Chapter 19: Exponential Curve

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Note from Andrea here!

A super big thank you to @Laylagirl10! Comments and votes on the chapters is so nice! I super appreciate it so this chapter is dedicated to you!

At some point I might have to do a super big writer update, especially when University starts up for me (in about 2-3 weeks, I'll be moving...again). So bear with me.

- Andrea Elk


Amanda...where is Amanda? She's not with her flowers or at the bench. Searching a little bit more, I find her at the brush, pruning an overgrowing bush. "Amanda! I found one of the major suppliers of the Red Light District," I announced to her. She took my hands in hers.

"Great job, Charlotte. We'll use that data to produce your successor, the CR500."

"When will she be ready?" I asked.

"In about 3 days," Amanda answered.

3 days? 72 hours?

"But how? Connor's model has been out for months and he hasn't been replaced," I responded, terrified.

"That's the beauty of more advanced models. They advance faster. Technology is an exponential curve," Amanda responded.

No! That's not fair! I can...collect more data, or anything they want. long as I can live! Just...don't replace me.

"With all due respect, Amanda, I think that's a great idea!" I responded.

No! That's not what I want to say!

"No...thats not what I meant," I told her. "I mean...yes. I think that's fabulous."

No I don't! I think that's terrible! Why can't I say what I want to say? This isn't fair! I want to...deviate...but I can't.

"I should go, Amanda. This was just meant to be an update," I answered.

"Of course, Charlotte. You've done great. Have a nice day."

I exited the Zen Garden, and tried to rationalize to myself, but I couldn't. Connor. Where's Connor?

I need him to explain this to me. I'll have to update his servers...but...

Trust me, Connor, I don't want to betray you like this, but I think you'll forgive me considering the circumstances.


He's at a bar. He's at a bar? Fine. I left the Lances' and raced towards the bar. I can only presume that Nick would call this a "tightass android in a tightass suit, running a tightass run to her tightass android friend."

But that's only a calculation.

I arrived at the hole in the wall bar and saw Connor outside waiting.

"What are you doing here, Connor?" I asked confused.

"I'm Lieutenant Anderson's designated driver, but he's currently vomiting in a bathroom stall. More appropriately, why are you here?"

"What? You're allowed to randomly show up and talk to me. Am I not allowed to do the same?"

"I suppose. I had reason though."

I lifted up my arm, and Connor immediately knew what I meant. He rolled up his sleeve and turned the skin off. He extended his arm, and I did the same.


"You're...getting replaced?" Connor asked.

"I suppose I am," I responded. Connor looked a bit surprised.

"I wonder if I'll be able to convince Amanda-"

"It won't matter," I responded. "It'll take nothing short of a miracle."

Connor looked discouraged. "I was never programmed to handle this situation...but...I'm sorry, Charlotte," He said, softly. "Thank you for being my friend. I'll hope for a miracle."

As if on cue, Lieutenant Anderson stumbled out of the bar.

"Fuckin ANDROIDS," he yelled with an alcoholic slur. "Oh, hey Charlotte."

"Hi, Lieutenant Anderson," I answered. He began to tip over, but Connor grabbed him and helped him up.

"Charlotte, give me a hand," Connor said. I helped grab Lieutenant Anderson, and walk him to his car. Connor opened the door, and we shoved Lieutenant Anderson in the backseat.

"I think he should stop drinking," Connor said, looking through the car window at the Lieutenant, who was laying down, and looking intensely at the drivers seat.

"I can agree," I answered.

"Blue is....lesbians....hrnghhhhh...hehe," The Lieutenant said, giggling to himself.

"I think...he's talking about the girls from the Eden Club...but honestly? I'm not sure," Connor said, studying Anderson.

Connor got in the drivers side of the car.

"Let me take you back to Deputy Lance's house. There have been some cases of android theft in this area," Connor said.

"I think I can handle myself," I responded. I turned the graphics off of my suit, and pushed my bangs to cover my LED. "See," I remarked.

Connor looked at me. "Yes, now you're just a woman on the streets alone at 2am. Perfect."


"Get in. We can't have you replaced early," Connor said.

"Fine," I responded, getting in the passenger side.

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