Chapter 49 - Total Recall

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Connor stayed here all night with me, just working on helping me gain control of my arms, and eventually my neck and head. Once I could, I felt amazing. I could speak more properly, and now, I could move the top half of my body. Exciting stuff, I know.

In the morning, someone new stopped by. He was a scruffy, older man, who smelled heavily of whiskey. "Connor. I heard from Nick that she's awake," The man said.

" can also see that easily right now," Connor said gesturing to me.

"Don't be a smartass," the man responded.

"At least she doesn't seem to recognize you, Lieutenant."

Lieutenant? Lieutenant Anderson? Yes...Nick told me about him.

"Didn't you..used to be...Deputy Lance's...old partner?" I asked.

"Yeah! You remember that bullshit?" Lieutenant Anderson said.

"She doesn't remember me," Connor answered sadly.

"I'm sure she doesn't remember a lot about me," The Lieutenant answered.

"Aren't you...called...Hank? And aren't you"

Connor buried his face in his hands. I felt...sorry. Sad, actually. Seeing him depressed like this, it makes me empathize with him. I don't want him to hurt.

"Connor," I said, sitting up. I outstretched my arm, just to gently touch his shoulder. He took his hands down, and put them at his side before turning around and looking at me.

"It's fine. I'll be fine," he said calmly.

"Connor, she doesn't remember the bars or anything. She doesn't remember my dog. She doesn't remember anything besides for the stuff Nick told her," Hank told him. Connor looked to me for approval.

"He's right," I said softly. That's true...I only remember the things I heard the Deputy tell me. Connor sighed in relief.

"I'm sorry, Hank. I'm...overwhelmed," Connor answered.

"I get it, kid. Shits new. I just came to tell you that whenever you feel ready to come back to work...I've got a surprise for you."

"Come back to work?" Connor asked. "Androids aren't being hired."

"I might've pulled a few strings for you, and that might be half of the surprise. on that," Hank said, leaving very quickly.

Connor smiled a bit. "That's strangely nice of the Lieutenant," he said, calmly. "He's not the type to come up to Jericho."

"I' Jericho?" I asked.

Connor turned around to me. "Yes. You didn't know that?" He asked, confused.

"No...I figured...well...I'm not sure what I figured," I answered.

"I see," he said. "A lot has happened here. We moved here after..."

He stopped himself. "Maybe I'm not the best person to explain Jericho."

As if on cue, a young man walked in with Doctor Lance.

"Hello, Charlotte. Doctor Lance tells me that you're finally a deviant," he said, calmly.

"Markus, she may not remember you. At least...not for a few days," the Doctor explained.

"Oh. Sorry," the man who must be Markus responded. He walked over to my left side calmly. He kneeled down so that he was at my eye level.

"I'm Markus. I led the android revolution," he explained, taking my hand. "And you, well...Connor and I tried to turn you deviant. Do you remember that?"

"No," I answered softly. "I can't remember most of my life."

"That's okay. Just know that the whole reason that you're that you did something amazing," he near whispered. He let go of my hand and stood up. "When you're ready, Charlotte, come find me. I have some things to explain to you."

With that...he walked off. Doctor Lance walked over to me, appearing firm and ready to work.

"Okay. So listen up you two. I want Charlotte at my house for Christmas dinner, and that's that. For that, she's going to have to be able to walk, and I think we can do that today," Christen announced. Connor turned to her confused.

"Are you sure? She's just now able to use her arms."

"I'm positive," the Doctor answered. "But you'll have to help me, Connor."

The Doctor hoisted my left arm and shoulder over her right side and grabbed the right side of my waist. She simply yanked me out of the bed, and I fell to the ground near instantly.

"You'll hurt her!" Connor yelled, racing around the bed. The Doctor simply turned to him.

"Oh. Right," he said.

He helped my up, hoisting my right side over his right shoulder.

"Sorry to be a bit brash there, but I was hoping some sort of mechanism would kick in there," the Doctor said taking my left side. " do you remember the feeling at all?"

"It's just one...foot in...front of the... other, right?" I asked.

"That's a pretty good way of looking at it," the Doctor answered. "It's a bit more complex than that, but so long as we nail this...I think you can leave soon."

"Okay...I'm have this, Christen," I said softly, still stumbling over pronunciation.

"Not to be dark, but I'm kind of used to this," she said.

Oh. Right. Margot. Moving on...

I bent my right knee, and placed the foot in front. I slowly bent my left, and placed it in front. Christen and Connor kept me stable as I did so.

"See? Just a pattern," Christen said. After about an hour, I had gotten it down, and Christen and Connor let go of me. After a few falls here and there, I was fine.

"Running will be a bit more...awful, but you seem to have it down," Christen said. "But do you know what you haven't done yet?"

"What?" I asked confused.

She gestured to the door leaving out of the hospital room. "Why don't you and Connor go for a walk outside?" She asked.

Oh...the outside. Connor nodded and opened the door. We walked out and I finally got a full view of the hospital. Well...not entirely full. This whole area is a long hallway with large rooms off to each side.

Connor looked to the left, where at the end of the hall, there was a door, but to the right there was a set of stairs, and a door at the top. Connor led me to the right, and we opened the door. I was immediately hit by bright light and brisk air.

The snow was cold on my feet, and the sun was shockingly bright. I spent so long looking up, that I forgot to look down. I looked at eye level and there I saw it...


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