Chapter 21: Honey and Mint

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I walked back inside, and waited until about 5am, when Christen walked out.

"Oh my God, you're here," she said shocked. "God damn."

"What's wrong, Christen?"

"I wasn't exactly running around when you guys came home, I guess. Just wasn't expecting you," she said yawning. She had on a set of pajamas, and began making tea.

"Could I help you with anything, Christen?" I offered.

"No...just come here and have a cup when it's ready."

I stood up and walked towards her, and the tea pot soon began to whistle. She poured a cup of it and handed it to me. I sipped it.


Honey Mint Tea.

It's cooling, and not so much soothing as awakening. It makes me...happy. "I like this tea a lot, Christen," I explained.

"I didn't even need to ask this time," Christen said sipping her own cup.

"Well...I was prepared this time," I answered sipping my tea again.

"Sure, whatever you need to tell yourself," Christen responded.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing, nothing," Christen said.

Lucky for her, I couldn't really ask anything more since Deputy Lance came running down the stairs at such a speed it looked like he might even fall.

"I just took a shower in ICE COLD WATER!" He announced.

"And why in the living hell did you do that?" Christen asked.

"Because I have a metric shit ton of paper work to do!" He said, swinging himself around the corner. He automatically poured himself a cup of tea before instantly dumping it.

"NO!" He yelled. "That! That will make me sleepy!"

"Can you please stop yelling?" Christen begged.

"No! Because I need an espresso! Like FOUR. At LEAST."

" god?" Christen said, incredibly confused.

"With that said, can you take Margot to school? I have got SHIT upon SHIT to do!"

"I have always been willing to take her to school."

He ran towards the door and ducked out. "Thank you, sis! See ya later!" He yelled before running off.

"And...he forgot me," I said, before taking another sip of my tea. Christen shrugged before Nick burst in the door again.

"You!" He yelled pointing at me. "I fucking uh...yeah! I need you."

I nodded and headed towards the door.

"Bye Christen!" He yelled closing the door. He jumped in the car and leaned over the passenger seat quickly to pop open the door for me.

The moment we arrived at the station, Lance sat down and began rapidly typing out his paperwork, but it wasn't soon before he had slowed to a meager pace, and his eye lids got heavy.

"Deputy Lance, I can work on some of your paperwork. I don't get tired, as you know."

"I don't..." Nick began before yawning. "Shoot. I don't think I can let you do that."

"There are no regulations from the Detroit Police Department preventing me from doing your paperwork."

"With all due respect, Charlotte, I don't think they had time to create regulations about you."

"Still means there is no rule against it."

He sighed. "You got me there. Here. Have your fill," he said standing up from his desk. I moved around the desk and sat down at his desk.

"I'm going to go get some coffee, Bolts," The very sleepy Nick Lance said, before walking off.

I got to work for several hours until Deputy Lance suddenly tapped on my shoulder.

"Holy shit...look at the television," he said. I turned around to see an android with his skin removed.

"You created androids in your image, to serve you..."

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