Chapter 95 - A Proposal For Deputy Lance

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Thankfully, Connor had taken over a majority of the things already. All that was left were a couple of knick knacks and to say goodbye to Nick. I waited in the taxi for Nick to come out, holding close to me a well organized box full of tiny things. Nick came out of the house with a small box as well. He sat down next to me in the taxi and the car started off.

"So...I got this for you. Today seemed like it'll be a good day for you...and I wanted you to have a memory of that," Nick said, handing me the box.

I opened up the box and inside was my old police badge...small, and framed with a plaque next to it reading "For Deputy Officer Charlotte Lance, with Honors."

"Thank you...thank you so much, Nick," I said, leaning over and hugging him. Words couldn't describe the warm feeling in my chest.

"That's not the only thing in there, Charlotte," Nick said, chuckling.

I opened it up, and sure as hell, Nick had given me a necklace. One with two bolts on it at that.

"Love you, Bolts," Nick said.

"Did you just give me...a dad joke necklace?" I asked confused.

Nick shot finger guns at me and winked.

"Oh my God, I can't believe you. are awful," I facepalmed as Nick cackled.

"But, I suppose it's a good way to tell you," Nick sighed. "I think I want Gavin to move in after you leave."

" guys are so on and off again."

Nick shrugged. "I'm tired of being on and off again. I think I'm ready to settle down," Nick admitted.

"Well...I'm excited for you, Nick. No matter what," I answered. 

"Plus an empty home is a little too much for a police officer. I get scared when I hear the fridge in the middle of the night," Nick shuddered.

"But you lived there for so long, didn't you? All by yourself?"

"Not too long. My parents moved away when the economy fell apart and it wasn't but a few years until Christen moved in. That sounds like a long time but honestly, my late twenties are a blur."


"Too focused on Hank, honestly. He always had so much going on in his life. Always. Even when he was married, it was never ending things. I think he even really had his son as a way of fixing things with his wife...but never the less...he loved him more than anything."

"I figured. At least the way Connor has talked about it."

"Jesus, Hank took to Connor like a son. I could never be that for him, so I'm glad Connor stepped in," Nick sighed.

"Why not? Why couldn't you be what Hank needed?" I questioned confused.

"Good question, Charlotte. You would think after my parents decided that me helping Christen was too much to keep the family together, I would need that father figure. Honestly, though, Hank just broke my trust. Too much. I couldn't trust him with a badge, let alone my life. That just wasn't going to fly."

I nodded. "I think it's for the best though, isn't it?"

"Always is," Nick sighed. "Always is."

We pulled up to the address Connor had given me, and little did I know that it was a tall skyscraper in city center.

"Jeez. Were here already," Nick said, hopping out of the car quickly. I got out, carrying my small boxes. Nick was already standing by the door when I approached.

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