Chapter 73 - Dead Silence

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"I have missed you," Nick said pulling up to Jericho. "And you get to keep the bomber jacket!"

"Maybe I'll be like you and wear the same thing every day," I said, climbing into the backseat. Kyle sat directly next to me, and Gavin in the passenger seat in front of me. 

"Or, maybe you'll eventually become your own human being and stop using me as your foil."

"What the fuck?" Gavin asked, confused.

"It's an English class reference. You know, the characters in a similar situation to one of the main characters who serves the purpose only to show a different possible reaction. In Connor's case, I show how he could have reacted to his affection for Charlotte. You see, I was hidden and recluse towards you, while Connor was open and responsive. In Charlotte's case, I show how she could deal with her emotions. I deflect, and hold them and bottle them, while Charlotte at least attempts to process them and will question them."

"I still do not get it," Gavin said shaking his head.

"It's too meta anyway," Nick answered shrugging. Kyle seemed to be a bit tired so, he curled up on my lap. 

"How is it so early in the day, yet Kyle is so tired?" I asked, confused.

"He's a growing boy!" Nick asserted angrily.

"Have you guys been busy?" I asked, concerned. 

"No, not really," Gavin answered. "We made a welfare check, but that's about it."

"Well, I am ready for excitement," I said, cheering a bit. Nick turned to me. 

"I do not like excitement when I'm on patrols. Oh, yes, a 10-55. Chasing down a drunk driver. Fucking perfect," Nick sighed. 

"Hey, not every job has to be like that," I said, waving my finger. 

"Lance, come through," The dispatch suddenly called. Nick sighed and grabbed the mic. 

"Lance responding in. What do you have for me now, Sandra?" Nick responded, in such a swift voice, you would think it was sultry.

"Lance, we have a 10-56A, at 500 Griswold. Use sirens," The dispatcher replied. Nick immediately kicked the car into drive and began speeding, with the sirens and lights going.

"En route," Gavin, said picking up the microphone. If my servers are correct, then this is a suicide attempt at The Guardian Building. As we arrived, I grabbed Kyle, and Nick jumped out of the car rapidly, while Gavin and I followed. We could see clearly, someone standing at the very top floor, and there was already a crowd of police. Pushing through, I could see the distinct LED of an android in the crowd. 

"Connor!" I yelled running over to him. I could hear Nick actively sigh and follow me. 

"Markus must've heard quick," he said seriously. I looked at him confused. 


"It's an android. So he sent over his best man," Connor sighed. "Why are you here, Charlotte? I'm the investigator on site."

He's so...harsh.

"Connor. I quit my job at Jericho," I explained. Connor's LED flashed red. "I'm working with Nick now."

"Oh. Well. Still applies. I don't know why this place is crawling with people. I just need to figure this out," Connor said, sighing. Hank suddenly appeared, having pushed through the crowd of officers. 

"Son, they're ready for you," Hank responded. Connor's LED turned solid red, and he froze for half a second, before just turning to me. 

"Charlotte," he mumbled. He shook his head disappointed. "I...can't do this."

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused. Hank looked even more confused than me. 

"Connor, this is what you were made for."

"And I don't have a great track record with it," Connor explained sighing. 

Scanning memories...

Scanning Connor's memories...

August. Last August. Connor...he jumped off a roof, sacrificing himself, to save a little girl who had been taken hostage by her deviant android. Knowing now what he knows, Connor has probably been wrecked a bit by the entire situation. He has no confidence regarding it. Like it was traumatic for him. I turned around to Nick, who was standing, now interested in the conversation.

Nick stepped forward, between Hank and I. "You don't have to," Nick explained. "I'm trained. I can handle it."

Nick sighed deeply shaking himself up.

"No. No way in hell," Hank told him.

"Why not?" Nick questioned. 

"Because you can't save everyone, and you want to," Hank answered.

"I do. But that's what gives me leverage here," Nick explained. Gavin simply stood a bit surprised.

"Wait. North and Christen told me those self-destructing androids were able to be repaired. There cannot be that much at stake."

"Self-immolation," Connor explained sighing. "He's already covered himself in gasoline. He has the lighter in his pocket. He's just throwing himself off the building for good measure."

"An android without a body is effectively dead," Nick explained, sighing.

"Just...adding to my panic," Connor said turning to me. 

"Listen...I'll do this. one follows me. Except for you, Charlotte."

Gavin threw up his arms in defeat. "Don't get me wrong here, but I'm your partner. Not this thing."

"Shut up, Gavin," Nick sighed. For once in his life, his serious tone was vaguely threatening. Hiding something, even. "This has nothing to do with you, or me, or us, or anyone. This has everything to do with this being my best friend, who happens to be an android, and know a shit ton about androids. A fucking fling doesn't beat that out, I'm sorry."

"A fling?" Gavin argued back. 

"We will talk about this later. In the meantime, stop being a shit head, take the dog, and wait. Wait like everyone else will. You don't see Connor freaking the fuck out."

"He doesn't want to be there," Gavin responded.

"Take the damn dog, Gavin," Nick ordered him. "Conversation over." 

Gavin took Kyle from my arms, as Nick pushed the crowd into the building. I looked at Connor who was pacing while flipping his coin. Hank was trying to console him but to no avail. I readied myself to deal with whatever this mood is that Nick is in. I pushed through the crowd, following him. Nick was waiting for the elevator when I caught up to him. The building had been evacuated and was dead silent on the inside. No noise, no sound. Just the tapping of Nick's foot as he waited.

Something about this situation was speaking to Nick. I'm not saying this situation isn't highly emotional, but it was even taking Nick beyond his limit. Nick is emotional, but he can hide it to some degree. Now though, it seems like he's stuck in this awkward in between. Nick sighed as he pressed the button for the elevator. 

He stepped inside and looked at me. "Let's do this shit, Bolts."

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