Chapter 26: Generic

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We walked upstairs where we saw Fiona on the floor of Margot's room. She was playing house with Margot. Fiona turned around. "Christen, you know she'll turn on me," Fiona said, frustrated.

"Trust me, this one is a good one," Christen answered. Fiona seemed disappointed in the answer, but nevertheless accepted it.

"Fiona, you know I need to check up on you," Christen said. Fiona chuckled.

"Yep, Doc."

Christen kneeled down with her laptop and took out the USB cord. On Fiona, the USB port wasn't obscured by skin, but rather her hair. Fiona has rather long hair, so it perfectly hides the port, located at the base of her neck.

Margot crawled over to Christen and hugged her. Christen giggled before tickling her young daughter, who quickly collapsed into a pile of laughter. Christen plugged the USB into Fiona, and assessed the code that she saw, before unplugging Fiona.

"You're doing great, Fiona. Let me know if anything weird starts happening, Christen said, before turning back to Margot.

"You wanna go to the park, Margot?" Christen asked happily.

"Yeah!" Margot cheered.

"Do you want to come, Fiona?" She asked. Fiona nodded. Christen turned to me.

"Park?" She offered.

"No...I'm fine," I answered.

"To each their own," She answered shrugging. She picked up Margot and Fiona followed her downstairs. I heard the door close, and decided to investigate. I first headed into Deputy Lance's room. Opening up the door, I heard the noise of an alarm going off. It's an alarm that plays a song, too. I walked over to it, stepping over piles of clothes, to turn it off.


Take Care of U by TWRP

Hmm...what an interesting song choice. Especially to wake up to. The song isn't particularly upbeat, but I suppose Nick must enjoy it. I turned the alarm off, and checked the room for anything particularly interesting.

Nick's closet is filled with clothes of a distinctly similar style. Many black t-shirts, many pairs of jeans, and various colored jackets. He also has a collection of CD's in his closet. Besides for TWRP, I also see various other bands of similar caliber. He has very specific tastes, apparently. The same type of clothes, the same type of music...

I step over more clothes to make it to his desk where he has a particularly old computer. A 2029 year Avionics Pro. I turned it on, and typed in the password "Margot." The computer logged on, and I see various files on his computer. All of them are either work related or video games. Otherwise, he is rather neat about his internet websites.

The first site open on his desktop is the Detroit Police Blotter, and the second site is a dating site. I'm more interested in the latter.

Nick Lance
Detroit, Michigan
Age: 34
Race: White
Hair: Blonde, curly
Eyes: Blue-green
Never married
Interested in: Men

Hey there! I'm a Detroit Police Officer, living on Detroit's West Side. I love kids, dogs, and talking over coffee. I like good music, and a sense of humor, so if you do too, send me a message!

Wow. Good job at being generic, Deputy. I logged off of his computer, and left his room, but decided to head back to Margot's room and look at Christen's computer. She seems to have many files from Cyberlife. Most of her programs, actually, are from Cyberlife. The program she used to help me, and check up on Fiona is a 6 month old version of the Cyberlife Robotic Statistics Program. I suppose that's when Christen was fired. I also see her divorce files. Are those...too personal?

She divorced a man named Zachary Salingser about 7 months ago, which according to her was a request that Fiona made. She must've left or been fired from Cyberlife shortly after she discovered Fiona's deviancy. According to the divorce files, Zacahary became emotionally absent, and started having chains of affairs, 2 years ago, after Margot got into the accident.

I feel a bit wrong searching through her personal files, but I don't feel awful. I stood up after closing the files, and walked downstairs to explore a bit more.

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