Chapter 51 - Midnight Starlight

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"Connor!" I yelled. I began to chase after him, but...I've just barely begun to walk. I near immediately tripped over my own legs.

"Connor! I remember!" I called out after him. Connor had already turned the corner. The snow was wet, and it's a bit difficult to pull yourself up like this. I pushed myself into a push-up, and tried forcing my way up. Unsurprisingly, my legs collapsed under me.

No one was walking around, as its the middle of the night, but I'm hoping security might wander by because the feeling of snow pressing into your body is nice...when you want it.'s pretty awful. Is this what deviancy is?

Lucky for me, Connor meant a moment. "Charlotte!" He yelled. I heard his footsteps in the snow. He slowly helped lift me up.

"I shouldn't have left you," He said, touching my cheek gently. A bit of snow fell off.

"'s my fault," I explained. He continued to brush the snow out of my hair and off my clothes. "I chased after you. I was trying to tell you...that I remember."

"What?" He asked, his eyes widened. He froze and just stared.

"I remember you," I answered. I hugged him tightly. "Thank you."

"No...thank you," Connor answered. " saved me."

"Pfft. That doesn't matter," I explained. "You saved me. Call it even."

Connor smiled. "You remember. You remember me," He said chuckling. "Finally."

He signed and sat down next to me in the snow. He took a deep breath. His hair had begun to fall into his face, so he pushed it back gently.

"Everything? You remember everything?" He asked.

"There are some plot holes here and there...but you? You, I remember."

"I can't believe I'm actually this happy about you remembering me. I never thought I was the type," he said sighing.

"I never thought I was the type to be deviant and I am," I said, calmly. Connor sighed w.hile giving me a soft smile

"I'm really glad you're deviant," He said. "Because otherwise...nothing I do would make sense to you. That's something I really valued. Us making sense to each other."

"You could read me like a book. Even while you were deviant."

"But it wasn't the other way around. Not for that time where we were separated."

"Connor, we were together the whole time before I...shut down."

"We were. But we were separated. I was looking at you through my new freedom while you were still stuck. I've never wanted to save someone more. I wanted to help you so bad," Connor said calmly.

"You did. Here I am and Deviant!" I announced. Connor smiled.

"I like how cheery you are. No wonder you and Deputy Lance get along so well," Connor remarked.

"Well, that was before I was deviant," I explained. Connor rolled his eyes.

"Are you kidding me? Deputy Lance would kill for you. No matter which side you're on. You would do the same."

"Yeah...I would. Has he been irritating Jericho?" I asked.

"Not more than he's irritated Lieutenant Anderson, but Anderson will get used to him."

"You should go to work, Connor," I said calmly.

"I have more important things to worry about right now," He said looking at me.

"You're going to worry about me for the next million years. Might as well have something to do," I answered.

He smirked. "I see your point. For now, though, you're stuck with me. I have nowhere to be except here."

"Here is pretty good."

Connor stared at me for a second. "There are a lot of things I noticed about you that I didn't think about until I was deviant," Connor explained.

"Like what?" I asked.

"The way your bangs sometimes barely cover up your eyes, but when you blink, your eyelashes gently push it out of the way."

"Is that what your minds been on?"

"I know. It's a really small detail, but I love it. It makes me remember just how gentle you are. Or the way your tie is way too short...but you never fix it," he explained.

I looked down, and sure enough, my tie only went down about 3/4s down my blouse. My pants are high waisted, so I don't look overwhelmingly stupid...but sure enough.


Connor chuckled. "How could I not love that?"

I couldn't help but laugh. Connor looked at me.

"I've never really heard you laugh before," He said simply. "It's cute."

"You too," I answered without even thinking about it. I quickly felt embarrassed.

"Sorry, sorry-" I began.

"Don't apologize," Connor said. "You know, Charlotte, it's been a month. I had a lot of time to think, and I thought a lot about you."

"I thought a lot about you," I responded. Connor took a moment.

"There's been something, in particular, I've wanted to do since I turned deviant. It just...didn't feel right," He said softly.

"You just needed the right moment."

"This is the right moment."

"It is."

Connor immediately leaned forward and kissed me.

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