the phrasing made the think something bigger was happening," I explained.

"Oh, I guess it would, wouldn't it? But your job is pretty big...At least, do you feel that way?" North offered.

"Yes, of course," I answered seriously.

"Oh..." North mumbled. "Okay, well, I've been running this for about a month now. There isn't much to it. It's all about coordination. Our major issue is human hate crimes. Besides that, we rarely are having to work with android based crimes. Your job is incredibly simple. Assign androids to cases, assist in investigations...that sort of thing."

"I take it you're helping me today?" I asked.

"Yes...well, I already assigned a few of the androids to patrols. Your major concern is the detectives. We have three cases. A robbery, an assault, and a homicide," North explained.

"How would someone kill an android?" I asked confused.

"With sick creativity," North answered. "You burn the body."

"Oh," I mumbled.

"We can replace parts. We can replace entire limbs, but we can't replace the whole person. The only officer who I think the case is Connor."

"Connor? My Connor?" I asked, confused. He clearly doesn't work here. North looked confused for a moment, before recalling.

"No...the RK900. His name is Connor," She said, gesturing to the back of the room, where a very tall man stood with his back to me. He looked to be reading.

"Markus told me that they all changed their names," I explained.

"Well...he had. He just couldn't get used to it. He figured people can have the same names, which I'm not one to disagree with. He's distinctly not...your Connor," North explained. I walked towards the RK900, and before I even got there, he turned around.

"Hello, Charlotte," He said calmly. He has Connor's face and his voice...but he is distinctly not Connor. His height, first of all, is much taller than Connor's. Not to mention his entire demeanor is different. Connor can be uptight, but he's at least responsive. The RK900 is not. I can't call him Connor then. He's just not the fuck does he know my name?

"How do you know me?"

"I share the same past as the RK800. I have all of his memories, but our lives split off ever since the revolution. So I know you. I know how I felt about you, and how you felt about me."

"Excuse me?"

"I'm sorry. How you felt about Connor, and how Connor felt about you. I have to remember that I'm not him. This deviancy thing is hard," he grumbled. He definitely shares Connor's colloquialisms.

"It's not that. I just don't understand by 'felt.' Connor wasn't a deviant, and neither was I," I explained.

"Cyberlife explicitly wanted you two to be deviants. They wanted to test how successfully they could control it. You two always felt for one another. Whatever connection two was genuine. Connor has always loved you. From the moment he met you, you made him realize that perhaps he was more human than he thought...but that's beyond the point. Perhaps its best you two discuss this between yourselves. Otherwise...I presume that case file is for me?"

"Sorry...Connor...but do you have a last name?" I asked.

"Yes. It's Dechart."

Oh, Jesus Christ. How did they collectively come up with that name? I do not like this. I do not like this strange, off-kilter copy of Connor. It's not that he, himself, is any less of his own person. It's just...strange. Like they're too similar but different enough. This one...he's just not my Connor. Do the other Connors share his memory? I'm not upset...just interested.

"Fine," I remarked. "I'll call you Con. I just...can't call you Connor. So, here. Take this case file. I think you can handle it."

"Alright. I'll get started," He said, taking the file and sitting down. I walked back over to North, feeling a chill go down my spine. North and I assigned the rest of the cases, and the rest of the day was relatively boring. Save for the few calls we got about android assaults, everything was...boring. Uninteresting. On the bright side, I do like the outfit.

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