Chapter 12: Tea Time

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*gasp* what if you got TWO chapters today? Second chapter will be posted in about 4 hours!

-Andrea Elk


I opened my eyes and returned to the kitchen to finish my tea.

I entertained Christen with my nonsense for sometime until Deputy Lance came home at around 1am.

"Ah my...two one favorite...two women in my life talking," he joked.

"Thanks for implying that I'm not even vaguely important in your life, Nick," Christen said, hugging Deputy Lance.

"On the bright side, I don't have syphilis," He joked. "On the other hand, I will be deflecting the emotional trauma of this situation for months."

"You know, Nick, you don't have to go back to work tomorrow."

"I am still working on that 'never miss a day' thing," Deputy Lance answered. "And I've got bolts here, and she's an impatient little program."

"I told you not to call them that, Nick."

"And I told you that it's a pet name. It's friendly," he answered.

"Don't care. It's mean."

"Listen, Christen. I'm tired and Charlotte will probably be up early knocking on the door. So...I should go to bed," he said, heading up the stairs. "Why don't you stay the night, Charlotte? It's way too late for you to head to the station."

"I'll be fine," I said, heading for the door.

"No, c'mon," Christen said. "Bus stopped running anyway. Stay. Entire downstairs is yours. You can go outside too. I'll put you in the security system."

Christen quickly took out her phone, and stared at me.

"Serial number?" She asked.

Oh. Right. I'm not in uniform.

"# 313 248 318 - 22"


Registering to Nicholas Michael Lance's Home Security System...


"Connected?" Christen asked.

"Yes," I answered

"Great," She responded. "My bedroom is here on the first floor. Come find me if you need anything."

I nodded and she left. About an hour passed until I felt a connection. Something coming through.

"Charlotte," I heard. It was coming through the LED communications.

"Connor?" I responded.

"Yes. I'm outside of the Deputy's home."


"We need to talk," he answered. I stood up, opened the door with my security bypass, and unsurprisingly, Connor was standing at the end of the walkway.

'"Connor. What do you need to talk to me about?"

"I've had a very...eventful day. In complete honesty, however, you've been a highlight of it."

"As you have been to mine."

"You've less time than I have, and yet you've taught me things."

"Have I?"

"Like...fear...and understanding. And...forgiveness. I don't really know how you did, but you did."

"Thank you, Connor."

"Thank you...Charlotte. I'm sorry for bothering you. Hopefully...I'll see you tomorrow."

"If you don't...come see me. Like you did tonight."

"Something about this. It feels...wrong. Something about this doesn't mean well. I don't know if I'll see you again...I'm getting the feeling that I should avoid you," he said, suddenly stepping away.

"I...understand, Connor. If you decide otherwise though, I'll be here."

"Of course," he said. "Thank you for your time."

He walked off, and checked back once.

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