Chapter 8: Twenty One Percent

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"I'm sorry this has to go like this," Lance said, with his back turned. It's 8pm, and I'm swapping clothing with this blonde Traci.

"Be like what, Deputy Lance?" I asked, as I gave her my jacket.

"You...becoming...a sex robot. It's degrading," he responded.

"It's necessary for the mission," I answered. I slipped on the heels and stood up. I touched my LED, and changed my hair color to a bright pink, and tied it back.

"Okay, Deputy. Take me to the case," I said. He nodded and we left, locking the Traci in the room. I entered the glass case and the Deputy closed the glass.

"See you in an hour," he whispered.

"See you," I responded.

I have to follow the animation cycles of the other androids exactly, at a different timing, though. My only real concern is someone trying to rent me. Stay focused...

Stay. Focused. No suspicious movements, not even someone renting out androids.

Wait...that blue haired Traci, she's not returning to her case with anyone. And she's walking rather she...a deviant?

And now a group of guys talking together, and going upstairs? They're not renting anyone out. They're the dealers...

I can't see Lance. I need to get out. Damn it. This case is locked. I can't get out. I can't get to the Deputy...

I'll just have to wait. The chance of's going down. This is...not good. I can't fail my mission.

I just have to wait. 15 minutes, and no sign of Lance. Maybe he saw them too. Maybe he's handling it. I do see the place is filling up with cops. He's handling it...that's why.


Success rate...21%

This is not looking good. I can analyze 3 billion scenarios every second, and I cannot identify a possible solution, that doesn't involve anything short of a miracle.

Patience. Patience, Charlotte. You can't break cover. Another 15 minutes. No sign of Lance but...more cops.

"This way, Lieutenant! She went this way!" I heard a familiar voice yell. Connor burst into the room, followed by the Lieutenant.

"Rent this one," he told him, pointing to an AX400 turned sex doll. The Lieutenant paid for the android, and Connor turned the skin on his hand off as it stepped off the case.

He's probing their memories! He's looking for someone...

"No. This one didn't see anything," he told him

Connor! Connor can let me out! Please...notice me.

Connor looked around the set of androids.

"This one," he said pointing to me. "She would've seen the entrance and the exit."

The Lieutenant nodded and paid the fee. The door opened up, and as Connor went to probe my memories, I used my LED to message him.

"Connor. It's me Charlotte," I messaged. "I'm undercover."

Connor squinted at me with confusion. "Have you seen a blue haired Traci?" He messaged back.

"Yes! She ran to the right. Thank you for letting me out," I answered.

"Yes. Thank you," Connor responded outloud. He looked me up and down quickly before running off.

"What the fuck was that, Connor?" The Lieutenant yelled as he chased him.

I looked around the room. If I head to the office, I can probably fight my way out...but the Deputy might be found out. If I find the Deputy first, I save his chance, and but I risk this opportunity. Who am I kidding? I need the Deputy. I paced myself as I searched the rooms, until I saw him in the Red room looking at an android. "So...this one? Is she...realistic?" He asked.

"This is the last question. Yes. Now are you going to rent her?" The worker answered.

"I there another I can look at?" The Deputy answered.

"I can't find my room," I announced. The Deputy looked at me, and so did the worker.

"Jesus Christ. These things are always glitching," the worker said as he walked over to me. "Self sustaining my ass."

The Deputy followed. "I'll take this one," he said as he grabbed my arm.

"Whatever," the frustrated worker said turning around. Lance and I entered the room with the android wearing my clothes. He turned around as we switched clothes again.

"What did you see?" He asked.

"The office. They do dealings in the office," I answered. I changed my hair back to brown.

"Let's go then," Lance said, walking towards the door.

"Yep," I said catching up to him.

We walked to the back of the building where we saw the office. "Cover me," he said, taking out his gun. He handed me it, and took another out of his ankle holster and held it.

He kicked open the door. "Detroit PD!" He yelled.

We barged in on...three red ice compromising positions with androids.

" god. You...are so...under arrest," Lance said. "I'll give you all possession...if you give me eye bleach...and your supplier."

Two of them pointed to the guy in the middle. "Oh, c'mon dude!" Lance yelled. "Ever heard don't mix business with pleasure?"

Lance turned to me. "Go get some backup, Charlotte," he said, taking out his handcuffs.

I turned around and chased down some of the remaining patrolmen and told them to come to the room. On my way back...I heard a gunshot.

I placed my finger on the trigger and ran to the room. As soon as I walked in the room, I saw Lance. His face covered in blood, as he sat in pure shock. It wasn't his own...but one of the men.

"He tried to take my gun...I thought he was going for me...but he wanted it for himself," Lance said, shaking.

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