Chapter 78 - The Reaction

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I need to pull myself together. All of the elements of this situation are bringing me down and overwhelming. At a certain point, you have to realize sulking won't bring you back to whatever point used to make you happy. Jesus Christ, Charlotte. Since when have you ever been the bitchy, whiny types? I guess since this morning, but it's against the point...

I can't go to the precinct today. I just can't. That would absolutely wreck me. It's not really Nick or Gavin (not that I think they're doing particularly well, anyway), but it's just the act of doing my job. Just being Charlotte right now is torture. Despite what Connor said, I still feel bad. Better, but still pretty damn bad. Oh, god. I'm just saying bullshit now. I walked out of my room and sat down on the sofa, pulling my knees onto my chest. I...guess I only really like the news?

Scrolling through the television channels, I pass through a vintage channel playing Law and Order. Yeah, crime dramas aren't really my thing right now. I scroll again spotting a strange animation television show. Okay...back to the news. I sighed and watched the television until I heard the garage door open. In walked Nick with our precious child, Kyle. Of course, our child is a dog, but nevertheless, our beautiful baby.

"Oh. You're okay," Nick said, sighing deeply. "You went off in the wrong direction, so I was going to give you until midnight before I filed a missing person's report."

He placed Kyle down on the ground, but Kyle immediately pawed at Nick's leg. "No! You need to be independent," Nick whispered but nevertheless scolded. Nick strolled towards the kitchen and reached into the freezer.

"Can we please name that dog something else?" I begged.

"Officer Kyle?" Nick responded shrugging.

"So...we're keeping Kyle, as the name," I sighed.

"Absolutely," Nick answered smirking. Nick climbed onto the sofa and winked at me. He handed me an entire pint of ice cream and a spoon, while opening up his own pint.

"This is quite what I imagined cracking open a cold one to be. Don't teenage girls do this on breakups?" I asked, digging a spoon into the pint. Nick gave me a serious glance.

"Oh. Didn't last long with Gavin, eh?" I asked, nervously.

"You could call it a short break," Nick said shrugging.

"Nick, you had one argument," I said shooting him a serious glance.

"Yes, and I'm a perfectionist," Nick sighed. "But I see your point, and I raise you a 'short break.'"

"I see your 'short break' and raise you a 'this is Nick Lance we're talking about'," I explained, smirking. Nick sighed.

"Okay. I know I'm trash. Relationships are just easier not to have," he answered, giving me a shrug, and absolutely tearing into the pint.

"Yeah...they're not meant to be perfect all the time."

"Says the android," Nick said, rolling his eyes.

"Do you really think Connor and I are perfect?" I asked sassily.

"Well...just him," Nick said smirking. I gave him a quick glance. "I doubt you two have had serious disagreement."

"I suppose you're right. But perfect? I don't know about perfect..."

"So, tell me Charlotte. Why can you accept your relationship not being perfect, but not yourself?" Nick asked.

"Okay. This is not about me. It's about-"

"No. It's about both of us. Well...all of us. Connor, Gavin, me, you, and Kyle."

"Kyle?" I asked confused.

"He's in everything because he's perfect and a great moderator!" Nick announced.

"Sure..." I answered, a bit confused.

"Anyway, Charlotte. Accept this lack of perfection you're faced with."

"Says the person who is a self admitted perfectionist," I scoffed.

"Oh. I think you have a point," Nick sighed.

"I think you might," I sighed too. We both dug our spoons into our respective pints.

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